Star Trek Review

Thanks for checking out our Star Trek Review. If you’d like to see the video version of our Star Trek review you can see it at the bottom of the written version below.

For years now I’ve been saying that Star Trek is a dead franchise. And it was. I’ve also been saying that the only way to revive a dead franchise it to do something different. Change things. Essentially what I’ve been saying for years is that they’ve needed to reboot or re-imagine Star Trek and open it up to the non-traditional fans. Then, J.J. Abrams announced they were doing just that… I had hope. Then, I heard they were going to use the old “time travel” story device, and I lost some hope. Still, the trailers have looked good so there was promise.

So off I went to see Star Trek the other night. Did it revive the dead franchise? HELL YES!!!!!! This might be the best movie of the year so far.


The basic synopsis for Star Trek looks something like this: “From the first scene, the Star Trek universe as we knew it has changed forever. Kirk is now an angry wayward young man looking for trouble. He fights with Starfleet cadets in Iowa when a Capt. Pike takes an interest in him, finding out he’s the only “genius level repeat offender in the Midwest”. Pike dares Kirk to join Starfleet, goading him with the legacy of his father. A young Spock is tortured over his mixed heritage, the emotions he fights to control and the very different paths he has before him. He must choose between the Vulcan world which will never accept him as anything other than ‘half human’ and Starfleet Academy, worlds away from everything he has ever known.

We meet Dr ‘Bones’ McCoy and a young linguist Uhura at the Academy and watch as a headstrong Kirk wreaks havoc on Starfleet’s rules and regulations. Kirk’s antics culminate in his reprogramming the famous Kobayashi Maru test and consequent disciplinary hearing. He comes face to face with the scenario creator, Mr. Spock. As this unfolds; a vicious Romulan from the future is hell bent on vengeance upon ‘Ambassador’ Spock and nothing will get in his way. The fleet is called to arms as peril aims at the heart of the Federation and Kirk and Spock are irrevocably pulled together to save the galaxy – for the first time”.


J.J. Abrams along Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (also the same guys who wrote Transformers) came up with a MASTERFUL way of bridging the old Star Trek with the new one. A way of saying this is the “same” Star Trek, while at the same time giving it total free license to go in it’s own direction and not be held captive to the old traditional Star Trek canon. It is so simple and yet so effective. You never once felt like you were watching a different Star Trek, and at the same time didn’t feel like you were watching the same old one. Beautifully done, and the entire success of the film hinged on it… and it did it exceedingly well.

They NAILED all the characters. Scotty was Scotty. Karl Urban absolutely nailed Dr. Bones McCoy. Zachary Quinto was born to play Spock. Even Ben Cross as Spock’s father Sarek was damn pin point on target. They all not only got the CHARACTER of these fictional people right, they hit home runs with their nuances and mannerisms as well that made it all feel like home.

The only actor who did not nail the nuances and mannerisms of their character was Chris Pine playing James T. Kirk… and that’sa GOOD thing. Had Pine tried to act like William Shatner’s Kirk, it would have come off like he was playing Shatner playing Kirk. You know what I mean? The decision to embody the character of Kirk without also embodying the mannerisms was very very very wise. It would have been complete distracting and they avoided that brilliantly.

The action/adventure of the film is fantastic. Don’t get me wrong… the space battles aren’t as good as the one in Return of the Jedi or anything like that, but it was all beautifully done, very exciting, very intense and over all very effective. Even the hand to hand action was pretty solid (not fantastic, but solid).

One of the unique things that this Star Trek did very well was make it a story about friendship. The bonding of Kirk and Spock is as much a main story line as the invading Romulan from the future. That could have been cheesy, but instead it felt epic.

The movie is funny… so funny in places that I’m almost tempted to classify Star Trek as a Sci Fi/Comedy movie. They did such a great job of using a balance of fresh humor and humor based on winks to the old Star Trek that you were laughing and reminiscing at the same time. Bones was the funniest character to me, and I know I’ll get laughed at for this… but I think Karl Urban should be in early consideration for Best Supporting Actor. No, I’m serious. Watch the job he does in this movie. This was NOT an easy character to play and sell to the audience, but Urban did it brilliantly.


What would a Star Trek movie be without some things here and there that made no sense? For me, I never bought into the bad guy’s (Eric Bana) motivation. His motivation for doing everything he was doing should have been fleshed out a bit more, because the explanation they give in the movie was unsatisfying to me. I can’t go into it too much without giving away spoilers, but all I could think the whole time was “ummm… he doesn’t actually blame them does he???”. Anyway, you’ll see what I mean.

Speaking of Nero (the bad guy), as much as I love Eric Bana, I found him to be a pretty useless villain and a pretty forgettable one at that. He really doesn’t have much screen time (which is ok since the movie really wanted to use the screen time to re-introduce us to the legendary crew of the Enterprise).

There was almost TOO MUCH action. Sometimes I felt like “did we really need to turn this simple scene into an action scene of some sorts? Scotty and Kirk beam somewhere… and instead of just arriving and moving on with the story, they had to throw in some useless, non story related “action” sequence. Not a huge gripe, but it was a flaw. It’s almost like when it came to action, they were trying just a little bit too hard.


They did what they had to do. They reinvented Star Trek while paying homage to and honoring the original and they passed the test with flying warp speed colors. This isn’t just a good movie… this isn’t just a good remake… this isn’t just a good sci-fi movie. This is a brilliant and entertaining movie PERIOD. I loved this film. A few minor flaws here and there that could have been easily corrected, but that’s just nit picking. Star Trek is back folks! Live long and prosper! Overall I give Star Trek a 9 out of 10. I had my doubts… but they were thankfully put to rest.


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136 thoughts on “Star Trek Review

  1. Liked the movie a lot. But one problem this is a star fleet and they dont have a special ops team to beam onto the other ship except the captain and the 1st mate. come on now.

  2. Hi just saw something in the movie that’s stuck in the back of my mind and wonder if anyone else have seen this, kirks mother i think is also sporks mother !!!! tell me if i am wrong…

  3. i had seen the star trek movie and was pleasantly surprised on how well the movie was. the movie had inside jokes to those who have seen the movies original series. the green woman, dr. mcCoys famous line, and so fort.

    i am just wondering how they will further explain the series of this movie to re-align with the original series story line or if this movie series will make its own story arc.

    any solution or outcome and i will be in line waiting to see it.

