Major Spider-Man 3 Spoilers

Jarred sent me this link to the good folks over at Film ick who are reporting that a “trusted source” very close to the production of the Spider-Man 3 project, has reported back to them about a number of spoilers, in particular how the movie ends… who lives… who dies… and a bunch of Venom stuff as well.

I’ve put the spoiler text in the same color as the background so you can’t see it. If you really want to see it, just highlight the invisible text and you’ll be able to read it. Please note, that while I’m posting this, I do not certify that this is true. I don’t personally know the guys at Film ick and therefore can’t vouch for their reliability… but it’s pretty cool anyway. So now, here is your Spider-Man 3 spoilers:

There’s a tremendous action climax to the film, set in a construction site. Peter is trying to take the Sandman down; Eddie Brock as Venom is here to try and take Peter down; and Harry does his best to lend Peter a hand.

The Sandman seems to pull out of the fight after his young daughter intervenes. She’s a secret character, with not much known about her (at least as far as the material in trailers is concerned) as is his wife, played by Theresa Russell. We have seen a glimpse of her, however, in one poster, clutching a teddy bear. The Sandman’s ‘submission’ gives Spider-Man his chance to best Venom, and in fact, Eddie Brock is killed… even though the symbiote isn’t. Peter finds himself under attack from the host-less symbiote as it tries to posess him once more. The first time it possessed Peter was after he’d put Harry in the hospital, this time it look like it comes after him once Harry has died.

The big clue as to how Peter defeats the symbiote is actually in the trailers: ringing the bell in the church tower disturbed the symbiote’s groove enough that Peter could tear it off; here, he clangs girders in the construction site together to gain the upper hand. Now, I’ve been told that Mary Jane Watson is definitely heading off to meet her maker before the end of the movie, and you would think that this scene is where it is most likely to happen. Unfortunately, her death really must be getting kept under the strictest security as nothing my source has seen supports the claim at all.

So there you have it folks. What do you think? Do you think this is reliable? If it’s true, do you like it?


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40 thoughts on “Major Spider-Man 3 Spoilers

  1. Okay well of course Harry is going to die. I think how he dies says alot about his true character. He dies by helping Peter fight off Sandman, and venom. Poor Harry. Oh, and Aunt May dies too. Nobody really knows HOW she dies, but believe me she does. Mary Jane does NOT die people. Yay for Mary! Also, Bruce cameo plays Mysterio but he only appears in the movie for about 5-10 minutes at the end. I hear the Lizard might be in it?? Probably not though?? About Brock dieing…that’s a new one for me. I thought he just gets put in jail and the black symbiote lives. Sandman dies too at the end, and his daughter makes a special appearence. She also has powers. Gwen Stacy doesn’t die either.

  2. What will happen in Spidey 3!

    1. 2 vs. 2 construction site fight. Yes it happens!
    2.Venom impails Harry’s head and Harry dies!
    3. Aunt May dies!
    4.Gwen Stacy drop scene which kills her in comics happens in movie but it is M.J instead but Peter saves her.
    5.Sandman convinced by son not to kill Spidey. He listens!(Hopefully leads to Spidey 4)
    6. Venom lives but is arrested (hopefully leads to Spidey 4)
    7. In comics Eddie Brock muscular…Topher Grace skinny wimp bad choice YES!!!!!!! (Just my opinion)

  3. Ah! But we never actually saw Doc Ock hit the bottom. The typical Marvel death loophole.

    Hopefully he’ll be back. As much as I like what I’ve seen of Spidey 3, Doc Ock is the quintessential Spider-Man villan and Alfred Molina just nailed it.

  4. Yes, Kristina
    It would suck really bad if they kill off Brock after only having been Venom for 15 minutes.

    I would love to see Doc Ock return for a Sinister Six showdown in part 6 of the series but after seeing his lifeless corpse sink to the bottom of the East River I dont have much hope.

  5. It seems to be the trend in comics films to kill off the baddies as opposed to just incarcerating them.

    But… if they kill off Venom, I suspect it’ll be a typical Marvel “death” — leaving room for a return. (I still say don’t count Doc Ock out for a future sequel!)

  6. Lemme ask the guys who read the comics and know Venom, because I don’t. If they kill him off after being in the movie a grand total of fifteen minutes, will it rank up there with Vader’s “Noooooo!” as the greatest travesty ever put on film?

  7. I highly doubt that Venom dies. Eddie Brock maybe (though I also think that’s unlikely), but Venom is such a big oppurtunity as a villain for the next installments that they won’t waste him her just for a good climax.
    The Symbiote at least will survive, which would open the door for Carnage in the 4. movie.
    However, I take this whole thing with a grain of salt.

  8. Man, dont ya just feel the love?

    I don’t think this is the real deal…and I don’t want anyone knocked off.
    Not MJ. Not Aunt May. Not Eddie Brock.

