There’s no way I will miss Miss Sex and the City

This clip about Sex and the City pretty much sums up why this movie is going to be a success. It gives voice to all the things we have said about it here.

Chronological errors however, the guy in the board room was supposed to be from 2 years ago and he references girly shows and movies that didn’t exist 2 years ago. I know because I watch all of those shows with my wife. For the same reasons he says.

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22 thoughts on “There’s no way I will miss Miss Sex and the City

  1. It seems it was the top of the box office over the weekend. Such a sad day. This together with Meet the Spartans makes you lose faith in the humanity.

  2. I agree that there are many guys our there who are bashing it solely based on it’s feminine prowess.

    I will say that many of us are critical of it in the same way that we would be bashing a movie like Transformers. Our critical eye just doesn’t like it.

    To accuse ALL of the naysayers of disliking it because of the strong female leads is basically the same as race bating.

    No movie should get a free pass just because of it’s sexual or racial focus. But, I do agree that the negative criticism should also be based on whether or not it’s actually a good movie.

  3. i never thought kristina’s posts were particularily bile filled.

    i tend to agree with her. what is it about sex inthe city that makes dudes feel so threatened that they need to say so much negative shit about it? is it because it portrays independent women who are sexual dominant? personally i think that has alot to do with it. i think it makes guys feel inadequet that their ‘towering sexual prowress’ can be dismissed and joked about and so many women are on board with that line of thinking.

    also: i thought that video was really lame/unfunny.

    also-also: i won’t be going to see sex in the city because the show doesn’t make me luagh and it is a comdey.

  4. OK, “Mr. Lexx”, you got a point when it comes to some who are bashing the film…

    As for me… I’ve seen plenty of episodes for the show… That’s why I’m bashing it.

  5. Don’t be raggin on Kristina.
    I would never see this film but I understand where she’s comming from on this.

    Kristina’s point of view is a reflection on some of you retards that bash the film for being a ultra chick flick without ever seeing an episode. Deal with your retardation and don’t take it out on Kristina!!!!!!!

    Fricken idiots.

  6. Kristina:

    To be fair, my ex-wife despised everything about this show and she turned to be a materialistic selfish money-hungry whore who was screwing one of her co-workers and ruined both his marriage and her own in the process. A girl who is a good friend of mine that I’ve been silently pursuing for a while(she has some issues with her ex… i.e. he refuses to let her get on with her life by being waaaaaaay too much in the picture and she dumps every guy she goes out with because she’s still not over him… and I really don’t wanna’ fuck up my friendship with her by her dumping me for not being her ex) asked me to go see this with her, but I pretty much said “Do you want to see me get physically ill in a movie theater” and told her it would probably be best if she saw this with her girlfriends.

    So, not all women who are into this show are self-obsessed, materialistic, aging, whiny, stupid whores. There are some really great women I know who are so into this show that it just boggles the mind. That’s fair, I have things that I’m into that I’m sure boggle theirs(GIJOE, Transformers, HELLBOY).

    No, the reason I hate this show is because it’s about a bunch of self-obsessed, materialistic, aging, whiny, stupid whores. I’m fine and content to let the ladies have their movie, just please let me stay the fuck away from it.

    Hope that cleared things up a bit.

  7. @Elr1c.

    Its a sad narrow view to throw away a relationship because she has her own opinions and preferences.

    The movies, music, books and all the things you like are not your soul. They are preferences. And if you prefer the woman you do not have to change those things. However you have to have enough spine to tolerate her choices and hope she respects yours.

    Just because she likes this movie doesnt mean she is going to model her life around its principals, any more than myself (an action movie fan) being violent.

    I know lots of guys married to girls who are just drooling over this movie. They are not. No strife there. Not one.

  8. This is one of those things that separates chicks from ladies. Guys, if your girlfriend couldn’t care less about this stupid movie, she might be a keeper. If she can’t shut up about it, how many compromises will it take before you dump her sorry a$$? If you’re in just to score I totally understand, but otherwise you’re just a sucker.

    Because it’s not just a movie. The movies, the books, the music you like, all say something about you, your soul, your way of thinking. If she sees life, relationships and other things like they are presented in the tv show and the movie, she’s really not worth it.

    And if you’re already married, well, then I’m just sorry for you. Yeah, I’m sure otherwise she’s a great person, yada yada yada. Keep telling yourself that.

  9. @ bigsampson

    none of that happened. No one talking getting “pussy” on an internet message board (let alone a movie news message board) has ever gotten laid.
    Unless you were refering to your World of War Craft character. In which case I’m sorry. Very very sorry.

  10. oh and for kristina…..i dont think any one really cares what u think about ther comments of sex n the city….

    i mean why would we care u dont like are negative comments toward a that has no real base value with average americans….i mean look at the percentage of people in relationships that actually live like that…its very small, thats why we mock it and laugh….shit its hard enough trying to live in a expensive city without hitting poverty let alone have screwy whore relationships with nutty people…..IMO

  11. my girlfriend told me if i didnt go take her to see this then are relationship was over do to me not understanding how relationships worked……i in return told her “bitch this relationship was over after UFC 82, i just let u stay here so i could get pussy” ….funny thing is now im taking her bestfriend to go see this movie so i can score with her. =)

  12. Kristina, to be fair everyone here thinks that you hate all movies because of all the bile you aim at things that displease you.

    Yes, guys will make fun of this movie like women make fun of power tools and monster truck rallies. Its the battle of the sexes.

    The point was that no matter how girly and uninterested in this film most men are, they will endure this movie in favour of not sleeping on the couch. In the mean time they have to keep up a brave facade that they are manly men and will go over the top to bash anything purely girly.

    You should see my boys react when I suggest I will buy them a Barbie for their birthday. Its a talent we men learn early.

  13. @Scoville

    My comment wasn’t aimed at you specifically, and I’m sorry if you thought it was, but Christ, I have never seen so much bile aimed at a movie simply because it caters to women. It’s gone from ragging on the movie to ragging on women for liking the show and the movie, and as a loud and proud feminist, these constant jokes are steadily getting me more and more pissed off. You guys get movies flung at you weekend after weekend. Can you blame women for being excited that there is something out there for THEM to go and see? Now, I like watching shit blow up, and I wasn’t planning on seeing SATC, but I just find this whole “Eww, it’s a GIRL movie!” bullshit to be so second grade. Grow up. Not you, Scoville, but you guys know who you are. Grow the hell up and let the women have their fun.

  14. Kristina,

    Please elaborate. How would you like us guys to grow up? Is it immature for guys to not like something that is completely and utterly aimed at females?

    I think you women need to grow up and realize that it’s OK for us NOT to like something like this.

  15. Maybe it’s because I’ve never watched the show and have no intention of doing so but is this clip suppose to be funny? zzzzzzzzzzz

    Although when I heard Etalk interview Kim Catrall, she sounded like a very intelligent and well spoken person who really understood the deeper significance of the show but was also aware and enjoyed some its lighter, sillier aspects.

  16. Guys need to grow the hell up about this movie. It’s ridiculous how many immature and downright stupid comments I’ve heard about this movie, and quite frankly, it’s starting to really piss me off.

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