  4. Space Wars, because this is not Star Trek, was a good “Die Hard” in space. It was a good movie, but short of having a ship named Enterprise, it has very little to do with Star Trek. I cant understand why some Idiot “Artsy” director needs to re-envision something that has been so written about by it’s creator. If you are doing to kill off main characters and destroy planets that exist in EVERY SINGLE movie and TV show, then dont call it Star Trek, because it is not. If you are going to do an Alternate Reality movie, then fix it at the end like EVERY Star Trek has ALWAYS done. Paramount promised when they started this project that it would be a Star Trek, but instead gave some moron the keys and he just decided to make it some Die Hard, Star Wars, Star Trek hybrid. While you are killing main Star Trek characters, kill off Spock or Kirk and have a real Alternate Reality movie. If you are going to go to the extreme of putting down your vision and rewrite something that was good already, then don’t call it Star Trek. That way, you wont have to pay all the licensing fees and copyright fees that go along with it. Now, you have to pay all the extra fees and all you did was use a few names and a ship, and are stuck paying millions to use a name that you ruined. Good luck fixing it for the next movie douche, I hope it fails as miserably as you pathetic attempt to be Gene Roddenberry. You suck!

  5. Star Trek works as a light action movie but as a sci-fi movie it lack any intellectual depth that the TV shows or movies had (as cheesy and dated as they are now). For that reason it doesn’t deserve a 9 out of 10. And 8 maybe but a 7 would be more appropriate.

    Characters were the best part of this movie. Well acted and memorable particular Bones. I hope they tone down Chekov’s accent and don’t have Sulu doing unnecessary acrobatics that have nothing to do with his fencing training. Uhura unfortunately has little to do but be the love interest. Does nobody know how to write a relevant female role that isn’t tied to a man? Nero was a generic villain.

    The plot has some pretty obvious contrivances. How random was it for Kirk to not only land on the same planet but also run into “you know who” who just happens to have the means to defeat Nero.

    Also the transporter technology was used way too often and in the most overly powerful ways that it makes it hard to wonder what it can’t do. Another lazy crutch to move the plot forward.

    Nero is about to kill Kirk but ooh some distraction occurs. The next Romulan is about to kill him but decides to brag instead. How cliche, lazy and predictable was that?

    There was some bad science in here but that was something I could ignore somewhat.

    Watchmen may have been confusing but there was an intellectual depth to it. Something which there is none of in Star Trek but that’s ok but hopefully the sequel will be somewhat thought provoking.

  6. Just to follow up on a previous statement that Watchmen was better. The cruel nature and naked dude of the Watchmen kept the masses from relating to it. Yea it was an awesome movie, I loved the fight scenes, it’s production was a perfect, but better? It’s totally aimed a different direction. The aim of the new Star Trek movie was to bring in new fans and it did. With Watchman being a one shot deal there is no hope for the future. Thats something I get from Star Trek.

    Talking about Trek I was a little concerned that so many critical comments from hardcore fans might keep someone from going to see it. It didn’t. The numbers are in and the movie is doing well.

    Here’s my positives.
    Chris Pines was perfect. He did what no one else could and made it look easy. He made the masses care about Kirk. He made himself an instant star. Karl Urban was perfect. Bruce Greenwood was the leader and teacher we all wish we had. The cast was great. We cared about them.
    The action was exciting and the humor was just right. The scenes with McCoy chasing Kirk giving him shots was fun.
    The opening back story was emotional and as Kirk made each new relationship it was satisfying.
    I especially liked the lonely motorcycle scene. Out on the country road looking at the ship construction. It captured someone on the outside of looking in. Wanting to be a part of something bigger.
    The movie brought Star Trek back to the masses and gives it a future.

    Here’s my negatives.
    The engine room. A location shoot in a factory? Must have been a cost savings idea. If the cost savings got the movie out then ok but if it was some idiots idea of good enough then not acceptable.
    Kirk as a kid saying his name seemed staged. Should have practiced how to make it seem more natural.
    I think everyone would have loved a scene of them launching the ship from the ground.
    Since we are sort of in an alternate time line with Vulcun being blown up etc. etc. why didn’t they put Shatner in some place. I heard JJ. had written a small hologram scene for Shatner. I would have liked a brief cameo at the end. He could have walked up to old Spock and said, Did it work? Spock replies, yes.
    Kirk smiles and says, see I told you it would work! Then they walk off together.
    The ship is ok but nacelles too close together makes ship long and narrow. Wanted to see more ships. How about the Archer Enterprize as a museum?
    That would have been cool.

    Very happy Star Trek was relaunched successfully. Now I have more movies to look forward too!!

  7. Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
    1) Stay on topic
    2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
    3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.
    i just have to say that im a SERIOUS star trek fan and i thought this movie was sub-par…The WATHMEN was a FAAAAR superior movie.
    the story line was NOTHING that hasn’t already been done.Spock was given dumb lines that felt out of place and contrived (Ahura and he should have gotten a room–what the hell???). Dr. mcCoy was
    awful- talk about trying to hard!!

  8. Great review John! I also liked the movie a lot.

    Have you read the comics that show Nero’s motivation? I have read it before going to see the movie and it added much more to Nero’s character. I agree with you, without the comics’ backstory, Nero is pretty bland.

    BTW reading the comics before watching the movie does not spoil the storyline, if any of you plan to read it.

  9. I am 41 and have never seen a Star Trek movie nor sat through a t.v. episode of S.T. With this being said I think the movie was geared toward the masses and not to the Trekkes. I respect the action and the some of the new characters, but the story line in some of the movie was lost. There was more info needed between Kirk and Spoke on the ice planet and the beginning of the movie. Comments from “1138” summed it up pretty well. Overall I would rate this movie a C.

  10. I fucking LOVED this movie. I’m with you John there a few little nit picks for me but none of them got in the way of the joy that is Star Trek.

    I’ve grown up with this franchise and have missed it. JJ and crew brought it back. And make no mistake, this was Star Trek, not Star Wars with a different name. Trek has always had moments that have moved me and this film boldly occupies that space once again.

  11. Also –


    In the comic it reveals that red matter is created on Vulcan by scientists before Nero nicks it. If that’s true then by destroying Vulcan the chain of events means he wont be able to travel back and destroy it. Paradox baby!