    [although if a villian were to buy it in would be the third in the film series to do so]

    As to Mysterio, that (4th) villian is only pertaining to the alleged rumor of Bruce’s cameo as “Quentin Beck”. If that has merit, I don’t see it as villian #4 unless he wears a fishbowl. After all, Curt Connors is back- but the Lizard isn’t in Spidey 3. John Jameson returns…that does not mean we’ll see Man-Wolf.

  9. Oh God, PLEASE kill that crusty old cunt. Kill her ass, and spare me her after-school special speeches about the good things in the world. Go to hell with gasoline Depends on, you wrinkle-faced bitch!

  10. If M.J doesn’t die, that opens up the possibility of May Parker being born. Maybe Aunt May dies, who knows? The crazy thing is, everyone in this film is up for death, even Spider-Man.

  11. doesnt matter what bruce cambell is in spiderman 3 he will rule and i hope mj doesnt die but i carn wait to see bad ass venmon on screeen that is who im looking forward to most.



  13. Its all been specualted before, other than Eddie Brock’s demise. And what was reported I can’t complain with if it is all true. To really spill the beans of what goes on in a movie like this, you’d have to report a play by play event of everything that actually happens; Raimi and his team are great at saturatating good character development, which allows the story to flow through at a nice pace with great elements no one could forsee. And that is what makes these films great.

    You could go back in time and tell me “spoilers” about Spider-Man 2, but so much happened that no one could have possibly forseen, let alone spoil it. I’m hoping this film reaches a length of three hours, just because so much is in it. And remember those Chameleon spoilers? Just saying oncve again, this is all still specualtion.

  14. You have ruined it for me!!!!!! By posting that there were indeed spoilers, and giving a “spoiler alert” i now know there exhist spoilers for this film. Therefore this film and my life are ruined… You should have been kind enough to post a “‘spoiler alert’ spoiler”… allowing us to infer that there may POSSIBLY be a “spoiler alert” posted at sometime in the non exact future. Way to go Campea.

    Next thing you are gonna do is tell me that at some time in the future, i will die. Sheeesh!


  15. Bruce C as Mysterio makes perfect sense if one looked at previous
    2 films. Mysterio was a normal guy bitter at the attention and
    fame spiderman was getting.

  16. *SPOLIER*

    Don’t forget about the spoiler I mentioned a while back, Bruce Campbell is Mysterio, he is the 3rd villian in the movie (not Peter’s oh so scary dark side) and it will be revealed in the end that he was the one making everyone believe Sandman killed Peter’s Gramps.

    I tell no lies!


  17. Aren’t they already several months late for a baby Kryptonian? Is Lois at least pregnant yet?? It’s not like DC didn’t know the baby storyline was coming in the movie. Why has it not happened yet and why wait this long?

  18. Huh? What did I say? Wasn’t tryin’ to be smug. Sorry if it came off that way. Just sayin’ that the “D.I.D.” is a tried and true staple of superhero flicks. I’d be stunned if they went against the grain in this movie.

    “Kneon Transitt, following the formula in Hollywood is no longer the norm. With the neorealist movement now in full swing, and the control being more and more shifted into the filmmaker, we no longer have the expectations of studio interference we did through the 1990s.”

    No, but in this case… there’s Marvel to contend with, not just Hollywood. Unless they plan to off MJ in the comics, I don’t see them letting her get offed in the film.

    (Though, Joe Q. has said before that Peter getting married was the worst thing that happened to the character… hmm….)

    And yes, you can most likely expect a bouncin’ baby Kryptonian in the not too distant future over at DC.

  19. Kneon Transitt, following the formula in Hollywood is no longer the norm. With the neorealist movement now in full swing, and the control being more and more shifted into the filmmaker, we no longer have the expectations of studio interference we did through the 1990s.

  20. MJ is not what keeps Peter going. She may be a part of what keeps him going, but she is only a part. Peter is not so one-dimensional to be relying on a single person like that. He has more depth than that and so does Sam.

    And Kneon, you ” ;) ” comes off a little smug. Maybe leave that out so you come off less like a “better than you: kinda guy. I’m not saying you are like that and would like to believe you aren’t, but for most people, perception is reality and I just want to warn you how I think it could be perceived. I hope that criticism/suggestion isn’t taken in the wrong light.


  21. Kneon, anytime they kidnap the chick in any movie, I groan aloud. It just keeps happening over and over. And as far as Lois goes, she may be a bit more independent that the usual DID(damsel in distress), she’s still another DID to me. You can count the seconds until it happens in EVERY movie. And she ALWAYS gets saved at the last minute. PLEASE, for once, kill a bitch in a movie, I beg of you.

  22. I read somewhere about 6 months back from another site claiming to know the plot that Aunt May IS going to die.
    I like this idea too.

