Search Results for : action


Forget Jackie Chan. Forget Jet Li. Dare I say it? Forget Bruce Lee. Ong Bak Muay Thai Warrior is here, and all martial art film fans shall bend their knee to the best martial arts performer the screen has ever seen. Phanom Yeerum is the real deal folks. Not only … [Read More]

The Asian Influence on Hollywood

I found this interesting little article on the history of Asian film making and how it has influenced the western entertainment industry. A really good read, but Bubba would be better to critique it than I would. Anyway, here’s an excerpt from the article found at CHUD: It can be … [Read More]

Oscar Results

It was a wonderful ceremony, probably the best Oscar show in the last 5 years. Billy Crystal was wonderful, you can just tell that the Oscars are HIS show. The program was crisp, it moved along at a nice pace without feeling too rushed and the special reflections and presentations … [Read More]

MY Oscars

Here it is, Oscar night. The whole reason we do this silly website comes down to this. The Academy Awards. We love the movies, they love being in them. I’m happy with that. John will no doubt have a list of winners soon and how he predicted it would turn … [Read More]