  12. I agree with Mr S in that you shouldnt have to rely on outside material to aid the film but it saddened me that after reading the prequel comics I was telling my friends how excited I was to see the film with a legitimately fleshed out villain only to have him turn out so souless on screen. Nero was a man who put his trust in original timeline Spock and felt he was betrayed which made his vendetta wholly more interesting. He didnt just wake up an angry mining ship captain lusting for revenge.

    I realise it would have been impossible to fit any more story in but tbh I would have much prefered to have the first act of the film in the ‘current’ timeline, showing the failier of the Federation to save Romulous and then suddenly cut back in time to show the repercussions of what happened. But this was a fun film and it didn’t follow on in tone from the intro comics which were fairly downbeat.

    Plus I loved the opening sequence anyway. But for anyone bitching about Nero’s two dimensionality just know it was there but they didnt bother to put it in.

  13. For all the people who are worried about the continuity with this Trek Universe and the original Rodenberry universe…I don’t know, but really who cares. The Trek Universe had horrible continuity anyway. Just give me a fresh reboot with no strings attached.

    BSG did a wonderful job rebooting a franchise fresh with barely a connection to the past (They did have Richard Hatch on for a totally different character) and did a masterful job. Smart stories, great new characters and just great reinterpretation.

    This Trek sucked. This was no BSG, or Batman Begins or James Bond Casino Royale. This reboot sucked. And I really really really wanted to like this movie.

    Let me start by saying the cast was wonderful…Karl Urban was great as McCoy, Simon Pegg was great as Scotty, as was the Zoe, Quinto and the rest of the cast. What sucked was the direction, story, dialogue, and production design. These actors were wasted as far as I am concerned.

    Can anyone tell me why the Enterprise looked so futuristic, i.e bridge, certain hallways, and the rest of the ship looked a Brewery? Are they making beer?? It looked like the Guiness Brewery I went to in Ireland last year. Did they run out of money? And where was everyone? Does no one work the engineering section except Scotty?

    Why did Eric Bana and his boys talk like a bunch of surfer dudes? Was the dialogue written by Keanau Reeves? Why are they speaking english so well…awfully educated for lowly miners. Couldn’t they just speak Romulan a little bit and then switch to english like they did in “Hunt for Red October”? Why is a miner driving a ship loaded with so much weaponry? Did he attack worlds on his spare time? I thought he was into an honest living?

    Why didn’t Kirk, Sulu and Crewman Olson burn up in the atmosphere? Or at least show some friction on re-entry. Is there no atmosphere on Vulcan? Yet they breath on the planet. They were entering the atmosphere weren’t they? If you try to introduce reality elements into your movie, like no sound in space when the crewmen got sucked out of the Kelvin, then stick to that. Don’t do something sound and then throw it out the door when you find it convenient.

    What the hell is red matter???…and please don’t tell me to read the comic book. If you make a movie it should be self contained and if you introduce a plot device please explain it…film class 101.

    And why did Spock put Kirk on a space pod and eject him onto a ice world where he might possibly die???? Why not drug him up and put him in the brigg? And if you are going to shoot him down to the planet couldn’t you at least do him the favor of shooting it closer to the outpost? And couldn’t you at least alert the outpost they were on the way? Scotty and the little alien thought they Spock and Kirk were food transport!

    And the alien that went after Kirk…chased away by a torch??? Come on??? The monster was such a mean baddie that it was afraid of a itty itty fire???

    Also why is Uhura and Spock making out? Hey I have no problem with making that happen. If Spock wants some and Uhura who is hot is willing to offer why not? But the making out scene seemed so out of character. Spock is half human and half Vulcan…trapped Btwn 2 worlds right?…he has to resolve that conflict right? Yet he acts like a total human right from the get go, by making out with her every chance he gets? There is no conflict because he has already excepted his human side.

    There were plenty of funny scenes but when they tried to hit some serious moments the dialogue was so bad. When Kirk’s dad was about to die the dialogue was so bad btwn him and his wife. I’m sorry but that was either poorly written or just bad acting. It was cut way better in the trailer. No dialogue what’s so ever.

    I could on but I can’t. I think this movie will do well. People enjoyed it because it was fast paced and humorous. I hope it does well. But I really wished I enjoyed the ride. Forget about it being a Trek film, it was just a lousy poor expensive piece of movie making. Long Live Michael Bay! Oh, uh um, I mean JJ Abrams.

  14. I am a life long Trekkie and this movie was TRIPE! By pushing aside the old Trek canon, the director is basically saying he doesn’t care at all about what makes Trek Trek, so why did he make the movie? I guess George Lucas wasn’t hiring. Any REAL trekkie that was brought up with the humanism and warmth of the real Trek should, and will be appalled by this garbage. The director has shit on my childhood dreams. Star Trek means a lot to me, and now I have to watch the world embrace this trash? Give me a break people, pay attention!!

  15. Okay..I just saw this movie. It wasn’t as good as showering with your sister…but it FUCKING ROCKED.

    I agree with you John 100% on everything you said. Nero’s motivation needed more explaining…something seemed off about it…the action every 5 minutes didn’t bother me though. I loved it. I do agree with a previous poster here that old Spock explainging the plot through a meld was lame.

    What bothers me the most about this film is when someone looses their home. You know who and what I’m talking about. It felt WRONG for that to be destroyed. Scientifically unless the guy watching it up in the sky was in the same solar system, it wouldn’t have made any scientific sense that he would have been able to SEE it happen. They needed to explain the SCIENCE behind things more. It made me sad and I was hoping Nero would fuck something up at the end and the time-line would be partially corrected. But it wasn’t.

    It’s also a shame that they got the science of black holes wrong (as we know it). They were treating them more like worm holes and not gravity wells. But..what do we know? We can only make theories about them since we can’t observe them yet.

    I have to say…It felt so good to see the ships going into and out of warp differently than they have in every other Star Trek movie/series. It also was awesome that the phasers were different. Even though it’s sci fi…it felt more realistic. Like they were actually WARPING space-time..and not just flying faster than light…

    I’m going ASAP to see this again. The green bitch was hot too..

    1. Note the two types of singularity. One was the big wormhole back to pre-trek earth from future Romulus. The second is the micro singularity that destroys the Vulcan home world. They are supposed to be mutually exclusive.

      Good news for fans is that from September on this year we get to find out which is the right science when scientists create about half a million micro black holes a week on current projections. Hopefully Trek 12 comes out real soon.

