Star Wars TV Series a Go

johnandjim.jpgSo it looks like there is indeed going to be a Star Wars TV series. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it feels like it’ll further cheapen the franchise, and that almost brings tears to my eyes. On the other hand, the Star Wars Universe which Lucas has created is easily the most amazing world in fiction ever created (yes even more so than middle-earth), and there are endless stories that could be told in that realm. The most fascinating thing about this news is that George has said that he won’t personally helm a TV project… that he’ll hand it off to someone else. The Hollywood North Report gives us this:

a Star Wars television series is coming to your screens after Episode III‚ÄîRevenge of the Sith completes its run in theaters. Jim Ward (Vice President of Lucas Film – That’s him on the left with me… I love throwing these pictures in) announced this at the recent Star Wars DVD rollout for the press, and George Lucas confirmed it himself in a recent AP interview:

AP: After Episode III, will you ever revisit Star Wars?

George Lucas: Ultimately, I’m going to probably move it into television and let other people take it. I’m sort of preserving the feature film part for what has happened and never go there again, but I can go off into various offshoots and things. You know, I’ve got offshoot novels, I’ve got offshoot comics. So it’s very easy to say, “Well, OK, that’s that genre, and I’ll find a really talented person to take it and create it.” Just like the comic books and the novels are somebody else’s way of doing it. I don’t mind that. Some of it might turn out to be pretty good. If I get the right people involved, it could be interesting.

If you’d like to read the whole article go here.

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50 thoughts on “Star Wars TV Series a Go

  1. A star wars TV series would be great if down right. It should be based between ep 3 and 4 and should and tie the new and original films together. They should also have several years pass between each season, so the show can constantly change and expand, story and charactor wise.

    They could show the remaining jedi being hunted down, there was nothing in the movie that showed that the jedi were all killed, Obi-wan survived so could others. The story could follow a suviving jedi on the run from the empire and could also show the rise of the rebelian and there struggles with the empire.

    However, the key to success is story line and charactor. With a smaller budget, they will have to base the show more on content of story and charator rather then CG.

  2. It should be done on the fall of Exar Kun. I think it would be great to see some other jedi fall to the dark side, except this time never coming out of it. Exar Kun made a star explode, and its arguably one of the most epic times of the Star Wars universe.

    If a dark theme can make a great movie, why can’t it make a great series?

  3. I completely absolutely have the COMPLETE OPPOSITE view of most of you posters. I would love to watch a Star Wars TV series but only under one condition: only if it has absolutely nothing to do with Luke Skywalker, and absolutely nothing to do with the Empire vs. Rebellion. To me, once the “balance in the force” was restored, that was the END of the overall Star Wars story. The. End.

    There are literally 5000 years of endless endless stories to tell from the old republic, right from the creation of the republic. FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. Infinite number of characters and infinite number of stories. Any of you who have played Knights of the Old Republic will know what I am talking about. You can have Jedi, you can have Sith, you can have droids, you can have all the aliens and all the great elements of the Star Wars without rehashing used goods.

  4. dunno why every one bashes jar jar binks. i think he was the best character created out of all the star wars movies. episode 1 rocked!

    can’t wait for a tv series. hell yeah!

  5. sure the television series has great potential, but only if done right. it has to focus on the New Republic as a whole, not just the jedi or just the pain in the ass politics, but cycle between Rogue Squadron’s infiltration of Coruscant, Wedge’s develpment of wraith squadron. but they had better use references to stay true to the star wars universe. make sure that the characters look as close as possible to the ones in the comic books, or the essential guides. A tv series will probably never reach the potential of a movie, but it still has the ability to be great.

