Chris Tucker Now Highest Paid Actor In Hollywood

Post submitted by: Kristina You can submit a post here

Apparently, New Line Cinemas has agreed to pay Chris Tucker $25 million dollars to do Rush Hour 3. According to IMDB and’s Roger Friedman, this would make him THE HIGHEST-PAID ACTOR IN HOLLYWOOD. That’s right, higher than Denzel, higher than that placenta-eating nutbag Cruise, higher than ALL OF THEM! I liked the first Rush Hour, the second one was meh, and now he’s getting paid all of this money for a third. Are people really begging for Rush Hour 3? Let’s also consider that Jackie Chan is the one who put in mortal danger by doing all of those stunts while Tucker stands to the side and smirks.

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43 thoughts on “Chris Tucker Now Highest Paid Actor In Hollywood

  1. I would not have seen any rush hours if not for Chris tucker.
    I think the people that are mad about him geting paid, are just haters, or there racist so in that case no one cares what they think.

  2. Why is everyone throwing salt. I do think they both should be paid the same, but yall can’t get made at Chris because Jackie didn’t demand higher. They both have played equally significant roles in the first 2 and if either were replaced there would be a void.

    I say if you can get it, why not ask for it.
    I’m going to see it and I’ll buy when it comes out on dvd. I expect nothing but greatness from these 2 in this movie.

    And i loved him in the 5th Element

  3. screw u if u don’t like chris tucker u can kiss my ass cause i don’t really like rush hour anyway chris needs to get wit icecube and make another friday instead of waisting his time with stupid ass rush hour

  4. 25 mil? u gotta be kidding me. and this is the guy who refused to come out of his trailer unless they changed the script to his specifications. i’m definitly not watching the movie to pay for his nasty attitude. i’ll wait till it comes out on YOUTUBE.

  5. chris tucker is da bomb, but i never expected him to be the highest paid in hollywood. what happened to bruce willis? better still anthony “hanibal” hopkins.

  6. Lets face it,

    Everyone has had a job that paid them more than they were worth at point or another. Looking around at work, you can see at least one co worker that does not deserve the money their making.

    Secondly, is there any of us who wouldn’t accept that $25 mil paycheck? I’ll bet half of you would make a movie for peanuts. Just to say you did it.

    It would be nice if people stood up this much for worthy causes and for people who really deserve more money such as school teachers.

    By the way Mr. Tucker, please forward your agent’s contact info, there’s several of us who would love representation also…. ….. ……

  7. this dude is one of my favorie actors and I’m glad he’s getting 25 mill for this movies. do what you do to get your money chris I fucks with you.

    P.S. Everybody stop hating on the dude evrey time a black man get a lot of money or do good in life its allways some one who want to talk down on them. Do your thing chris and all you hoe ass people stop hating on the dude.

  8. peoples, it is hard to understanding why you all will spend precious time on a matter that seem so obvious.25 mill is a whole lot of dough to spend on what you people consider chris to be.common guys,we talking about a movie studio thats been in the game for a while and know why they pay that much.perhaps it is the whole act of paying so much for chris that will make all u bunch of idiots go out to watch the movie and see why he been paid that much.
    chris is gonna make 25 mill and no matter how much yaping about u crack heads do, he will still get his pay check

  9. All of you guys have strong points but I have to agree with stop hating. Even though Chris is the side kick he still makes the movie. Chris is a funny man and he does good in Rush Hours. Do I think he deserve 25M, NO but then again I don’t know what his contract states. So maybe he do or maybe he don’t but he got it. I am a fan of Chris and Jackie and I will go see Rush Hour 3 because their funny.


  11. I don’t understand why you all so concern about Chris’ salary? He deserves or not, the fact is that he earns $25M. I think you all should only bother about his salary only if you were Jacky Chan.

  12. I don’t understand why you all so concern about Chris’ salary? He deserves or not, the fact is that he earns $25M. I think you all should only bother about his salary only if you were Jacky Chan.