  16. Saw the film earlier today, and I have to say that I agree with virtually everything you said in your review, John. Indeed, each of the characters were perfectly cast, most notably Quinto as Spock and Urban as Bones.

    The action was also – especially for a Star Trek film – very impressive. Ships aren’t just staring at one another, waiting for somebody to fire the next shot. Here, they’re swooping past eachother, and diving under chunks of ship debris; it’s just a ton of fun to watch.

    This is not only my second favorite film of the year so far (with Coraline still sitting firmly at the #1 spot), but one of the finest science fiction movies I’ve ever seen.

  17. I just got back from watching Star Trek and I can’t figure out what the big thing they did to bridge the old and new Star Treks. I think I know what it could be but I’m not sure how it would work. Can you explain it? I’m a little lost.

  18. Brilliant how they explained why Captain Kirk was no longer the educated gentleman that Shatner portrayed and instead a rebellious kid who caused trouble and picked fights. The first was raised by his father, the second was not.

    My only concern is how Nero waits 25 years for Spock to arrive and him and his crew look like they waited 25 minutes. I guess he didn’t need a haircut but still, what a patient, patient being!


  19. My God, I swear I danced out of the theatre today. Not since the first time I saw the end of ‘Casino Royale’ where Bond says his famous line and the theme music blasts out over the end credits have I been this elated. It was the exact same feeling:-

    “…To boldly go where no-one has gone before”
    Doooooo DOOOOOOOOOOOOO do do do do doooooooooooooooo

    Star Trek is alive again and it feels wonderful. The film wasn’t my pefect idea of a Trek film but I don’t feel I can criticize it for that. I like to have the quiet, subtle moments in between the action. This film didn’t have time to be subtle and I don’t blame it either. It did exactly what it needed to do to make Trek viable again.

    That five minute segment where Kirk gets banished to the ice planet Hoth was the only problem I had with the movie. Not so much the ice beasts either but just the fact that Spock basically says

    “Oh, you need to know the plot? Okey dokey, meld with me”

    Exposition and coincidence like that is just lazy writing. I also thought that Karl Urban seemed to practically vanish from the film by the third act. The next one needs much more Bones.

    But they nailed the casting and the cast nailed the characters. The reason the original cast got to six films (still an incredible achievement for any franchise) was because we loved spending time with them and I got the same feeling with these guys. You see the makings of a family here and I can only hope they reach six films too.

    I’ll be there every time.

    1. Phil, I actually watched it last night at my Trekkie pal’s birthday party after a hearty round of beer pong:)

      I WEPT at the end. Oh man, that was some sad SAD shit. Now I get why I heard my dad let out a sob when old Spock said “I have been, and shall always be, your friend”.


    2. Personally, I think you need to watch Search for Spock and a voyage home. Those three (starting with WOK) is just a great trilogy. I liked voyage home the best but WOK definitely was a solid movie. Search for Spock wasn’t anything wonderful but it bridges the other two.

  20. And I just wanted to add after seeing it again that the music in this flick is great. That music that blasts when you first see the Enterprise is the best.

    BTW, that shot got a MASSIVE round of applause in my theater today. My dad, an avowed Trekkie, got misty-eyed just at the sight of the ship:)

  21. Am I the only person who could not stand Chekov? I found his acting terrible and his accent seemed to be forced and not authentic. Did anyone else have this problem?

    1. I must admit that his Russian accent was annoying and way overdone. My friend Vlad who is a Russian immigrant, thought it wasn’t insulting..well maybe just a little, found it really annoying.

  22. Read your review days ago, just watched the video review. I also have to note. Did you notice the little joke again that they did, about red shirted crew members getting into accidents and not lasting long?

  23. Totally agree with your review, both the good & bad. This was a great movie with a weak villain. (And as far as nationality, you were totally luvin’ on Urban. Isn’t he a Kiwi?) For me the highlights of this movie were the humor and Chris Pine’s performance. He owns pre-Shat Kirk.

  24. Chris, the original actors, never played the characters this early in their lives… they needed to be younger.

    By the time Nimoy & Shattner hit the big screen with Trek Motion Picture, those characters had been in Star Fleet for like 10-15 years…so we got with the start up Trek was spot on for the ages to fit the original story line….

    1. Ya I had a bit of a discuss with some friends about this and I do agree with you. But in generally, except for Captain Pike, everyone that you see on these ships were pretty young. I would have liked to see some older actors on the ship. I don’t think that it destroyed the movie, its just a personal thing.

  25. Regarding the use of the Beastie Boys song and its apparent unsuitability…considering that all attempts to fashion ‘contemporary’ music for films set in the future are abject failures (even the best attempt, ‘Blade Runner’ is wonky), it makes sense to really, really go back into the past, as they did here.

    *stares at screen, realizing he’s debating such a silly point*


  26. I have a SPOILER question for the more hardened Trekkies here.

    Why are Trekkies so up in arms about Spock hooking up with Uhura? I thought that scene in the elevator was BEAUTIFUL, and the later scene where Kirk finds out that Uhura is spoken for was perhaps the biggest laugh in the movie. Why is this a huge problem? Is Spock not allowed to get some?

    1. Hey Kristina – it goes back to how we met the original Spock. By then he had a fairly good lid on his emotions so such a relationship seemed impossible unless he was under some external influence.

      For myself, I had no problem with what the movie did. It was an interesting new element.

      Plus there is some precedent from the original material ie The Cage/Menagerie we see a Spock with less than perfect emotional control ie he raises his voice under stress and is seen smiling in one planetside scene.

      Can you tell I grew up with this stuff? ;)

    2. heheheee okay.

      Some folks just can’t accept that this is a DIFFERENT Trek. Nitpicking every fucking thing. I’m glad I wasn’t a Trekkie before so I could just enjoy the damn thing:)

    3. I myself find myself torn with this New emotional Spock. I think the character does work, its just the idea of Emotional Vulcans. Certainly in the later series and even The Next Generation had episodes dealing with Vulcan emotions, they remained very well hidden. I think they should push Spock more towards having less emotions since it created a great dynamic between Spock and Captain Kirk.

