The Dark Knight Back In Theaters Jan 23rd

Dark-Knight-IMAX-RE.jpgMan, it seems like no matter how we try we just can’t get away from talking about The Dark Knight. To sum up my feelings on the movie very quickly: An excellent film that I enjoyed very much and will probably get nominated for an Oscar, but one that I also think is overrated by many in the fan community.

Anyway, as we reported a few months ago, the studio has been planning on brining The Dark Knight back to IMAX and regular theaters, but we haven’t known an exact date. Well… thank to our good friends over at IESB we now know that date. January 23rd.

Warner Bros. Pictures is bringing “The Dark Knight” back for a return engagement in theatres and IMAX on January 23, 2009, giving audiences one more chance to see the film on the big screen. The film will re-open nationwide, it was announced today by Dan Fellman, Warner Bros. Pictures President of Domestic Distribution.

Without a doubt Warner Bros are fairly confident that The Dark Knight will pick up a couple of Oscar nominations and want to capitalize on that. It’s a brilliant idea.

I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone who hasn’t had a chance to see The Dark Knight on IMAX to get out and see it when this new opportunity comes in January. It really is a different experience. I’ll be there, and I’ve already seen in on IMAX twice.

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35 thoughts on “The Dark Knight Back In Theaters Jan 23rd

  1. I saw some of the previous Batman movies and thought they were so-so. Nothing I would have gone out and purchased and some didn’t hold my attention very long. Nor did I remember the stories or history regarding each character but very few like Batman himself , The Penguin and Mr. Freeze. But this movie was Phenomenal! It held my complete attention every minute of the movie. I had a greater understanding of each character in the movie and how they came to be. Yes, Heath Ledger owned that part. Jack Nicholson couldn’t even begin to hold a candle to Heath as the Joker. However, I do still do have a great admiration for Jack’s work. Amazing how even though the characters are fictional, you still tend to sympathize with how they came to be the way they were. They were VERY believable. It was visible also in their facial expressions. I have been a horror fanatic since I was a child. I also enjoy comedy and action. Superheroes is not the norm for me. This movie is an exception. Being December and the end of the year, I can say, without question, is my favorite movie of 2008.

  2. thats great it will be in theaters again. i was very sick for a long time and did not get to go see it on the big screen.
    i just rented it today, but did not watch it yet.

  3. The Dark Knight will get best picture.

    i mean, it’s too awesome not too. the competition is feirce too

    Hayden, thanks for not mentioning Wall-e!!

    i’m being serious, it was not even close to being the best picture of the year.

  4. sorry to break it to ya Dragonslayer but the movies that are expected to be in the running for best picture are:

    Revolutionary Road
    The Dark Knight
    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    Slumdog Millionaire

  5. its not just the fanboy community who “overrate” it though….

    you seem to blame the fans. did you read the reviews the film got?

    everyone “over” rated it apparently.

  6. I have a blog up and recently I’ve been making my own sort of awards thing. My nominees for best pic are:

    The Dark Knight-This one will probably win
    Wall-E-Pixar does it again
    Quantum of Solace-I know a lot of people will disagree, but I got exactly what I wanted from this movie
    Burn After Reading-One of the funniest films I’ve ever seen
    Prince Caspian-Another film that gave me exactly what I wanted (and, damn, Susan is hot in that film)

    But that’s just my opinion

  7. I didn’t think it was long at all. To be quite honest I think it should’ve been longer (I’m the sort of guy who watches 3-4 hour long films).

    I wonder if because John saw more flaws each time he saw the film, does that mean he won’t put it on his “Best of the Year” list?

  8. i just cant wait to see it again. i ve only seen it once but that wasn’t enough. The story in this movie to me is deep becasue batman is busting his you know what to catch the joker, and he cant find this M*&^($. pluse seeing heath ledger as the joker really make me miss the guy even more and honestly this is just me speaking for myself, but heath ledger’s joker is now the mesuring stick of comic book villian. what i mean is if warner decides to make another batman in 15-20 years from now with the joker as the main villian, people are going to measuring the new talent and comparison to what ledger imortalized. a good example is Brandon Routh in superman returns, i know that some people were compare Roth’s acting to Christopher Reeve, and i was one of them. to be fare i had to let go and give this new guy the benefit of the doubt, and he was ok. never the less routh is no reeve and the new talent is no ledger, but we just have to wait and see.

  9. Movies don’t get much better than this, i mean i was already a batman fan so i know me saying this is the best movie ever made isn’t totaly true but if i say that it is the most ENTERTAINING movie i have ever seen i don’t think i could say i was lying. So for those people out their complaining about the Dark Knight being huge and overrated, i just want to let you know that “if you dont have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” please just leave it at “I don’t like it” no one needs to hear more.

