Mediocre Movie Wins Best Film At 2007 Golden Globes

The silly non-issue Golden Globes proved just how lame they are last night by not giving the Best Picture award to The Departed, and instead giving it to the over praised mediocre film “Babel”.

But we shouldn’t be surprised. Last year they gave the award to another over praised mediocre film. Brokeback Mountain. But I guess that’s what you get when only about 90 people are voting. Stupidity is hard to overcome with such small numbers and limited intellect.

So for those of you who may care, here are you 2007 Golden Globe winners:

Best Picture, Drama:

Best Actress, Drama:
Helen Mirren, “The Queen”

Best Actor, Drama:
Forest Whitaker, “The Last King of Scotland”

Best Picture, Musical or Comedy:

Best Actress, Musical or Comedy:
Meryl Streep, “The Devil Wears Prada”

Best Actor, Musical or Comedy:
Sacha Baron Cohen, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan”

Best Supporting Actress:
Jennifer Hudson, “Dreamgirls”

Best Supporting Actor:
Eddie Murphy, “Dreamgirls”

Best Director:
Martin Scorsese, “The Departed”

Best Movie Screenplay:
Peter Morgan, “The Queen”

Best Foreign Language:
“Letters From Iwo Jima,” USA/Japan

Best Original Score:
Alexandre Desplat, “The Painted Veil”

Best Original Song:
“The Song of the Heart” from “Happy Feet”

Best Animated Film:

It’s nice to see Sacha Baron Cohen getting some love for Borat, but i don’t expect that to carry over to the Oscars… but who knows, stranger things have happened.

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42 thoughts on “Mediocre Movie Wins Best Film At 2007 Golden Globes

  1. dark knight!!!! :D
    that scene in the end it blew me away, that freaking card needed to be there.

    wow! i can’t wait either to see this film, there’s going to be a lot of competition on 2008 between ironman and TDK, but i’ll put it all on nolan and the dark knight :)

  2. does turning a blind eye to hate speech due to alcohol make it o.k. john?

    anyway…..lets kiss and make up…actually gibson wouldn’t like thta either…he is a well known homophobe too!!;)

    oh batman … I can’t wait…I am still curious as to what you felt was lacking in children of men …I can’t stop thinking or talking about it…..

  3. I’m curious Alfie… when you just keep repeating your non-factual specualtion and conjecture… does it seem more real in your head?

    Yes, we won’t agree… to each their own. On with Batman… and the Almighty Transformers.

  4. at least we can all agree that transformers is going to be terrible can’t we guys?? can’t we??

    John we are never go to agree about melvyn gibstein….

    you know what though…I hope they hurry the fuck up with the dark knight….just channel hopping and its on cable right now – the last scene….jesus I can’t wait…

  5. campea – I don’t know anyone…..anyone who has gotten so drunk they start saying racist crap for no reason other than they are drunk.
    Especially someone who made a film which showed the jewish people to be in a rabid frenzy for jesus’ blood while showing pilate as a thoughtful and tortured soul…
    whose father is a well known anti-semite and holocaust denier and whose words you have never just clearly come out and said you don’t agree with…he kind of does but not really alwayts skirts around the issue……who in 1987 put his support along with his father into supporting an australian political party who believed in the kabal of 5 jews who secretly run the world theory and whose leader was another strong holocaust denier…….
    I mean there is no smoke there whatsoever so obviously there is no fire……

    The guy has issues with jewish people.The shit he said that drunken night is just to specific and fucking strange to have been purely alcohol induces. Booze doesn’t just put racist thoughts into your head that have never been there before. Start drinking john – and you will see. Booze does the complete opposite of making a you a liar or say things you don’t believe…it is a fucking truth serum.
    if you were jewish you would understand probably why I think he is a fucking asshole.

    I would be more inclined to believe richards isn’t racist over gibson. You watch that kramer video – I think he may have been trying to turn that into part of his act – it was dispicable and a truly stupid stupid stupid thing to do but you watch it..he starts to talk the audience about “you see these words you are all shocked due to these words..” but that was all to little to fucking late. I can’t watch seinfeld now due to his outburst. Hes a scumbag….but where is the proof from his past that he is a racist? where are the stories from his past of not working with black people or hhiring blcak people?


    plus I saw richards do stand up live and his act is all of the place..he totally freeforms and I have no doubt in my mind he thought he could turn that into some kind of bit. But he fucked up and I can longer enjoy his comedy in any form…..

    and i still want to know what you thought children of men was lacking? I am amazed it didn’t blow you away.