    4. But he’s half-human, which means he should have some emotion. Clearly in the original series, he has emotion. He feels quite deeply for Kirk. I saw that episode where he thinks he killed Kirk, but when Kirk reveals himself to be ok, Spock smiles and cries out “JIM!” with joy. If he’s allowed to get angry or happy and fans have no problem with it, why can’t he feel love? He loved his mother, what’s so bad about him loving a woman?

  27. o and while i found myseld wondering why the beastie boys would be playing that far into the future, i got to admit….i thought it kicked ass. the music just captured the “joyride feel” to me. its like if i was kirk thats what i would do.

    1. I thought it should have been a new song by a new artist myself. But for fans of the Beasties, it might be a good thing. In spite of the alt timeline, some events in Trek haven’t changed, including a “World War III” and/or The Eugenics Wars (unless they are one the same).

      Thus, in two centuries of trouble and turmoil, The Beastie Boys survive like Strauss, Handel, and Bach. Now that’s Roddenberry optimism for ya!

  28. see i find myself confused. i LOVED this film. flat out better then watchmen(and thats saying alot because i waited for watchmen forever,snuck into it but i paid im not old enough, and loved watchmen) but this film was much better to me.

    i never saw a single episode of star trek, or any of the i enjoyed this movie, as a movie not a remake. i thought it was fantastic but the fans are saying it wasnt that good.

    but for what its worth the non-fans do like this movie. im proof. best movie this year. so far.

  29. Darren J Seeley:

    Wow dude are yo just too serious a Trekkie or what…It’s been reinvented, and is better than ever. Face it old Trek except for Khan, sucked. I’ve see all the original 60’s episodes at least twice, this movie was spot on, no one could have done better….

    1. The Voyage Home didn’t suck.
      Search For Spock didn’t suck
      Undiscovered Country didn’t suck.
      First Contact didn’t suck.
      I thought Nemesis was alright, despite its problems.

      No, I don’t consider myself a serious Trekkie. I once went to a Sci-Fi convention with some friends in 1998 (Novi,MI). I did not dress up, nor did they. I know a pure Trekkie was in front of me in a crowd when he, in Trek Uniform, asked John DeLancie a pure Trekkie question, in which I frowned, slid down in my chair, and wanted to hide.

      By the way, did I say that the new movie sucked?
      No, I didn’t. I still don’t.

      I didn’t think the film was “great”, But I didn’t think it was horrible. In fact, I’m changing my opinion slightly regarding Chris Pine. Because truthfully, the alt timeline realistically changes the character’s behaviors to some degree. Thus “Captain Kirk” has qualities of the old, but he is also a “new” character.

      It still doesn’t change to a 3 of 5 for me though.

  30. Take it easy on critical reviews. There is a lot at stake here. We need people to go to the theaters to keep Star Trek alive. Some non-trek people will read us nit picking details and think the movie is not worth seeing. Believe me it is worth seeing.

    I just saw it and it was great!! It was fresh, fun and exciting!! non-trek people will see it as perfect! Sure as a old fan I thought of things that could have been different. Of places where an old actor could have been fitted in. The message made me think about Star Trek.

    I had a guy with me who never saw Star Trek before(yes they exist) He loved it. He is now thinking about Star Trek. I bet he will now go back to see the shows and movies. That is the real impact of this movie.

    Look at the big picture. We need this film to be successful so tell everyone to go see this movie!! Get your friends to go!! Take your relatives!! Try to find a date and take her to see it!! (unless your married I guess..then you better take your wife) Then see it again!! They will all have a good time and be thinking and spreading the Star Trek word.

  31. I agree with you on Nero. I also felt like older Spock overstayed his welcome for a bit. I was like ”Ok cool, you served your purpose, now stop hanging around”.

    I was never a Trek fan, but I LOVED this film so much!

  32. I have to confess I agree with almost all the negatives Mr. Seeley lists…

    …just as I have to confess I gave it a 9/10.

    That’s not 9/10 on the ‘Greatness’ scale; it’s 9/10 on my personal ‘Enjoyment’ scale. Big difference…and no, this ain’t semantical gymnastics. There’s often a huge difference between a film’s subjective ‘greatness’, and how much you enjoy it.

    I was quite enchanted by ‘Star Trek’, and its shortcomings (even in their abundance) didn’t reduce this effect one iota.

  33. There is some nice comments here, but I’m surprised no one is talking about the fact they used younger actors for these roles. Having seen the movie and agreeing it totally rocked, I wonder if anyone feels that they should have picked some older actors like in the original series. Even though I enjoyed the characters, I feel they lost a bit of distinction that an older actor brings. Does anyone else feel that way?

  34. Okay. Here’s where I say that everyone who commented above me, hands down, across the board, have seen a good film but not a great one.

    Let me start with what I do agree with:

    1] Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy. I thought this was perfect casting. It’s probably the best role he’s ever been in. Maybe the best film he’s been in overall.

    2] The effects are wild and crazy.

    3] I liked the fact that Uhura was a major/semi-major character in this. I liked Zoe in the part as well.

    4] The plot points of loss and how characters deal with that loss, be it revenge, rebelling, inner pain or all the above, both hero and villain. In fact, one major surprise , and the demise of minor yet important characters avoids the Wolverine problem- these characters can be in danger.

    5] The opening was dramatic and touching.

    6] Bruce Greenwood

    Like I said, it’s a good movie.
    Like I said, it isn’t great.

    Here’s my negatives:

    1] The young preteen Kirk joyriding. UGH. Hey, I like The Beastie Boys too, but come on, it’s the 23rd century!

    2] Zack Quinto as Spock and/or anything that has do with young Spock. The bullies (yawn), Spock being a hothead all the time (this gets old fast) Spock being jealous (?) over Kirk beating the classic “test” he designed for cadets.

    3] The bad guy Nero. Sure, he could wait 20 some years for the ultimate weapon; but what was he doing in those 20 years? Waiting? If Nero really wanted to be a bad guy, he’d zap out the Federation, The Klingons, Vulcans, and anyone that got in the way. Did he or he not take care of business in the opening reel?
    “Read the comic book” I’m hearing. “Read this, read that” Piss off. Seriously. I come to see A MOVIE. I should not have to read a comic book, a prequel book or play a video game to know what characters are talking about and what is going on.

    Not to mention Nero’s own actions make little sense whatsoever. Not what he does mind you, but what still happens 140 years in the future. So he waits 22 years to get the weapon. He still has 100 years to stop something from happening. Now, since he does what he does, the very result could be that such a device might never happen. Will Spock be motivated to help build it? Improve it? What if he never makes it all due to what Nero has done?