  13. Why are you all so concerned about this man does? It is not $25M for maing a movie. It’s $25M for making the movie, doing publicity, and whatever else is in his contract. Chris Tucker feels as though he has worked hard enough to where he deserves a $25M payment and if someone is willing to pay him $25M to make a movie, then so be it. They could have easily gotten someone else. The lack of Chris Tucker did not stop Ice Cube from completing subsequent Friday movies. The only thing I regret is not being the smart agent who negotiated the deal.

  14. Well i guess we are all worth something and that is what sets use apart from others. So we should not hate on him due to the fact that he makes alot of money by just letting jokes i bet that each one of use can make the same kind of money in different areas of our lifes. So just go for what you know and love and you could be the next person we are talking about…….(nfm)

  15. Well, the ones that I have read have totally different numbers from the ones you posted, but you know what, it doesn’t even matter where Rush Hour 2 or Rush Hour 3 for that matter ranks because like I said, CHRIS TUCKER IS GOING TO GET HIS 25 MILL regardless of what you or anybody else who doesn’t agree thinks!!!!! And with that being said, if you don’t like it you can KISS Chris Tucker’s A$$ and mines too!!!! Ya’ll are just hating because he makes more than your hero Tom Cruise (who by the way is being dissed left and and right in all the news for his sorry performance in MI:3, ha, what a fu**ing joke)

  16. Well, the ones that I have read have totally different numbers from the ones you posted, but you know what, it doesn’t even matter where Rush Hour 2 or Rush Hour 3 for that matter ranks because like I said, CHRIS TUCKER IS GOING TO GET HIS 25 MILL regardless of what you or anybody else who doesn’t agree thinks!!!!! And with that being said, if you don’t like it you cand KISS Chris Tucker’s A$$ and mines too!!!! HA!!!

  17. Hey Whocares,

    Yes yes… I read the Fox story… before you did. The story is in error (as are many Fox “news” facts).

    Check BoxOffice Mojo, or any other offical box office fact site. Rush Hour 2 doesn’t even come CLOSE to being the top box office comedy. Not even near. Not domestically… not internationally.

  18. Hey “Whocares”

    perhaps you need to learn how to read. There are dozens of comedies ahead of Rush Hour. Take a look.

    Just on the shor shor short list that Jim listed above there are:

    #44 – Beverly Hills Cop
    #43 – Ghostbusters
    #39 – Bruce Almighty
    #38 – Toy Story 2
    #36 – Men in Black
    #34 – Monsters Inc.
    #31 – The Incredibles
    #29 – Shrek
    #28 – Meet the Fockers
    #26 – Home Alone
    #13 – Finding Nemo
    # 3 – Shrek 2

    These are all comedies… and they’re all ahead of Rush Hour

  19. UM…..Jim…you might want to check your facts…Chan Fan said Rush Hour 2 is the Highest Grossing COMEDY in history, which in fact it is!!!! Go check HATER!!!!! As a matter of fact everyone who is dissing Chris are haters. What difference does it make how much he makes. Obviously he’s worth it to New Line Cinemas who happens to be the one signing his check so ya’ll can keep Bit**ing all ya’ll want, cause he still gone get paid!!!!!

  20. Chan Fan Posted that “You guys are idiots, Rush Hour 2 is THE highest grossing movie in history…”

    Uh…um… no it isn’t. According to for Domestic (USA) release it is number 50 of all time… BEHIND:

    #44 – Beverly Hills Cop
    #43 – Ghostbusters
    #39 – Bruce Almighty
    #38 – Toy Story 2
    #36 – Men in Black
    #34 – Monsters Inc.
    #31 – The Incredibles
    #29 – Shrek
    #28 – Meet the Fockers
    #26 – Home Alone
    #13 – Finding Nemo
    # 3 – Shrek 2

    And would you believe that it doesnt even make the worldwide release in the top 100?? So, since Home Alone made more than it, shoul Macauly Culkin get 30 million for his next flick? The Rush Hour movies are fun… mostly what makes them fun is Jackie Chan, and no one involved in them is worth 25 mil, Let Alone Chris Tucker.

