One thought on “Great list of Star Wars Cut Scenes

  1. There were some scenes I was aware of (partially due to the Marvel Comics adaptation, the early FX docs, and Lucas’ own Star Wars novel –first printing–) that were changed or cut from the film. The added plus was the stories behind them.

    The Biggs stuff (including Yavin), the John D/Red Four scene, the early Jabba. Yeah. Most of that’s common knowledge of what was changed/edited in Star Wars : A New Hope.

    But even I can learn new and surprising things. My biggest gem of this bunch? Hands down has to be “Jen” the lass on Han’s arm in the “original” catina scene. Next up would most likely be “the graphic” scene of Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru. As for the Death Star officer getting blasted, this one was a surprise to me as a ‘deleted’ scene, but, yes, on further examination, it was a different take as the the burn wasn’t as big.

    The odd thing is that a little over a half of the alternate/extended/deleted scenes on the site have been around for two years. Talk about under the radar! Thank God (if not The Force) for TiVo! As for the more recent stuff and/or updates, a third seems to be someone who was (or still is) connected to Lucasfilm. This gets my hopes up a tad: when the original *orginal* films come out on DVD this fall, would it be a great thing if even *half* of the deleted/alternate scenes were put in a special features section/bonus disc?

    – Sealer

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