    4] The Kobiashi Maru./Kirk/Chris Pine
    It was better when we didn’t see how Kirk beat it in Wrath Of Khan. Granted, due to the timeline change, he has less patience with the sim, and probably more cocky. But… it’s too cocky. It’s too arrogant. I understand circumstances are different. I get that. But I wound up not liking this character.

    5] Some action has to take place every five minutes. I don’t mind having a pace, but I felt like I was watching that left out…something. Oh I know what it is. My breath. Get this: two characters isolated on a planet. Another two character get stranded there, independent of one another. Man eating monsters to and fro. Snow and ice all around. Nice place to have a Federation outpost. All too coincidental. Not really a bad thing, but GUESS WHO is there and then GUESS WHO is also there and then a true miracle worker is ALSO there!

    6] Scotty’s swimming lesson was lame.

    7] Simon Pegg was lame.

    8] Pavel Chekov, (who shouldn’t really be there anyway, altered timeline or no altered timeline) is lame.

    9] The Enterprise is mostly composed of cadets and/or recent Starfleet grads on the bridge itself. I can understand Spock under Pike’s command. But Pavel Chekov is 19. Young Sulu is “filling in”….

    The more I think about it, the more I’m disappointed. I liked Star Trek Nemesis better than this film. That’s saying a lot. That’s saying a ton. It is also by far not the best “TOS” movie either. Does it have more action than Wrath Of Khan? Yes. But Nero can’t hold a candle to Khan (even with Ceti V eels)

    But don’t….
    please don’t misread me.
    I didn’t hate the film. In fact, for all those “negatives” I had? The good for me outweighed the bad. Is it the best film I seen so far this year?

    But that’s not saying a lot either. So far the year’s been kind of drab.

    Star Trek
    3 stars out of 5 for me.

    1. I have a funny feeling my feelings will lean towards yours Darren. I’ve got about 7 hours to go before I am there. I can’t have any preconceived notions about this film but I’ve seen so much to have an impression and it is not a good one. I am not going to see this movie as a Trek film but as a movie pure and simple. And I hope it ends up for me being a good movie at that.

    2. Darren I just saw it and for the most part I agree with your review…where we differ, I would give it 2 out 5 stars not 3 out of 5. I really, really really wanted to like this film but I just could not. For all the bad points you just wrote and more that come to my mind…all these things out weighed the movie for me. It was a huge disappointment after reading all the fab reviews on TMB as well as other sites. I thought it was such a poorly written movie filled with jokes that were more skits than humor in a movie. I could go on but maybe some other time when I am in a better mood.

  35. I got what i expected from the creators of the best tv-show ever(If anyone wonder i am talking about LOST). Great movie, and the best Star Trek-movie

  36. This was a great movie. My wife, who “gets” Star Trek (even though she isn’t a huge fan) absoluely loved this movie.

    The casting was letter perfect – and more importantly, they had great chemistry together. I hope that for sequels, they can keep this cast together.

    I agree with John that Nero’s motivations didn’t match his ruthlessness. When the movie was over, I was wondering what Nero was really upset about and what his plan was. But, like other posters have mentioned, this movie is to introduce the characters – the great villian will be in the next one.

    And I went in thinking this movie was about Kirk’s origins (and it was), but this movie is all about Spock – who turns out to be quite the man of action in this.

  37. Bad Robot! JJ…you are the man. It was amazing and going back to IMAX on Monday…..And as a tech myself….the lens flares were PERFECT! Made the reality of the Star Trek Universe come to life. Sure there will be some who will nit-pick alot of either the designs or some of the story, but the acting was spot on with a perfect cast. The SLUSHO reference was great and drew a cheer for those of us who know! This has set the bar, much like “Iron Man ” did last Summer…..Hard to beat!

  38. Saw it Thursday night. It is FUN!

    The new cast rocks!

    Glad to see you came around John on how the movie combined the original version with this new one.

    The biggest complaint upfront being posted here before was the use of this story telling device – yet it is done beautifully and for fully justifiable reasons. Preserve the old and let the new voyages have a clean slate.

    Bring on the sequel!

    Star Trek Lives!

  39. I saw an advanced screening last night as well…best movie i’ve ever seen. I actually had tears in my eyes at the end cause it was just so amazing.


    Saw this last night. Absolutely agree with John’s review. This movie was flat out amazing. Best movie of the year for me.
    I’m glad though John that you discussed some of the movie’s weak points. I thought that Nero really didn’t have much cause to blame Spock or anyone else for the destruction of his planet, but maybe that’s explained in greater detail in the comic. I think Bana did a fantastic job with what he had, I don’t have any complaints about the villain, just his motivations.
    Also, when the Narada gets to Earth, where is the rest of Starfleet? Are we supposed to assume that they all waited in the Laurentian system while Earth is being threatened, and where are the planetary defenses? And I won’t mention what it is, but something MAJOR happens that completely changes the Star Trek universe, and I don’t believe the movie really addresses the significance of the loss. But all in all, my favorite movie so far this year, and maybe the best Star Trek movie of all time.

    1. Destruction via quantum singularity is something we get to see first hand from some time October onwards this year. CERN in France will create a black hole per second (quantum singularity). At some 31.5 million seconds over a year the earth shouldn’t last much more than the twenty seconds or so from the get go.

    2. The movie does not address that loss *entirely* for the following reasons:

      1) Nero’s intentions of more death and destruction are more immediate; Nero has already destroyed several ships past and present;

      2) Romulus has at least 100 years to evacuate. If a device is created sooner then this new “timeline” could be erased, or the old one splitting off into another dimension/alternate universe. More to the point, let’s say the device is made, and it is too late in saving Romulus. In this altered timeline Nero cannot blame the Vulcans and/or Spock. For now, Nero would know that Spock “knows loss” and thus could change his mind about plans for revenge, even if the two ships still went into the black (worm) hole. In fact, he has an additional 22 years to think about it…and another 100 to save Romulus with said device! (That’s why the character and his motivations are lame, aside from the possible that Spock could have very well come out of the other side sooner or later)

      3)In the alternate timeline “Future” Ambassador Spock (not the original timeline Spock) finds Nero before Romulus goes bye bye. Should he kill him, knowing how many countless lives will be saved, or, should he have him reassigned to a smaller ship?

