R2-D2 in Star Trek is Found!

Remember when it was announced that R2-D2 made a cameo appearance in Star Trek and they even made a contest around it. People speculated that R2 was in a pillar design in the launch bay, or that he was in the machinery in the engineering deck. It wasn’t him. Well … [Read More]

Amelia Trailer

I know I haven’t written very much about the development of the movie, but I’ve actually really been looking forward to “Amelia” (the new biopic about Amelia Earhart. It’s just so nice to see a biopic coming about someone other than a musician… about someone who actually had real significance. … [Read More]

Daybreakers Trailer

Holy crap. I knew I liked the sound of the upcoming Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe and Isabel Lucas film “Daybreakers”. The sysnopsis for the film looks like this: “In the year 2019, a plague has transformed most every human into vampires. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant … [Read More]

The Box Trailer Online

Cameron Diaz and James Marsden are starring in the psychological thriller called The Box. Trailer Addict describes it as: Norma and Arthur Lewis are a suburban couple with a young child who receive an anonymous gift bearing fatal and irrevocable consequences. A simple wooden box, it promises to deliver its … [Read More]