Natalie Portman Says No To More Star Wars Films

NatalieppictureMTV Movies Blog has pulled some interesting quotes from the maw of Portman today. She has thrown in the towel when it comes to sequels for The Professional and Star Wars. We get the following quote from the source article:

“When something works you don’t touch it,” Portman explained to us recently. “You try to create something new that’s positive.” As such, she insisted that she’ll never star in a long-rumored sequel to her first film, the ass-kicking classic “The Professional.” “I really love that film,” she added. “And I would work with [director] Luc Besson again, in a second, but [not on a sequel].”

Keeping with that theme, she has a similar message for Mr. George Lucas. “I’m so honored to have been a part of [the ‘Star Wars’ prequels],” she beamed. “I got to basically latch on to this thing, that was a huge success before I was ever involved.”That said, don’t expect to ever see Princess Padme and her trippy hairdos again. “I spent ten years working on these films,” she insisted. “It’s time to let it continue on its own.”

I am glad that Portman is wise enough to move on from past projects. Most movies should be stand alone films, and it is nice to see an actress duck out of work, for the benefit of the story. I am a little confused about her refusing to do any more Star Wars films however, her character died in the last film. That would be like Jim Henson’s agent coming on CNN this morning and saying that he will no longer be doing any voice work.

As for The Professional, I think it would be strange to have a sequel so many years on. If Portman has fond memories of this project I can certainly why she would want to leave it be. If The Professional 2 turned out to be like Highlander 2 – she would be saving herself from embarrassment and shame. Natalie Portman has had enough work to retire, now she can focus on doing roles that she enjoys.

When Portman shaved her head in V For Vendetta, I knew that she was serious about her craft. Hair is popular, and she gave it away for a film that paid her no more than any other project would have. It took guts, and a love for the story to chop it off – and I am glad she did. (As luck would have it, she even looked good bald.) With her reluctance to do sequels, it only means that we get to see her inhabit more characters more often; and that is just fine with me.

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7 thoughts on “Natalie Portman Says No To More Star Wars Films

  1. While it is an odd thing about the Star Wars claim (maybe the TV show has a flashback of her as Jar Jar Binks lies on his deathbed?) I’ll admit, if there was a Professional 2, in her case, it would be a redo more of ‘La Femme Nikita’/Point Of No Return, and sequel wise, I’d dig it if there was ever a ‘Heat 2’, she would reprise as Hanna’s step-daughter.

    I hated ‘V For Vendetta’, everybody and everything in it.

    I liked her in Garden State though.

  2. Fade Into


    Padme suddenly appears, Qui-Gon Jinn, The Elder Obi-Wan, Yoda and, The Elder Anakin (whose face continuously morphs from Hayden Christensen to Sebastian Shaw), greet her. Padme is horrified.

    OH NO!! NO!! I died, I’m out of it!!!

    Died, Died she says.

    The force runs through you young Padame.

    BULLSHIT!! How can I have the force!!

    Well, metachlorines can be transfered sexually.


    And Anakin had them coming out of his ears.

    Sorry about that honey.

    Don’t you fucking honey me. Look, I’ll call my agent dammit.
    I had a contract for three pictures.

    (off screen)
    Thats not exactly true.

    George Lucas appears in the ghostly relm, all eyes turn to him.

    If you look closely at the fine print, you’ll see that there
    is an option to extend for any sequals, prequals, reboots,
    television series, holiday specials or technological

    Everyone looks at the morphing Anakin.
    Padme is horrified.

    Now I have an idea for a sit-com. “FORCE THE GHOSTS!!” The
    Empire has found a way to collect Metachlorines to fuel the
    New, New Death Star. This puts a strain on the Ghostly Relm
    and so you are all forced to share a house together with your
    pet Ewok. Hillarity ensues.



  3. I love her, but I believe that she is becoming a bit overrated, and she doesn’t have the filmography to back it up. I’ll post a quote from my Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium review concerning her(the movie SUCKED):

    “Poor, poor Nat P. I’m starting to see past the fanboy hype and see that maybe this girl isn’t as awe-inspiring as we first thought. Outside of The Professional, she has yet to find a role that she could really sink her teeth into. Yeah, I know she got sorta nekkid for Closer, but other than that her work in that film really wasn’t much to write home about. V For Vendetta is an awesome flick, but anybody could have played the role of Evey, perhaps better than Portman did. Portman alone did not make that flick so awesome, it was the story and a kickass antihero in V. A friend of mine made an excellent observation, comparing her to Christian Bale. Bale broke out as a teen actor, much like Portman, but it wasn’t until he sunk his teeth into American Psycho that people began to see him as a legit actor. Portman has yet to find her American Psycho, and this piece of garbage isn’t going to help. As cute as she is here, she is utterly wasted. She phones her performance in long-distance here. She has absolutely nothing to do. There is an AWFUL scene where she is trying to convince Magorium not to die, so what does she do? She unrolls some bubble wrap and laughs hysterically as he dances on it. This scene is so indicative of what she’s been doing her entire adult career: standing to the side, smiling her cute smile and praying to God that no one notices how overrated she’s become. It’s just bullshit. I like her, and I want to see her push her potential, not slum it up in crap like this. At the end of this film, she’s dancing around the store, waving her hands about like a lunatic, and rather than smile and feel charmed, I felt embarrassed for her. Hope the check cleared, sweetheart!”

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