  6. I love how Alfie presents his conjecture as if they were “facts”

    Your arguments are always filled with “must haves” and your own speculation… which you then sorta present as if it’s verifiable.

    Facts are facts.

    Fact: You are lableing the man’s life in it’s entiry a “Racist” based on one (as you yourself described) drunken outburst. Dude should be in prison for drunk driving by the way.

    Fact: ZERO examples of an racist behaviour or speach in his life… even when the news media tried to dig some up.

    Fact: A ton of his jewish friends (who would know better than you or I) have come to his defense and stated he’s no racist. (once again you’re free to specualte and guess that Mel just has them fooled. I’ll take their word for it).

    Weigh the scales of evidence. One one side of the scale:

    -No examples or complains about racism from his ENTIRE life (50+ years of behavior)
    -Supportive Jewish friends who have publically backed him up

    – one drunken slur said one single night

    Sorry man, the scales serious tip towards Mels side. It’s not even close. Still… you’re free and entitled to your conjecture.

    So specualte all you want. Come up with your own unsubstantiated conclusions and lable people all you want. I’ll stick with the facts.


  7. your staunch defence of gibson amazes me.

    Blown out of proportion?

    A rich, mega successful drunk driving asshole insanely babbling that the jews start all the wars asking a cop if he was a jew and calling another cop sugartits…also claiming he owns malibu and is going to spend the rest fo his life fucking them…

    I think the media proportions were spot on……..

    why does he have to have something in his past to make him a jew hating asshole?? Why the past? He is obviously a closet racist – he has to be as call it a myth or a stereotype or a cliche whatever but there are a lot of jewish people working in hollywood. He had to keep it all bottled up – and the booze finally set him free ….drunk man words are a sober mans thoughts….I have said and done dumb some stupid shit while drinking but I have never gotten so drunk that all of a sudden I wailing on about races of people for no reason. when I rail on a race of people its because I really do hate them…..I am kidding but you know what I amount of alcohol is going to make me start saying outlandish shit about race that I in no way shape pr form believe in or have thought about before.

    is that really what the message was in crash? I never would have picked up on that…Its not like all the way through the entire film every single character continually talked about race issues constantly as if that is all they talked about all the time. Nothing else..just race race race race race. Every line were things only ever said in movies. No realism whatsoever – It was all just too much. Haggis is one of the worst writers working today.

  8. Hey Nautica,

    The point of “Crash” isn’t “racism is bad” as many people incorrectly try to suggest. The message of Crash is that “racism still exists… in all of us… on some level”. It’s sad that so many people miss that.

    Secondly, you said:

    “when there’s a race issue in the media, you seem to always think that they’re blowing it out of proportions”

    That’s nonsense. The Mel Gibson thing was totally blown out of proportion by the rabid media who could never find one single solitary example of racist behaviour in Mel Gibson’s past no matter how much they dug. Try explaining to Mel Gibson’s best friend and production partner (who is Jewish) that Mel hates Jews.

    The only time I bring up racism issues on The Movie Blog is when i think the media is trying to make a story where one does not exist.

    Did I say the Michael Richards thing was blown out of proportion? Nope.

  9. funny how you say you like “crash” so much john, but when there’s a race issue in the media, you seem to always think that they’re blowing it out of proportions. you’d think being beaten into you that “racism is bad” over and over, you wouldn’t tolerate it! not trying to pick a fight, just taking a friendly jab :)

  10. i agree with alfie and jay… children of men was one of the best 2006 films.

    owen took his status as an actor to another level, definitely.

    the director, Alfonso Cuaron, i love this guy’s work. HP 3 and Y tu mama tambien, great films, well written and directed :)

  11. Alfie,

    We agree again…
    Children of Men was Fan-Fucking-Tastic.

    It didnt crack my top 10 of all time but it was definitely my favorite film of this year. And like you say, I too think the appreciation of it will only grow as time goes by.

