Prince Of Peace – God Of War Gets First Review And A Release Date

Pop-Gow-ReviewHey there guys – This post is about my film “Prince of Peace – God of War” and is for those interested in it. If you’re not (the 99% of you out there) just skip on down to the next story).

2 pretty exciting things to report about the movie. First of all, the very first review for the movie went online today. The good folks at Movie Patron put up their review of Prince of Peace – God of War this morning… and wow it’s a good one. They gave it a 4 out of 5 stars and had this to say:

I felt the film could’ve gone on a bit longer. I was legitimately interested in each point being made and was having a debate in my own head as I watched each speaker present their case. I’m sure the discussion could go on for literally hours and remain interesting, but I think Campea may be a director that knows when to say when and that sometimes less is more.”

“It’s like watching “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher,” but with far more speakers in different geographic locations and without all the annoying shouting over one another. We get everyone’s perspective clearly, concisely and in context. I was amazed at the coherence that is maintained and the seamlessness between points.”

Anyway, if you’re interested I suggest heading over there to read it yourself.

in other news… we have set a release date for the DVD (provided some distributor doesn’t come along and buy the thing). We’re aiming to have the “Prince of Peace – God of War” DVD available for purchase on November 1st… which is quickly approaching.

For those of you who may have missed it the first time around… here is the first 5 minutes of the film. (Thanks again for all your encouragement and support guys)

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25 thoughts on “Prince Of Peace – God Of War Gets First Review And A Release Date

  1. I’m not sure if I mentioned it on the original preview post but man, the first five minutes really drew me in! By the time Bruxy started speaking I was like “More, more!”

    Can’t wait for this to come out John. You will have international shipping right?

  2. John,
    I’d like to see some Sci-fi for your next project. Seriously though, if time and budget were not an issue, what kind of film would you do next? Surely the inkwell isn’t dry yet. I hope to see your name on Oscar night for best Doc. I’d bet all of us would shit ourselves, and yell at the TV “I kinda know that guy!!!”
    Always your supporter from Seattle,

  3. I had a feeling it would be a good or at least an interesting film so I’m not that surprised by the good review. I’ll have to see all of it.

    Anyone else curious about the price of the DVD?

  4. I feel a great sense of pride having just watched that 5 mins for the premiere time. Having followed the movie blog and in turn, the progress of the making of your film over the past 18 months, it is almost as if you are a friend. Of course you are not and you haven’t got a frickin clue who I am. That is neither here nor there. Congratulations on your accomplishment and I am greatly pleased that the debut review be a positive one.

    Looking forward to being able to purchase a copy around November time.


  5. Well at first I didn’t get the point of the movie but now I think I do from the short clip. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but bassically your suggesting that Christians who follow JC are only following some parts of what he preached. Using only the parts that best suit them. So you would like for them to A) quit calling themselves Christians or B) quit distorting the preaching of JC. I think that sums it up. Your making a case that no they don’t follow correctly and you would like them to pick A or B. Sounds simple enough. Do you make any recomendations in the film as to which they should choose? Ever heard of a meme? Well just as living things are subject to the processes of eveolution, their is also the beliefe that thoughts and ideas are subject to evolution as well. Which is probably why those cults promoting suicide seem to have a hard time. I can understand fully what your trying to do here. I don’t call myself a christian because I guess i’m like you I think you follow all or nothing. Perhaps the question is not WWJD, but rather to some people, what would my enemy do? And that validates what they would do. But as I always say, if you can’t stand the heat, move to another country.

  6. Hey Giohn,

    You’re absolutely right, but what it all comes down to is what would you do in a situation like if someone was going to kill you. You could be a pacifist and let the person kill you, or defend yourself so that nobody dies. Christianity works, it just all depends on what you would do.

    Hey Drewbacca,

    Very true. Thanks.

  7. I am officially announcing that I am the original John Campea fangirl.

    Careful John!! You know how rabid we can be. Don’t meet us on the streets, we’ll scream “JOHHN!!! MARRY MEEE!!” and fall and step all over each other trying to get a piece of you and you know you’ll end up with many many torn shirts and some of us selling it on eBay.