    Killing Mary Jane would be a mistake.
    I’m not saying this for continuity’s sake or because I am a comic purist, I’m saying it because I agree with Rodney. Mary Jane is what keeps Peter going. I would rather her be recast than killed. Dunst doesnt want to do it anymore, Tobey doesnt want to do it anymore… fine. Recast ’em. Wait about four years and get a whole new team. Harry Potter has been switching up with better and better results and I think some new blood both behind the camera and in front of it would be refreshing. Who knows, maybe a new guy would make Peter stop being such a whiney bitch. I love Sam’s Spiderman movies. Dont get me wrong, but you never know what a fresh take might bring.

    I’ve heard from many sources that Harry is going to die, so no surprise there. And the 4 way fight at the end with Harry trying to help. Eddie Brock getting killed was a new for me.

    If there are more after this one, I vote for the Lizard and Electro for 4 and 5 and Carnage after that. Carnage is too similar to Venom so I think it would be best to have a few spaces between them.

  23. “Seriously, they need to kill her off. She is entirely useless, and all she does is pout and get kidnapped. You can only do that so many times before it gets tired.”

    Lois Lane has been doing that tirelessly for nearly 70 years. ;)

  24. I’m the guy from film ick. My source is pretty good, I have to say. I did pulbish a whole string os spoilers before – find them over at the site, they pretty much cover THE WHOLE movie – and the source on those is definitely 100%.

    But I don’t doubt these new passages I’ve published at all. Come over and read them (not everything is copied over here, thank heavens)

    On May 4th you’ll see just how accurate I am.

  25. Seriously, they need to kill her off. She is entirely useless, and all she does is pout and get kidnapped. You can only do that so many times before it gets tired.

  26. So you mean to tell me that they are going to put in the one character, Venom, that everyone has been waiting years to see on the big screen and then kill him off in the same movie? Who gives a fuck about MJ and all the rest…I want to see Venom wreak havoc on everything. Man, I hope both these sources are wrong. That or Venom makes a comeback sometime later…sorry, I dont know the Spiderman story.

  27. Hey John:

    You said:
    “Also, it’s ballsy to not just follow the formula. “Peter gets the girl and they all live happily ever after”. I say, kill her. Killer her good!”

    I say:
    Well, yeah… it’s ballsy. But this is Hollywood, and a major franchise. Following the formula is the norm. ;)

    Some comic fans preferred Gwen Stacey to MJ. I have to admit that it *would* be interesting to their fates reversed, but I really can’t see it happening. Audiences would be bummed, and it sort of negates the groundwork laid in the first two films.

    If Peter loses MJ, he has no reason to go on, IMHO. He’s already lost Uncle Ben, will be losing Harry… losing MJ would send him over the edge, I think.

    Hey, they could end it with him losing his powers again and just throwing himself off a buidling. Roll credits.

    Who knows? I’d *like* to think Raimi knows what he’s doing, so we’ll see what happens…

  28. I have to disagree about killing MJ.

    She is what grounds him. Keeps Spiderman the alterego instead of Parker being the background character that Spidey isnt. And after 2 movies worth of building their relationship up, they need to let him enjoy his time with MJ before they take her out of the picture. Like Kneon said, they need SOMETHING to make his victory seem worthwhile instead of all these negative things happening and leaving him with a “oh well, at least you won” ending.

    Kill Aunt May. She is the useless character. They are only considering killing off MJ because Dunst doesnt want to play her.

  29. This is unreliable – The person who created this did a pretty damn good job at feeding the spoilers coming from trusted sources to make it look like this version is actually legit:

    1. The 2 versus 2 fight on a construction site will happen.
    2. Eddie Brock won’t be killed, he will go to jail.
    3. Peter will almost kill Harry but later ask him for his help.
    4. Mary Jane will be threatened to die but won’t.
    5. Sandman will turn into Mudman (with tons of water) and die.
    6. The symbiote will vanish, and won’t be captured.
    7. Brock’s cell neighbor in jail will be Cletus Kassidy.

    Let’s see if this is gonna be a 7 out of 7 on May 4th.
    I am just as reliable as this guy though. Using logic based on already announced spoilers.

  30. Hey Kneon

    To me, killing MJ is exactly what they SHOULD be doing. She’s been a usless character in the franchise, most spider-man fans agree that she’s been the weak link and haven’t really like Dunst in the role.

    Also, it’s ballsy to not just follow the formula. “Peter gets the girl and they all live happily ever after”. I say, kill her. Killer her good!

  31. Harry dying is a no-brainer — it happened in the comics, and there really isn’t much for him to do after he tries to get revenge.

    Brock… OK, I can see that, maybe. Perhaps the symbiote can find some fresh meat or just spawn Carnage in another sequel.

    But MJ? I can’t see THAT. Gwen Stacy died in the comics, but killing off MJ… what a depressing ending for the Raimi trilogy!

    With all he chaos going on around him, at least Peter gets to come home to MJ. They should at least give him a happy ending with her. I think that audiences would react *very* negatively to such a downer of a finale. Peter should get the girl. It was set up in #1 and #2.

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