    Although, perhaps we are looking at this wrong… maybe this is a payoff by the studio to get him to SHUT HIS MOUTH for like 10 minutes… then it is TOTALLY worth it! ;-)

  21. Hey there Roscoe…

    Ummmm… you wanna check your facts again? You said “Tom Cruise has never had 2 films gross 600 million worldwide”

    Wow… I don’t know how to tell you just how wrong you are.

    Mission Impossible 2 – $546 Million
    Mission Impossible 1 – $456 Million
    Top Gun – $353 Million
    War of the Worlds – $592 Million
    Minority Report – $358 Million
    A Few Good Men – $250 Million

    You put ANY combination of the above film together and you’ve got over $600 Million. Where were you getting your facts from????

    Also, Tom Cruise is the LEAD star in each of those films. Chris Tucker hasn’t done anything but ride Jackie Chan’s coat tails. Without Chris Tucker, Chan has other hit films. Without Jackie Chan, Tucker has ZERO hit film.

    You wanna tell me again how Chris Tucker deserves so much money?

  22. I think Tucker should be paid the money he asked for. If Jackie wasn’t man enough to follow in Chris’s footsteps and get paid then it’s his own fault. Tom Cruise doesn’t have the box office appeal that Tucker has and the numbers prove that. Tom has never had 2 films gross 600 million worldwide, therefore he doesn’t deserve 25MIL. If people don’t want to see Rush hour 3, it’s okay. Chris will get still get his cut while your here complaining.

  23. I’d like to make Chris Tucker pay ME 9 bucks so I could sit him in a chair and squeel in a high pitched voice into his ear 100 words per minute.

    Then I’d feel like we were even.

  24. Tucker may not always be funny, and he might be overrated as an actor, but holy crap, he’s an excellent hustler and/or extortionist.

    Still, Tucker has this obscene distinction because other (more talented) actors have come down a little bit on salaries. To think…when he WAS funny his pay cap was that when he made “Friday”. I thought he was funny in “5th”, but he was also in a supporting role.

    There’s nothing to justify his salary.

  25. I’m glad their making a Rush Hour 3. Chan has done nothing but kiddie bullshit movies for the past few years. I liked the Rush Hour movies so it’s good that Chan is going back to them.

    Chris Tucker should not be paid that much. It ridiculous and insane. People like Freeman, Bale, Cruise and Jackman should be earning that kind of money not Tucker who has not done anything out of this world.

  26. … Yeah but it’s only for this project, Chan and Tucker are worth the money for THIS movie. It‚Äôs not like he or Chan would be this well paid for anything else. Any other movie Tucker would maybe get a couple of million. With all the complaining about actors like Tom Cruise, Chan and Tucker in term of celebs are nice guys who do lots of charitable work and don’t say anything bad about anyone.

    I don’t care for these films much, but they are fun popcorn and if Tucker and Chan put bums on seats for this film good luck to them.

  27. LOL!! That is pure funny. The Tuck has all the Luck.


    – Do actors usually accept less paying projects after they’ve reached a height as Mr. Tucker?

    – Would directors may no longer consider him because of his cost?

    – Has Mr. Tucker dug himself into a hole in his career?

    Find out on the next edition of…

  28. I really liked him in “The Fifth Element” but this is sad news. I wish Chan would decide to skip number three and that it bombs at the theatres. Mean, I know, but I can’t help myself.

    To me, this is like paying Tom Green $25M to do another “Freddy Got Fingered” or whatever that BS was called.

  29. So he’s getting paid more than Jackie Chan? That’s such bullshit. Nobody goes out of their way to watch “The New Chris Tucker Movie”. Jackie Chan carried those movies. Anybody could have filled that loudmouth sidekick role. Man, I wanted to kill him in The Fifth Element.

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