    “I’ll never wash my hand again! It touched John Campea last night!”
    “JOOOHN!! I LOOVE YOUUUU!! We’ll get married after I get out of prison okay?!!? You’ll wait for me right??! RIGHT??!!”


  8. John…………… mentioned in a previous installment of The Movie Blog Uncut that selling your movie through was prohibitive. Could you expand on that?
    How big a cut do they expect from your movie?

  9. Hey Incliningpizza,

    It should be noted that it’s not really a short film by the normal definition. It is a shortER film than most, but I wouldn’t classify it as a “short.” Just an FYI.


  10. Dude, John, Great news on the Review. Best of luck with the DVD sales or, rather, finding a distributor. It’d be highly ironic if a movie about Jesus made you rich, only for you to spend the money on hookers. Here’s hoping your film brings you riches and acclaim.

  11. Hey IncliningPizza

    Violence is certainly a huge problem. no doubts.

    I just want to make sure that it’s clear that I’m not saying people should be pacifists. All I’m saying, is that anyone who claims to be a Christian should be… because Christians claim that they “follow Jesus”. Anyone who is a is a Christian, and doesn’t follow pacifism, is basically saying “Christianity doesn’t work”.

    As a side note… I’m not a Christian.

  12. Hey Giohn,

    I agree with you completely that Jesus said that violence is not the answer to anything and he did teach that we should follow the way of pacifism, but consider the world we live in today. There is so much violence today such as the War in Iraq, and even violence you hear about close to where you live on the news. Obviously it’s not the easiest thing to end violence all together, so you need to protect yourself from violence, by using self-defense. I’m just trying to show that pacifism is not the easiest thing to accomplish right now when most problems with the world is related to violence. Since violence is an abundant thing these days, we need to stop violence by self-defense, so we can hurt these bad guys and throw them in jail. Then if you do that, you probably just saved a few lives in that area from this predator or psycho or whatever.

  13. Well done Mr Campea.

    But yeah, what about “Prince of Peace – God of War – the IMAX experience…….in 3D”? That’s how i wanted to see it:)

  14. Hey IncliningPizza

    Here’s the thing. Your example is what YOU think you should do. I don’t make any arguments about what YOU SHOULD do. My only concern is “WHAT DID JESUS TEACH”. It’s up to you and everyone else if they want to follow what he taught or not. But Pacifism is what he taught. It’s what he lived. And it’s what he said anyone who wanted to follow him would have to live by.


  15. I guess it’s good to leave it as a short film so all the speakers can get out their points of view and then the viewer can make an informed decision which can cause great debate. So far Giohn I think your documentary is going to be great, but I still believe that you should defend yourself in someway even though Christianity began with a leader who was a pacifist. For Example, a guy is about to beat you up, talk to him verbally to try and find away around the fight, instead of going all out offensive physically. I believe that if someone doesn’t want to kill you, but just wants something from you (like a mugger aiming for your wallet), let them have whatever it is and run. But if they are trying to kill you, I believe you should use self-defense physically and verbally, because let’s face it, nobody wants to die, except maybe emo’s, but that’s entirely different! :)

    You might say, well Jesus let the Romans beat him, whip him and crucify him, but that was his duty to the world. If he didn’t let the Romans kill him, he could’ve kicked their asses summoning bees or Optimus Prime or stuff like that! But then if he didn’t die, everyone in the world would most likely die and go to hell since Jesus didn’t die on the cross for our sins.

  16. Was this submitted to the Toronto International Film Festival? I’d like to watch it on the big screen and it really looks like something that they would feature.

  17. This is my first time seeing that first 5 minutes. Honestly John it really does look exceptional. I know about 10 people I want to see this. Do keep us updated as to when we can buy a copy. I’ll get 2. Congrats on the review by the way.

  18. Wow, that is some excellent stuff. I hadn’t come across your film earlier and just now saw the first 5 minutes for the first time. This is definitely going somewhere.

    Hopefully if I have some cash after my wedding I can pick this up and give it a good look.

    Keep up the good work.

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