      4) The loss could be further reflected on in Star Trek 12.

      However…the following questions (as “we” know them) are also raised:

      1) The weapon in question was invented to save/preserve life and not intended as a weapon. Knowing that it could be used, in the wrong hands, for massive destruction, how would this effect the “future” Genesis Project?

      2) Would there me more “restrictions” or ethical questions regarding time travel, be it to save Dr.McCoy from madness and let Edith Keeler get run over or save the humpback whales?

      and the list goes on.

  41. Saw it last night. For months I was worried it might suck. I was wrong. Thank goodness! It was great. I’m so glad I was so wrong about this movie. It was a ton of fun and still very Star Trek. I want more asap!

  42. I really enjoyed the movie. One thing i think that might be overlooked is the sound editing. The sounds of the phasers, photon torpedoes, and the rest of the arsenal just sounded way more bad ass compared to what had been used on previous films and just added to the fun.

  43. Great review John. Just saw it myself and it was fucking fantastic. I really liked Chris Pine’s performance. He had a great presence I thought.

    I also personally agree with you on the villains motives not really adding up. But then again you and me are rational. There are a lot of crazy people in our society today who love to place blame on government or a people for example even though its not really there fault… Guess Nero was one of those nuts for the romulans. So when I put it into that perspective it didn’t bother me as much.

    Anyway great movie everyone should go see it!

  44. I thought it was a great movie, but I don’t think it was quite as great as some people are saying. The cast was absolutely fantastic, the characters were brilliant, the way of rebooting whilst staying true to cannon was perfect, and the feel of the whole movie was excellent. But the central story was relatively quite dull, and that was the biggest flaw.

    I never felt any suspense or any doubt as to where we would end up by the end of the movie. The villains, despite destroying an entire planet and threatening to destroy every planet in the federation, never struck me as a very serious threat. I just didn’t buy Nero as a threat, when compared with even some other great Trek villains.

    If the film had a stronger threat, it would have been perfect. It was an excellent film otherwise, and a great way of rebooting the Trek franchise.

    I think this may end up much like Batman Begins; a great film to establish the characters, and the sequel, where the focus can be squarely on a fantastic villain, will be absolutely amazing. Bring on Kahn!

    (Oh, and I must agree that I really enjoyed the humor in this film too. Not so over the top as to make it a comedy, but every attempt at humor hit the mark the way it intended)

  45. just saw it in IMAX. Really impressed. Going to make a TON of money this thing hits on all levels. JJ pulled off something great with this.

  46. Imagine the next movie if they make it, they had to spend a portion of the movie to intro charachters on this one, if they don’t need to spend the intro time on the next one they can flesh out the villan a bit mor, it would be perfect to introduce the earlier Kahn story referred to in wrath of kahn, and give the villian the development they deserve. I havent seen this yet but I’m sure I’ll love every minute of it. Still it would be nice if the bana charachter had more meat, IMO the villan done right can elevate a film. Look at the dark knight, it had it’s flaws but the joker elevated that movie BTW I Loved the dark knight for it’s greatness as well as it’s flaws.

  47. Saw the movie tonight. Had a rollicking good time. Casting was fine by me. I enjoyed everyone. I think they could have taken their time and made two movies out of this story line. I will note the absence of any semblance of a defense system in a couple of somewhat important planetary systems was baffling and annoying…but I forgave them.

  48. Write Comment here. Before you do, review these rules:
    1) Stay on topic
    2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author
    3) off topic messages for the author should be emailed directly, not left as a comment.

  49. I’m gonna be the stinker I guess here… though I liked the this film and in terms of a new crowd, I think they’d love it. But I agree the bad guy was brutual and though I know this is a starter for a new years, I thought it was bland at times. I’d give this film for like a 7-7.5 rating becuase of this I mean, eric bana’s villian was just another semi par villian like the past few movies… and anyone notice that they ship is kinda similar to the ship in nemesis? Just kinda had weird feelings from that… frankly, I want to see them do, like what they did with the wrath of khan (still the best star trek film to date) and pick up a villian that really sticked and bring him into a movie for a kickass encounter. Problem is you can’t do that with a whole new storyline… Still I liked the movie but I guess my hardcore love of the old still got in my way of totally loving this movie

    1. I have to disagree, the change in story line we got, was very small….I mean in this new time line Khan is still out there waiting to be picked up and unfrozen….tehy can know take a fresh look at tons of thingss if they choose to do so…

      Two real cahnges, what happens with Vulcan, and Kirks beginings, the rest is pretty much the same…

  50. John, I gotta agree with the total review you gave. Absolutely awesome flick to come back to the franchise with. I sat there (tonight) at the end of it, wondering if it was perfect (no, it wasn’t). I considered giving it a 9/10 as you did, but that didn’t feel right either. I settled on an 8, mostly because there were needless scenes, and it felt like there were a couple points that probably should have had more in it. The ending was predictable (to me) although what movie isn’t these days. I absolutely LOVED the direction they took with Spock and Bones, and think Checkov (Anton Yeltsin) was freaking AWESOME. That kids got talent! This movie was WAY better than Wolverine, and I was expecting the opposite. Great job to the staff and crew on this flick.

  51. I can also back-up about 95% of John’s review.

    The only significant thing I disagree with is that I wasn’t blown away by Karl Urban’s portrayal of Bones. It was great; it was funny; but if it was as “Bones-like” as John claims, it must not have sunk in with me. That opinion may change when I see it again — and I hope to.

    It’s rare that I see a movie twice on the big screen, and I don’t buy a lot of DVDs. With this movie, I’ll probably do both. It is that good.

  52. You know I always loved every star trek movies, i dont know why but i just love it,
    but at the same time i wanted star trek a big blow to my mind, and like John said lot of ppl saying it just too much entertainment in a good way and amazing review so, good to hear….

    ABOUT TIME they made it !!!

  53. Just saw it, it rocks.

    What are the odds that we see Kahn again? I can see hem getting his own movie, but with a drastically different story.

  54. Oh Canada…Our home and native land…True..

    Wait…what are we talking aboot here?

    Can’t wait to see Star Trek. I heard it’s better than showering with your sister.

  55. WOW is all I can really say. I just got home from seeing this movie and it was INCREDIBLE. I think i’ll go see it again over the weekend.