  6. I think Lucas is an ass hat………he ruined star wars for me. Ep I was terrible and made for his young son…….ok, I forgave him after EpII because I thought that one was pretty damn good, which gave me alot of hope for EpIII…..I figured he learned his lesson with jar jar….got all of the stupid out of his system…….and the trailers for EpIII made it look dark and interesting. It was nowhere near as dark as it needed to be. The first 20 minutes of the movie revolve around an action sequence full of bad jokes and physical “humour”. Count Dooku is done away with in a couple of minutes………..such a cool “grey area” character and they dont even use it. For me, Count Dooku was the boba fett of EpII……but they ruin him in EpIII by making him incompetent. (and lets not even get into revealing the mystery of the coolest bounty hunter of all time……Fett should have remained a mystery….thats why he was cool damnit) There was way too much time wasted on action when there needed to be alot more emotional scenes. More politics, less hack and slash. My favorite scene was when Palpatine talks to Anakin at the opera. I thought there needed to be more of that. The clincher had to be Vader stomping around at the end, screaming in agony over the loss of padme…….fuckin lame…….the most recognized screen villain of all time has been reduced to a love sick teenager who gets tricked into becoming a bad guy. Bloody let down. Bottom line. Lucas has gone power mad with what he can do with his digital technology. (way to put Frank Oz and Kenny Baker out of work by the way george….dick) Turning this into a tv series will only worsen this whole fall from grace. Tv almost always ends up being shallower and less emotionally intense, and in a story where the special effects take a big part just out of necessity due to the setting (futuristic fantasy) theres gonna be even less room for good writing. Not a good idea if you ask me. Star wars has dies, at least for me, and I say let EpIII have been its swan song.

  7. I think Lucas is an ass hat………he ruined star wars for me. Ep I was terrible and made for his young son…….ok, I forgave him after EpII because I thought that one was pretty damn good, which gave me alot of hope for EpIII…..I figured he learned his lesson with jar jar….got all of the stupid out of his system…….and the trailers for EpIII made it look dark and interesting. It was nowhere near as dark as it needed to be. The first 20 minutes of the movie revolve around an action sequence full of bad jokes and physical “humour”. Count Dooku is done away with in a couple of minutes………..such a cool “grey area” character and they dont even use it. For me, Count Dooku was the boba fett of EpII……but they ruin him in EpIII by making him incompetent. (and lets not even get into revealing the mystery of the coolest bounty hunter of all time……Fett should have remained a mystery….thats why he was cool damnit) There was way too much time wasted on action when there needed to be alot more emotional scenes. More politics, less hack and slash. My favorite scene was when Palpatine talks to Anakin at the opera. I thought there needed to be more of that. The clincher had to be Vader stomping around at the end, screaming in agony over the loss of padme…….fuckin lame…….the most recognized screen villain of all time has been reduced to a love sick teenager who gets tricked into becoming a bad guy. Bloody let down. Bottom line. Lucas has gone power mad with what he can do with his digital technology. (way to put Frank Oz and Kenny Baker out of work by the way george….dick)

  8. I hate to put this, but, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM???? What’s exactly wrong with a Star Wars TV series? I mean, do you really think that those different media will affect, or, shall we say, DEPRECIATE one another THAT MUCH? Sorry, but they are separated. And according to Lucas, the link is even weaker than the one between the movies and the cartoon “Clone Wars”.

    I have to admit that I would LOVE to see others’ story in this fantasy world (which will only enrich the whole thing). Look, the world is filled with minors, and without minors it will never be a whole. Their efforts and stories should not be forgotten. A few stories and details about them will add more to the fictional universe. Enough Luke, enough Obi-wan, enough Han, and DEFINITELY enough Darth Vadar (all the movies are about him, from birth to death). And PLEASE, NO Jedi Academy or Luke’s duty, I don’t wanna see a Jedi-version Harry-Potter story.

  9. Oh, that sounded convincing. Because the amount of technical basis existing in the Star Wars universe is fucking mind blowing. ‘tard.
    Both universes have their good points, AND their bad ones. I mean, let’s face it, A New Hope is hardly a new idea. Let’s break it down into what Luke’s first adventure is:
    There’s a farmboy. He goes to the big city. He has an adventure.
    That pretty much sums it up. You’ve got to admit, as far as creativity goes, Star Trek’s earlier work blows that out of the water. Obviously the newer material–in other words, Enterprise–aren’t nearly as interesting, or original as the earlier material, but to be perfectly honest, I’d like any Star Wars fan who thinks the Saga is flawless to do one thing for me:
    Justify Jar-Jar Binks.

    Back toward the main topic of this, though, since Mark Hamill has apparently got some level of involvement in the series, it seems much of this argument has become null and void, as that makes it fairly clear that it’s occurring after Episode IV. But I hope care is taken in what it focuses on. I heard some terrible rumors that it was going to center on a group of teenaged students at the Jedi Academy, which basically means the series would amount to Teen Angst…and the Force.
    Star Wars: Episode 90210.

  10. this is to the guy who said that starwars sucks you need to get in you gay little ferengi head that starwars is more realistic then star trek will ever be star trek is one of the fucking crap horse shit shows that people can watch you can tell whats going to happen just by them saying something fuck it is so gay people with big ears and shit like that come on piss off to your star trek fags witch there really arnt any anyway.