  12. of that there is no doubt and this discussion proves it because how anyone could ever describe crash as a great film is beyond me…

    For me I prefer it when message films have some subtlety. Crash had all the subtlety of Rosanne Barr. I felt like Paul Haggis had spent 2 hours whacking me around the head with a big stick that had “RACISM” painted on it in big red letters. No one talks the way they talk in Crash. It is one hundred percent MOVIE dialogue. Not one real moment or one real emotion. I know it is a movie and movies are not real but Crash was trying to be as “real” as possible. It was a bad screenwriters version of what he imagines these “real” people to talk like…and it was completetly phoney in every way. There is no film less deserving of the best picture oscar than that. And that is saying something as when you consider how many mistakes the oscars have made over the years….

    Children of Men on the other hand in my opinion is outstanding and over time I have no doubt it will be remembered as one of those films that deserved a much better fate at the box office….it has probably just entered my top ten films of all time list. Unfuckingbelievably good. But then again I am not excited about transformers so what do I know??:)

    I am curious as to what you thought it was lacking?

  13. Crash was a great movie. Better than Children of Men.

    Anyway, I’m not sure why some people liked Children of Men so much. Brux, Doug and I saw it… and all thought it was good… but… not great. I think we all each gave it like a 7.5 or 7.

    Owen was fantastic in the film… no doubt… and “predictable” isn’t neccessarily bad in and of itself. But the film certainly lacked much in my opinion. Good film, thrilled I saw it, but forgot about it within a few days. I think a lot of people had the same experience as me, hence the lack of bigger buzz for it.

    But that’s the most beautiful thing about film. We all see different things in the same thing.

  14. No jay it is o.k….i am truly sorry sean.

    I was in no way shape of form trolling or trying to pick a fight.

    In fact I am stunned someone could have enjoyed it so much as to think I was just trying to start a battle about it as I figured most rational people would see it for what it was…terrible.

    I also didn’t realise there was a limit to how many times you can say things in the middle of a discussion. I will check in with you in future to make sure I don’t go over my quota next time.

    I think if you read my posts I didn’t really repeat myself too much I just gave more reasons as to why I think crash is probably the most undeserving oscar winner in the history of award shows. Even more so than shakespeare in love.

    I also never wrote “I think crash was crap” so why would you use quotations?? I gave my reasons for not enjoying it and thinking it was completely dreadful….I like to give reasons for things.

    having said all that sean since you are such a big fan of crash I didn’t think you mind me repeating my point about crash over and over and over and over…..
    you know…
    just like they did in the film.

    change of subject if you haven’t alread everyone should go and see children of men straight away – fucking mindblowing. Clive Owen should be up for best actor. I have never been completely sold on him but this film confirms it for me. he is great. The film is pretty much perfect. Predictable ending would be its only flaw. Truly great cinema. I don’t use this word to loosely but it is a true masterpiece.

  15. Dont worry about it, Alfie

    You can say Crash didnt deserve it’s accolades as many times as you want… because it didnt. Maybe some people need to be beat over the head with a message to understand it. And those are the people that need a movie like Crash. As for me, I appreciate a little subtlety and nuance in my “message” films. Babel had both of these things and that’s why Babel was a better film than Crash.
    Do I think it was the best picture of the year? No…

    And yes, Alfie
    He was drunk as a skunk in my humble opinion.

  16. I just posted and noticed that Alfie posted yet again while I was typing.

    Why do you feel the need to post “I think Crash was crap” 3 times in the same thread when no one has entered into a debate with you about it? You just came on to regurgitate the same thing you said twice already without provocation. Seems like you’re either trying to pick a fight, or you just like the sound of your own voice. It’s called being a troll my friend.

  17. I don’t know what some of you people are smoking. Crash was a deep, powerful and pogniant film. Far better than anything else last year for certain.

    I guess it’s too much to ask an audience to appreciate films where characters aren’t 1 dimensional and the reality of shades of grey are portrayed instead of the typical hollywood black and white, good guy bad guy flicks.

    Breathtaking script, wonderfully directed, perfectly acted. It was the best film of the year beyond any shadow of a doubt.

  18. I liked Babel but i do think it is a wee bit over praised and over rated. I was expecting more than what I got…maybe my expectations were too high as it was one of my most anticipated films of the year and I was quite underwhelmed by it.

    Is it better than crash? absolutely…but then again Under seige 2: Dark Territory is better than crash. Crash was preachy, badly written and manipulative. The only thing it had going for it was 2 great performances from dillon and terence howard aside from that it was just determined to batter you over the head with its message.

