
DVD Flashback: Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive

Title= Dead Alive
Score= 9
Summary= Directed by a young Peter Jackson, Dead Alive has been voted as the goriest movie of all time. A great movie for any lover of over the top violence and horror. Zombies, brains, dismembered body parts, kidney stones and a lawn mower. This flick has it all, plus it’s damn funny.

DVD Flashback: Stephen King’s Pet Sematary

Title= Pet Sematary
Summary= The Creeds have just moved to a new house in the countryside. Their house is perfect, except for two things: the semi-trailers that roar past on the narrow road, and the mysterious cemetary in the woods behind the house. The Creed’s neighbour is reluctant to talk about the cemetary, and for good reason too. When Jud finally introduces Louis to the mystical cemetary, this loving father learns that sometimes death is better.

DVD Flashback: Flatliners

Summary= 5 obsessed medical students embark on a research project to solve the questions of life and death. After exploring a world we are not supposed to trespass into, the students bring back the spirits of their pasts, and not everyone is glad to see them. In order to regain their sanity and safty, the group must work together to stop the strange phenomenon which has begun and protect each other from harm.

This Sci-Fi Thriller directed by Joel Schumacher stars the young cast of Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, William Baldwin, and Oliver Platt. It’s an eye catcher on any DVD shelf.

DVD Flashback: Splash

Summary= Great comedy about falling in love, doing what ever it takes to be with the one you love, and mermaids. Stars Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, Eugene Levy and the late great John Candy. A great old flick that is fun from start to finish. Revisit these stars to when they were begining there carriers and see what it was that made them who they are today.

Confusing movie titles

Over at Cinematical a little while ago they listed some movie titles, for example: Essential DVDs That Sound Like Porn Films But Aren’t: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang The Big Red One Deep Impact A Hard Day’s Night …and that made me laugh, and then I got to thinking about movie … [Read More]

Richard reviews Prey Alone

Title=Prey Alone
Summary=A tight, dark and tense movie which turns into a Hollywood sized action picture with some superbly crafted scenes. Great effects which don’t overpower the movie, and the biggest thing of all is the story, great reveal and a well woven story lifting you to the finale. An excellent short.