  11. A show would be great. It would be interesting for the show to focus on a different era for each season. Also, I would like to know more about the wookies after III, and (SPOILER) I’m sure most of you who saw III already are wondering- does Obi-Wan contact Qui-Gon? What happens to Obi-Wan? He was supposed to stay on Tatooine to watch over Luke, and yet in IV Luke doesn’t even know Obi-Wan? The possibilities are endless. Also, I’d like to know how Han Solo and Chewie meet and some of their adventures.

    Just my input,


    More Star wars = More Jedi = More fun!

  13. From what I heard it’s going to take place between Ep. 3 and Ep 4. I agree that this limits the possibilities for story lines. As far as no Jedi being around during this time frame, let’s not forget about all the remaining Jedi that were not killed in Ep 3. It would be nice to see how Vader hunts down the remaining Jedi. This is probably not going to happen since it’s rumored that the TV series will not focus on any of the main characters from the films.

    A few requests:

    No Jar Jar or Gungans
    No E-Woks
    Bring on the Wookies.

  14. From what I here, the TV show is to be based off of some of the minor characters in the universe. I’d personally prefer to see a post-RotJ series, but I remember hearing rumors of Lucas disliking to play in the sub-worlds of others, so I could also see a pre-TPM series as a possibility. I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see just what minor characters they’re talking about

  15. They should make any starwars tv series set after the end of starwars new jedi series (books) have finished then they would have a hole new set of hero’s that have not been in the movies and maybe even a guest apperience or two from Luke (mark hamil) and his wife (Mara) as they would look about the right age.

  16. I am excited about a TV show. I would love to see it on Sci-Fi. It could be on the same night as Stargate, Atlantis, BS Galactica.

    I think a show about the Knights of the Old Republic would be very interesting. Also interesting would be the Clone Wars or the Rebel assaults before Episode 4.

  17. The only two periods of Star Wars History that this would be good in is during the Galactic Civil War or the Old Republic. Since weve already seen everything in Episode IV through VI It should be in the Old Republic. Thats 5000 years of history they could go through. Thered also be plenty of Sith/Jedi battles which is what Star Wars is all about. As for the writers they should let the people who write Battlestar Galactica or Stargate write a couple episodes. The people who write stargate usually have some good humorous dialog which is what most people were expecting to find in the prequels but when they didnt were disappointed. And the people who write for Battlesstar are good at writing dramatic scenes which is also expected in Star Wars. But thats just my opinion. It might be ok set between Ep 3 and 4 but i just dont see how long they could make it last. I apologize for another Stargate reference but look at it its going on its 9th or 10th i cant remember season. Its succesful and its not limited by such a small timeline that putting it between ep 3 and 4 will. Im thinking only 2 maybe 3 seasons if they go the way theyre planning so far.

  18. To be honest, I think the best way to do a Star Wars TV series is to completely avoid the films. That is to say, don’t ignore or disregard what events occur in the movies – just go somewhere new. Tatooine appears in 4 of the existing 5 (not sure about ROTS, haven’t seen it yet – roll on tomorrow!) – but there are thousands of worlds in the Star Wars universe. And lets not see Harisson Ford as an old Han Solo, or Princess leia (considering how old Carrie Fisher looks now). As many have said, the expanded universe and computer games have invented a plethora of new characters who would be excellent TV heroes. And there are extremely interesting events that occur after the destruction of the second Death Star – so go there and make up new stuff. I’d hate to see a series about ‘A Rebel Pilot’s Story – the Great Struggle!’ looking at the galactic civil war from the POV of a grunt or X-Wing pilot – it’s familiar territory – it’s not new. We’ve been there, done that – MOVE ON. The series need to be brand new territory with new places, new characters, new gadgets and gizmo’s – and new villains.

  19. Someone with the name Josh said that Star Trek is having problems and Star Wars could run into same ones, well let me tell you something the only problem ST franchise has is Paramount who treats ST like a step-child or money making machine other than that ST still has a bright future! if only they could change networks!

    Anyway I love both Star Trek and wars and I’d love to see SW as a tv series.

  20. When the Star Wars series is created, it should not be set between episode 3 and 4. Like Kyle said they’re no Jedi except Vader during this time frame. We might be able to see some cool battles of the Galactic Civil War, but that would be it. I would rather see Luke Skywalker show his stuff as a Jedi Master, during the New Jedi Order era.

