2 New Street Fighter Pics

We have a pair of Street Fighter still for you guys to check out thanks to our good friends over at moviesonline:



When a film is called Street Fighter, I would expect to see some pictures of people engaged in hand to hand combat. So far, I have seen more pictures of the mysterious swat team than I have of any recognizable character. This doesn’t surprise me, because I have very low expectations for this film; but you would think that the people behind the marketing would at least release pictures that would draw out positive chatter. Perhaps none exist.

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9 thoughts on “2 New Street Fighter Pics

  1. Flop.

    If there’s one thing I hate it’s casting actors who have no martial arts or performing arts experience in martial arts movies. They look terrible.

    Why not cast a proper Chinese actress who can perform martial arts?

    It’s not like Kristen Kruek is going to draw people to the box office.

  2. This movie reminds me how Street Fighter has lost its way. Even more when SF4 is looking like SF EX4. What about the animated movie? It was great! Then they made the Alpha anime movie and it sucked balls. So No one cares about Street Fighter anymore unless they are play on the back success of SF 2. Thats what this movie and SF4 is doing.

  3. This film sounds like a bad TV movie. First off the characters placed in the movie. The main star is Chun Li. Wow, as if I care. Give me, Ryu and Ken. Oh wait, they won’t be in this new Street Fighter flick. Well at least they have Vega in it and he was always cool in my books. But there is one BIG problem with that. Taboo(some guy from Black Eyed Peas) is stepping into the role. I smell of disappointment right now.

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