Green Lantern Posters and more

Last time I checked in on Green Lantern we got a much better look at Parallax. This week we’re switching sides and getting a better look at “the good guys” with character posters that feature Kilowag, Sinestro, and Tomar-Re.

Granted, the Tomar-Re poster is a little older than the others but still goes a long way in helping to define the look of the corps in my head. I think Kilowag looks pretty cool but I still cannot accept the art direction of the characters and costumes. For the life of me I really want to like this movie but my gut tells me when I don’t like something and I just don’t like the look of the corps. My problem is mostly with the costume design, but a few other things irk me as well. I like how the costumes seemingly reflect individual aspects of those wearing the rings as Sinestro’s uniform has decisively more organized “Spider-Man web” on his costume as opposed to ruff and gruff texture to Kilowag’s uniform. I may not be alone with my regard to some of the effects as it seems Warner Bros. has decided to influx some more cash into this movie in order to meet deadlines.

Source: Cinemablend

The heavily CGI special effects in Green Lantern have been an issue for the production from the very beginning, when the news broke that the entire Green Lantern costume would be CGI, and had a big impact on the film’s first trailer, which featured effects so shoddy the studio eventually apologized. Now with Green Lantern less than two months away from its June 17 release date, the studio is sending another $9 million to the production to get the effects just right.

Don’t fret, this is actually quite common in movie production as I’m sure Marvel and Michael Bay are taking similar steps with their summer tentpoles. I truly believe Warner Bros is in a much more unique position as the Green Lantern movie is capable of either inspiring more great DC movies, or instilling fear in the viewers in their ability to create good summer super hero movies. I really want this movie to do well but we’ll see how things turn out when we finally see this one released.

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