  21. I’m looking forward towards the Star Wars series, but I was disapointed to find out that it will be set between the the time frame of episode 3 and 4. The series would be better…WAY BETTER!…if set within the New Jedi Order era.

  22. “EU” is simply an acronym for “extended universe,” basically anything from the books, comics, games, etc., that wasn’t laid down by Lucas himself and is thus not considered canon.

    It _has_ to take place after ep VI. I had read one rumor stating it would be set between eps III and IV, which would suck, because, dude? No Jedi. Well, except Vader, I guess. And the Jedi is what Star Wars is all about. But a Jedi Academy or New Jedi Order like series would be very cool. Mostly fledgling Jedi that aren’t virtually invincible? Luke trying to learn how best to guide his new students? Awesome.

  23. “…the Star Wars Universe which Lucas has created is easily the most amazing world in fiction ever created (yes even more so than middle-earth)…”

    Dude. We all like Star Wars, sure. We all like Hobbits and Middle-Earth just fine too.

    Neither of them, however, qualify as the “most amazing worlds in fiction ever created” or anything even approaching that kind of hyperbole. Probably there isn’t anything that truely does merit such praise.

    Star Wars and LOTR are both, in their own ways, 20th Century reworkings of ancient myths and narratives. They both transplant age-old narratives and themes into a wonderfully conceived and imaginative fictional world (ok, galaxy). They both utilize huge amounts of backstory and fine attention to detail to give depth and a sense of realism (in a very unreal environment) to create the setting for their stories.

    … But come on man, Star Wars is the greatest fictional setting EVER? Hands down? I disagree.
    Please, do yourself a favor and start reading more. Classics, fine literature, poetry, ancient mythology – anything OTHER than the typical Sci-Fi and Fantasy genre crap. I’m sure you’ve read quite enough of that already. Broaden your horizons, then return to Star Wars, and it won’t seem quite so amazing. It’ll still be fun – still seem great in it’s own right – but I doubt you’ll still find it the most towering achievement in creative writing in human history or whatever.

  24. Oh I think there is great potential for a Star Wars series. With the demise of Star Trek, and with only one year left on Stargate. We will need a new Sci-Fi series to fill the void.

    They could do a series on X-Wing squandron with Wedge or even better they could make the Timothy Zahn trilogy into an entended story line that spans multiple seasons. They could do a Jedi Academy with Jacen and Jania with Luke and Mara as the “Head Masters” of the school.

    They could do great things with a series. They just need to make sure that it takes place AFTER episode VI, and that the series stays true to the NOVELS.

  25. The TV show, could easily be great. But it will reduce Star Wars’ success BIG TIME.

    Movies, are much easier to follow than a TV show. Sure the first season will probably be the most highly rated television in history. But half way into the second season it will dwindle. It’ll still be very successful but the numbers will have dropped so drastically the series will have seemed like a flop.

    And if it’s still successful enough to warrant a movie based on the television series, the fanbase for these characters will only be enough to bring in 100,000,000 dollars or so. Star Wars’ success will never reach the heigth it was once at.

    But you know, they’ll do another television spinoff series, and another, and anothER, and anoTHER, and anOTHER, and aNOTHER, and ANOTHER.

    It’ll hit rock bottom in popularity, and run into the same problem Star Trek is having.

    Oh well, we’ll see what they come up with.

  26. Well I like Star Wars and Trek. They’re so totally different that I don’t know why anyone ever tries to compare them.
    Star Wars has taken a sad route in the form of the new movies (praying that epIII wont suck). I still enjoy watching them, but they don’t have the character that the originals do. Lucas should have stayed on acid after he left film school.

    I’m terrified of a tv series, but also a little excited (there could be some brilliant cameos). This will only work if Smith takes the helm. I feel that the starwars universe should be taken from lucas in much the same way as children are taken away from unsuitable parents by child services. Lucas had his time but, he’s more machine now than man twisted and evil.

  27. Most of the series will focus on a organic outside threat — like Star Trek Borg but organiclly driven.

    The Empire and the Republic will have to fight together to stop the threat from taking over the galaxy.

    I assume it will not air on “prime time” and a channel like sci-fi will have to run the series.