  19. I didn’t see babel, so I can’t disagree with the choice for best picture. What I can yell about is the fact that Little Miss Sunshine didn’t win a damn thing, which is a shame considering that it is one of the best movies I can remember seeing in years, let alone this past year.

  20. i liked babel, one of the best films of this year; and i don’t agree with those that say the film is “this year’s crash” cuz it isn’t, these are two very different films.

    crash was pretentious, predictable and moralist, the theme about a crash connecting different people blah blah was already used before so crash wasn’t the first.

    babel… babel is art.

    it deserved not only the globe for best drama, but the best director award as well.

  21. Jay we agree at last!!

    Crash was just so phoney and obvious. I don’t mind a film with a message but after being smacked about the head for 2 hours with the “racism is bad” stick I was over it….

    Brokeback Mountain was superior in almost every way to Crash. Did think BM was the best film of 2005? No – But I qwould take it over crash any day.

    I liked Babel don’t get me wrong but I am getting tired of his (over)use of non linear multiple storytelling….its clever and all but can he do anything else? can he just tell a straight story from beginning to end?

    How about warren Beatty?? he was drunk for sure. I saw him speak at a university a while ago and he is articulate and is a great speaker but his speech were the ramblings of a drunk….

  22. Every movie in it’s category was better than Dreamgirls.

    Yes, Even The Devil Wears Prada was better. As much as I agree with Wolf that TDWP didnt deserve any awards (Both Annette Benning and Toni Collete were better in that category) it was still a better movie than Dreamgirls.

  23. Hudson has been the one receiving all the attention regarding Dreamgirls, not Beyonce/Shmeyonce. (completely devoid of acting talent, by the way). Hence, the popular choice. Even though I wasnt as enthralled with Babel as some obviously are, I still thought Adrianna Barraza turned in a better performance. As did Kate Blanchett in Notes on a Scandal. Hell, I enjoyed Emily Blunt’s performance more than Hudson’s but I do actually think Hudson deserved it more than Blunt. But as you see, the popular one won.

    Beyonce has receieved no attention for dreamgirls other than all the critics gushing about how hudson stole the show from her.
    Did they really expect quality acting from Beyonce in the first place?

    On a side note,
    I really dont understand all the adulation this movie is receiving.
    It’s mediocre at best, but honestly really disappointing after all the praise it’s been getting.

  24. I saw 127 movies in 2005. Crash was the second best. Before you criticize a movie for being “too much like Crash”, think about the fact that you’re basically telling us that you thought a film was too much like a movie a lot of people loved.

    As for Babel, I’m not the biggest fan. Its disjointed nature was interesting, and it helped propel the theme, but it didn’t make me as involved in the story as I thought I should have been.

    This year’s best film was Pan’s Labyrinth. It should have won best foreign language film.

    Dreamgirls winning awards is pathetic. Devil Wears Prada winning awards is pathetic. I only enjoy musicals when they’re story driven instead of music driven, which is not the case for Dreamgirls, and DWP was nothing more than Meryl Streep pretending she was still good for two hours.

    This was a pathetic year at the Golden Globes (even moreso than usual). You had Little Miss Sunshine AND Thank You For Smoking who deserved to win far more than they did. I am lost as to why the films that got attention got that attention.

  25. nothing for LOST? oh well, at least sacha baron cohen won one!!

    his speech was kick ass too, “thank you everybody that didn’t sue us” or something like it!!

  26. Well, at least Scorcese got director. Count our blessings.
    I’m also in strong disagreement that the Globes are popularity contests. If it were so, it would be Beyonce up there and not Jennifer Hudson. [note of sad irony: Hudson didn’t make the Idol cut but she turns out to be a good actress and singer. The presenter who followed, Mister Timberfake, is neither]

    Babel should be spelled babble, because that’s what it really is, and nothing but.
    I hope a message in sent with Oscar noms are announced: We Do Not Honor Mediocre Message Films.

    …oh, don’t worry about Jack. He’ll get his Oscar nom, don’t you worry.
    Leo too.