  10. Let me list somethings that people had problems with that I don’t understand.

    They complain about the Batman voice and they say scarecrow was wasted.

    First, the batman voice is awesome and necessary. Bruce Wayne is a psycho who does good. He’s mentally imbalanced. The voice is part of the persona, the creature, the Batman. The voice works. Complaining about the Batman voice is like complaining about the Joker voice. The Joker voice is clowny. Yes. These guys are crazy. They are not normal.

    Secondly, Scarecrow was not wasted. They introduce him as he should be introduced; he’s been cut off from society and his way of making a living is putting his toxin on the drug market. People have to remember that the Batman has been hunting scarecrow down for a few years. This is where the Dark Knight picks up: A few years after the events of Begins. The quick disposal of Scarecrow shows the progress Batman has made. And it shows that Crane really isn’t an issue in this film.

  11. Well, let me list the flaws: Movie was too long, Two-Face was shoved into the final scene for no reason other than Nolan not having to come back for another sequel, Boat scene was a mess, and the sonar thing was way too unrealistic. These things took me right out of the film and reduced my enjoyment of it.

  12. i have to disagree, in my opinion, it wasn’t overrated, it lived FAR ABOVE all of the hype, zero flaws except for the usage of Scarecrow. It was a phenomenal film, and the story has zero flaws.
    however, i do respect your opinions

  13. I agree, John. This film is immensely over-rated! The only reason why it is so successful is because of Heath Ledger’s Joker. The technical quality is awesome, but the story has so many flaws.

  14. It’s not necessarily “overrated”, John, but “popular” because it /is/ the best damn movie I’ve ever seen in my entire life (and I have seen A LOT of movies – my dad has a hobby for collecting DVDs and going to the theatre). There have been thousands of other people who have said the same thing. I truly believe it is a near-perfect movie – Batman’s laryngitis voice and all. The cinematics were FLAWLESS and breath taking, the story was so well played out, so engaging, and overall Christopher Nolan and his crew were brilliant in taking the Batman comics and transforming it into a jaw-dropping, eye-opening movie that really brought something deep to the audience.

    …Anyway, as you can guess, I’m very glad Dark Knight is returning to theatres January! :D

  15. Hey Dink,

    Believe it or not, I have hundreds of new readers a day who have never been to the site, and I like to give context to the opinions I give. If you don’t like to read it, then go somewhere else.

    And if you think me saying “The Dark Knight is a great movie and should get nominated for an oscar, but a bit overrated at the same time” is somehow a “jab” at Dark Knight Fans, then you need serious help.

  16. Um, no. I know what a blog is, but it seems that you can’t go a month without throwing a jab at Dark knight fans. You always do it. We know your opinions already, but you’re constantly trying to shove it down throats. As if we’re all delusional, and you’re sane. Stop it already. If you’re tired of giving us Dark Knight news, have someone else do it.

  17. If John thinks its overrated then that’s his opinion, its a blog, a blog where he gives his reviews and his opinions and mentions things of interest to him.

    John clearly thinks The Dark Knight is a great film, he’s said it over and over again. However, some people can’t accept the fact that even though he said it was a great film, that he does not think that it is perfect.

    Ultimate praise or no praise at all. People like that bother me so much.

  18. Screw you Doink or whatever da hell your name is (they’re all fuckin’ clowns anyway), you’re a cold hearted bastard and you deserve to go where you’re going (cinema hell). Leave the man and his bat propaganda alone.

    TDK 4 LIFE

  19. Well then… we already know how you feel about this so called “overrated” film John… but… I for one think this movie Rocks
    with a solid 10 score!!!

    Speaking of scores….

    “Wanted”… a higher score than “The Dark Knight”….??? NOT!!!!
    I’ve seen both and hate to tell you… Wanted
    was okay but not even close to “TDK” bud… :)

    Not even close…! To each his own…

    Have a good one,


  20. Of course its overrated in the fan community, any film that has an existing fan base is bound to be overrated. To me the way to get around this with The Dark Knight is that if you took this film and stripped away everything DC and this was just a Chris Nolan film about a vigilante and a psychopathic murderous sociologist in a battle of wits over the soul of a city, and an exploration of what justice, good and evil really are… you still have a movie that, to me, is worthy of a best pic nomination. I really loved this film, flaws and all because at its core, its a great story that hadnt been told yet.

  21. Hey Dink,

    Do you know what a “blog” is??? This isn’t a “news” site. This is a blog, a blog about my thoughts and opinions. So to ask me to keep my opinion and “just give the news” seems kind of odd don’t you think?

  22. Thanks for the info, but you can just stop with your side remarks on how you feel about the movie. We already know how you feel, and we could care less. Just give us our news. Thanks.

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