  28. Personaly I can’t wait until the Star Wars series is released. I’ve read about Luke Skywalker’s duties as a Jedi and Jedi Master in the novels, but I really want too see them on screen. Making a series is the 2nd best thing to Star Wars episode 7,8,&9

  29. I can’t wait until the Star Wars Tv seris comes out. I think it would be great to see the galaxy after the Empire was destroyed in the Battle of Endor. I’ve read about Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Master duties in the novels, but I would like to see him on screen showing his ultimate powers of the Force. It would be better than Battle Star Galactica and Star Trek combined.

  30. As someone who works in the television field, I am very excited to see what will become of Star Wars on the small screen. The best thing that could happen is for Lucas not to direct, and I’m happy to read that he will not. The Star Wars universe has infinite possiblities for stoy lines, but it has to be done right or there will be many dissapointed fans, including me.

  31. This show looks so fucking stupid, Star Trek is better anyway. Jean Luc Picard could kick Anakins ass anyday, and Obi Wans, and Lukes. By the way, Ewan McGregor isn’t a Jedi, he’s an actor idiots, or should I say, stupid heads. The only real Jedi’s in the universe are from mars and not earth dumbasses. You people are so stupid

  32. I think the switch to tv, is a pretty good switch. Due to how well Battle Star Galactica and Enterprise looks. The only thing that worries me, is if it turns out to be like a Star trek franchise, ewwwwwwwww I hate Star trek. But I would still love to see more StarWars movies, maby a episode7,8 and 9 etc… That would be awesome.

  33. I think it is a wonderful idea to create a TV series for the Starwars universe…You have so much more time to develop and create characters.I would think with how much Star Wars is loved around the world that this would really take off and create even more of a following then the movies. Star Trek started out as a TV series and done well with the Movies..Starwars has been nothing short of magnificant on the big screen and I believe it can be the same or more on the tube aswell.

  34. The idea of a Star Wars live-action show sounds intriguing to say the least. However, if Lucas does not direct it and lets other people, more suitable to the task, take hold there just might be something great there. I have read just about all of the NJO series books and most of all the other ones, too. 90% of the books are fantastic. They have well thought out characters, settings and situations. If the TV show can come close to those or even the animated series (Clone Wars) I will be happy!!

  35. The shows could turn out to be turkey’s, then again, if done right they could be great. I mean TV shows these days seem to be looking better than ever take 24, CSI, Band of Brothers even the new Battlestar Galactica. With the power of Lucasfilm behind (and no doubt Spielberg) we could be in for a treat, plus the fact that the budgets would be more restrictive than the movies means the makers will have to think carefully about what they do (compare the original trilogy to the recent far too much CGI abortions).
    Give it a gritty, dark look, throw in some humour, more interesting characters than Episode 1 and 2 characters. Bring on Vader version 2.1 “the upgrade”.

  36. I can’t wait to see the new star wars tv series I think it will be excellent and can’t wait to see the new characters. Any way what is this christmas special I’m keep hearing about and was that on t.v.

  37. Good God, a Star Wars TV show?!? What in the world is Lucas thinking? God help him if it sucks, because he’ll ruin the movies so badly I won’t be able to watch them anymore.

  38. I saw the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL as a kid, and even THEN, in my deepest Star Wars-crazed phase, I thought it was tacky and disappointing.

    The most cringe-inducing moment was when Carrie Fisher started singing. The show was seared — seared — into my brain. That fact impresses everybody!

    “I was in the Gulf War, man!”
    “So what! I saw the whole Star Wars Holiday Special!”


  39. That Holiday Special is safely tucked away in the clamshell case I bought it in. Its ghost proof.

    Besides, the simple fact that Lucas practically denies such a Holiday Special even existed brings about my confidence that its lore will remain the secret of us fans too sick to stop watching it.

  40. Doubtless there will a TV series (or maybe several). But I wonder what overexposure like that will do for the popularity of Star Wars. TV is a different medium; it projects intimacy in a way that movies do not.

    And of course, there is a dreadful example of that kind of “TV Intimacy”… you know what I’m talking of… that unspeakable phantom that lurks in the back of every Star Wars fan’s mind… oh no! It has escaped from the grave! It’s… it’s…




  41. funny thing is that the best environment, and the most successfull so far for the prequel star wars smorgesbord is probaly the computer games – like Knights of the Old Republic or Jedi Academy.

    And it is here that the franchise will doubtless go on forever. KOTOR even goes 4,000 yrs before when the 1st film is set. And not a Jar-jar Binks in sight!

    After all why make a film that pretends to be a computer game (AVP, resident evil2, attack of the clones etc.,) when you can just make the computer game ;)

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