  27. but isn’t movies subjective? isn’t everything?

    you HAVE to know by now that these awards shows are more “style over substance” .every year theres a overrated movie if it’s not brokeback, it’s lost in translation, if it’s not that it’s in the bedroom, chocolat, the list goes on and on

    i’ll admit, i used to get super pissed when “24” never got awards for it first 3 seasons, but now that it got all this attention. i wish it still was under the radar.

    my favorite movie was pan’s labyrinth. it (IMO) was supeior to the remade departed, and the overrated babel, but look how that got did’nt even win best foreign film. clint eastwood did. WTF?! an american winning a best foreign film, but thats how this crap is…you have to learn to love your entertainment for yourselfs, and not cause awards shows tell you

  28. Didnt even watch it.

    Although seeing that Alec Baldwin won is a happy moment I still just dont care anymore about these award shows.

    You say that I dont ever say anything when we agree…
    Well here goes. Crash was the most undeserving Oscar win since Shakespeare in Love. It was nothing but a 2 hour long sermon with no hope and no answers to the problems it brought up.
    Just further proof, in my opinion, as to why award shows are a joke. They are nothing but a popularity contest.

    And if John is right and it’s only 92 people voting for the Golden Globes, then that just means these are the most meaningles awards out there.

  29. This year was one of the biggest dissapointments for the globes, in my opinion. I hope this is not what the outcome will be at the oscars.
    First of all, Eddie Murphy winning over Jack Nicholson??????? WTF Did anybody see Jack Nicholson sit back down when his name wasnt announced for the win?
    And Why the hell didnt LEO get the win? He has worked his ass off thats why he had the better odds and he deserved recognition. And Babel has to be one of the most over-rated films i have ever known in the history of “acclaims” The Departed is the best and should have won in my opinion…not this shakey camera, subtitled, becasue it takes places in war torn country it deserves to win garbage.
    And then they spend the first 3/4 of the show letting the actors take their time with their speeches and junk and then when it gets down to the last quarter where the most important categories of the night are announced, they cut them off after 30 seconds and speed through it. AND take longer commercial breaks than show times, what shitload of bullfuck. I’m not pleased with last nights outcome. except for Meryl Streep and Martin Scorcese which thank god they finally threw hima frickin bone. And if i was Leo i’d be Pissed.

  30. Thank you, Alfie.

    BROKEBACK was far superior to CRASH in every department. Cinematography, writing, acting, direction — everything. CRASH felt like a solid HBO movie.

  31. There was only one categorie i cared about and that was TV Drama. All iasked for is that 24, LOST or Heroes won but no. They had to give the damn award to mediocre crap

  32. The Globes is comprised of a sheltered group so the choices they make never make sense. Because of that I can never get worked up either way about their selections.

  33. UAU all that talk that everyone is entitled to their opinion is bullshit, is I think this movies are mediocre so if you like them your stupid, great arguments. I agree that a poll of 90 people is limited and may not convey a general feel, but guess what besides the Oscars and guilds awards, most awards are limited to a group of people.

    I don’t know if I agree with their choice too, because I haven’t saw the winning films, but probably I don’t, just as I don’t agree with many Oscar winners, but hey what can we do, at least they provide some entertainment a cause for discussing movies and bitching that they don’t now squat about films :)

  34. aside from brokeback winning the same award last year as babel did last night it is in no way this years brokeback. it is this years crash. another heavy handed subtle as a sledge hammer “message” film with multiple story lines all inter twining….and both awful.

    I don’t get how you rail on brokeback all the time john when last year with crash ultimately winning the best picture oscar is probably the biggest travesty ever in a long line if award show travesties.

    Yet you still go on about brokeback almost winning awards…did brokeback deserve to win the oscar? I agree with you..I personally don’t think it did but neither did crash. It was terrible. Crash in now way deserves to be on the best picture list for all time.

    I know this is about the globes etc but you always go on about brokeback when crash was a much worse decision….it was a t.v. movie at best.

  35. Issue films. People love voting for timely stuff.

    “Gay cowboys! See, it’s ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ meets ‘Jeremiah Johnson’ and the kicker is that it’s got a bittersweet ending.”

    Stuff like ‘Babel’ falls into that abyss, too. People feel like it’s a time for geopolitics to bludgeon the masses into seeing that we all just live on one little planet and everything is interconnected, man. Want a hit?

    Except it never seems to be the people who are clever and well-informed whose efforts surface. It’s always some dark, dismal story of futility soaked in self-righteousness. Never any answers, either. At the end of the day it’s just about pouting.

    Of course, as wonderful as ‘The Departed’ was, it’s tough to give awards out for remakes. BTW, I could see Alec Baldwin in a movie every week and never get tired of watching him work. He’s aged into one of the best character actors working, IMO.

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