Search Results for : 8 mile

DVD Flashback: Santa Claus – the Movie

Title= Santa Claus – the movie (1985)
Score= 5
Summary= This 1985 big Christmas production is a blast from the past. Directed by Jeannot Szwarc stars Dudley Moore as an elf who goes to NYC in order to impress his boss Santa. In NY he gets mixed up with an evil toy manufacturer played by John Lithgow. Lithgow want to put Santa out of business and Moore must fight to keep it alive. A great movie for the family and a retrospective of cutting edge movie effects in 1985. A forgotten about movie which makes a great conversation piece for your DVD collection.

DVD Flashback: Scrooged

Title= Scrooged (1988)
Score= 7
Summary= Directed by Richard Donner and stars Bill Murray, Karen Allen, Bobcat Goldthwait, David Johansen, Carol Kane, Brian Doyle-Murray and John Murray. This remake or modern day interpretation of A Christmas Carol is both funny and moving. As Frank Cross (Murray) is visited by the ghost of Christmas, he slowly but surly learns the true meaning and begins to embrace not only the Holiday spirit but love and kindness to all. A great Holiday movie for teens and adults and it makes a great addition to your collection.

Richard reviews The Chumscrubber

Title=The Chumscrubber
Summary=Great casting and performances in this movie, with the surprise strength coming from the teenagers. A slightly off kilter and exaggerated world is created here, with only the teenagers being the ones in control and in reality. The story is strong, as the plot line for the teenagers slowly grows to an uneasy climax, all the while the parents oblivious until the cracks begin to appear and their insular lives fall apart.

US TV shows corpses

That’s the result of a new shock horror report just out. (That’s a phrase my Dad will smile at and probably no one else.) It claims that there are more and more corpses being shown on US TV, in fact it’s doubled on last year. That’ll probably because the US … [Read More]

Readers Lives #5

Wow, there’s enough for a fifth! Would you believe it? Here are some of the words and thoughts emailed to me from the readers of the Movie Blog, on issues all about Movies. Let it be known that anything else is usually scrapped, including all those pictures of naked ladies … [Read More]

Basic Instinct 2 Pic

My first thought when I heard that Basic Instinct 2 going into production was “Are you kidding me?”. Don’t get me wrong, the first Basic Instinct was a pretty decent flick and has become one of those pop culture milestone projects. But come one… Sharon Stone is 47 years old … [Read More]

Good X-Men 3 Set Pic

Can you tell I’m desperate for some GOOD X-Men 3 news? Everything about X-Men 3 looks like a disaster waiting to happen so far… which makes the baby Jesus cry. I LOVE the existing X-Men flicks… and the thought that the series is about to be ruined keeps my up … [Read More]

Richard reviews Voices of Iraq

Title=Voices of Iraq
Summary=Strong, insightful documentary. Whatever your views on editing footage, the resulting film shows a strong, intelligent and understanding Iraqi people. A people who show the contradictions in the news we are receiving, and give a clear voice to why the fighting is still in Iraq. A voice that should really be heard. Hard hitting, funny, thoughtful and emotional. A superb documentary.