  56. Wow, Ebert gave it a negative review? Hmm..oh well I am still excited for the film, and I am surprised he gave Watchmen a 4/4, though I loved it

    1. Just read Eberts review and man he takes some shots. Actually he echoes some of things I am concerned about. Hope this is good as everyone is saying…crossing my fingers.

  57. Despite enjoying the film I still felt the ending was little er…lacking!

    I don’t see why they couldn’t have the remaining original cast quoting the “Space: the final frontier” speech. Each of the original (surviving) actors could have had a line each. For me, this would have finished the film in the best way possible.

    Good review John

  58. wow! and you gave the dark knight(my favorite movie) an 8.5 out of 10, this movie must be fucking awesome! can’t wait to see it now! thanks john

    1. HD,

      I have seen every episode of the show. My father turned me on too it, starting with reruns of the original in like 1978 or so and later The Next Gen. When the latter shows (VOY, DS9 and ENT) came on I watched on vhs or dvd over the years–filler, ya’ know? I can’t tell you how right John’s assesment of the 2009 Star Trek movie is. It needed to change. ST:09 is not the best movie I’ve seen, but it is one of the better movies I’ve seen. That’s saying a lot. And anyone who comes to this site can probably attest to having seen a lot of shitty movies too. The production value for ST:09 is up there with some of the best, the costumes as well, which someone above mentioned with anxiety. Nearly all of the characters worked, with Urban, Pine, Quinto really shining out, as they should. As for John’s evaluation of Eric Bana’s performace: this American agrees.

      Andy, just because you read it, think it, hear it, or BELIEVE it doesn’t make it real. They are either your’s or someone else’s judgement. Not all Americans are anything. Just like all the so called “top actors in the world at the moment in term of performance.” Think for yourself.

  59. again witht the Australian actors bashing, you are an absolute idiot.
    We have the top actors in the world at the moment in term of performance, yet your stupid arrogant american attitude cant look beyond your own country.

    1. Andy you fucking ignorant and illiterate moron. Learn how to read you fucking waste of space before shooting off.

      What part of the sentence “I love Eric Bana” sounds like I’m “bashing” him you absolute dunce?

      I made a criticism about the Character and the way he was written. I made no comment about Bana’s performance… and EVEN IF I DID, just because he’s a fucking Aussie doesn’t mean he can’t be criticized idiot. Why don’t you grow up you fucking imbecile. Fuck morons bug me.

    2. John’s or Bana’s nationality has nothing to do with this. It wasn’t that Bana is a bad actor, it’s that the role that he played was lacking some meat. That’s not a bash on Bana, that’s a bash on the SCRIPT.

    3. Technically John, you are american, canada is part of the continent, North America, making canadians american as well. I think ye should start reclaiming it!

    4. If you want to talk about bashing actors , than bash Richard Gere or Tim Allen or bloody 50 Cent, because nobody cares about those actors. Eric Bana is a good actor , sure HULK sucked but sh*t happens. In the trailer i saw , Bana has 1 terrific tagline – FIRE EVERYTHING !!!!!!. So i say , both you opinions suck , Bana rules.

    5. practice what you preach, see rule #2.
      “2) Disagree and debate, but no insulting other commenters or the author”
      i’ve had posts deleted and i didn’t even call anyone names.
      i can’t believe i’m going to watch star trek before i see wolverine.

  60. For those who say Nero is a bland villain, did you read the IDW Prequel comic “Countdown” that takes place in the ST:TNG time and has people like Spock, Picard, Data, LaForge, and Worf? After reading that, I feel this character has a lot to offer. I do feel though it might not be fair to explain the character’s background and motivation in a comic as people who do not read the comics will miss out.

    1. I can answer that. I have never seen a ST episode or film before this one. I could understand everything that was happening, there is some talk of time travel that was a WEE bit confusing, but other than that, you do not have to be a Trekkie to love this movie. There are some Easter Eggs and certain lines from the TV show or an earlier film that Trekkies will catch, but you won’t be lost.

  61. Well Im not completely sold on the film. I may see it but Im not a big trekki so the wool over my eyes will not cloud my judgement. I personally have to disagree with John on the Kirk mannerisms. I understand what he means by it would have turned out like the actor is playing Shattner playing Kirk but you can say that about the rest of the cast as well. But I guess Ill give the film a look see now at least.

  62. Star Trek a SciFi/comedy? Harping back to the days of the “Voyage home”?

    I’m glad the action was there, I mean Star trek definitely needed some modernizing on that front. But the “to much action” was something I am and still worried about. I guess it didn’t bother you John and I hope it doesn’t for me either.

    I am still not crazy about the production and costume design but I hope the movie overall will help me overlook these things. I guess I’ll find out in 2 days.

  63. u got me even more pumped to watch this..i just watched Fanboys last night so i will have to hold out on kicking some trekker ass! NO ONE CALLS HAN SOLO A BITCH! NO ONE!

  64. Oh man, I can’t get this excited about it. Think ‘realistic expectations’ Phil, ‘realistic expectations’.

    Glad you loved it though John…..and everyone who gets to see it before me.

  65. Cool review John.

    I’m still deciding on whether or not to see this film. I’m not into Star Trek, but it looks like an interesting film

  66. Great review John, I cannot wait for the movie!

    Wow, best movie of the year so far, better than Watchmen? Hmm…well my anticipation keeps growing, even though I’m not a trekkie.

    Btw, how many scenes were funny?

    And, a possible Best Supporting nod? Cool, but so far I’d give it to Jeffrey Dean Morgan

    1. Dude! Star trek the movie was amazing; I knew it was going to be awesome! I have to share this with everyone… I just got the Star Trek ring tone on my phone by Texting TREKKIE to 30303 and received the Star Trek: Next Generation Theme

      I have to tell you guys this ring tone is awesome! Who’s seen the movie did you enjoy it?

    2. Yes, I think you are definitly correct. If it was up to me I would give star trek best picture. Certainly over the competition from last year, it was clearly the best, what else would be possible. Terminator salvation or Harry potter the 90210 Years. (AKA half blood prince).

      Now that I own the dvd I noticed a bug in the movie though. Something to look for for those that own the dvd.

      Near the end when they are trying to escape the gravity well. Scotty calls Captain Kirk Captain Picard over the intercom a couple lines after Kirk says get us out of here Scotty. I know the movie plays with an alternate timeline but that seems out of place.

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