Meanwhile…Another Frankenstein Flick is Alive!

We got plenty of vampire flicks, zombie stories…but do we have enough of good ol’ Frankie? Hollywood doesn’t think so. Apparently, while we wait for Guillermo del Toro’s version, or any of the other three Frankie projects- wouldn’t cha know that there’s a fifth Frankensein movie (!) creeping up around the corner.

Deadline gives us the news of the fifth Frank in the race:

The latest is an adaptation of the Peter Ackroyd novel The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein, which has just gotten Pulitzer-winning Proof playwright David Auburn signed to write the script. The project is set with RT Features, and Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert’s Ghost House Pictures. The story covers the youthful days of Frankenstein, who begins experimenting with corpses, influenced by the outspoken English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose Mary wrote the book. She’s a character in the film as well.

Kind of reminds me a little of the twist in Roger Corman’s 1990 film ‘Frankenstein Unbound’ where Doctor Frankenstein and his monster had interactions with Mary Shelly and Percy Shelley. But here’s the thing. I’m not really with this. It’s not like vampires, ghosts or zombies where there can be DIFFERENT vampires, ghosts or zombies. There may be two different films that deal with Volcanos or twisters in the same genre. That’s not what I’m talking about. This is Doctor Frankenstein and his creations we are talking about. Specific characters. It’s like having five Dracula movies at the same time. Or five Batman movies at the same time. All the same character (s), but with different situations and interpetations.

Will all five Frankie pix be made? Probably not. Someone’s going to get zapped. It’s just another race to see who gets to the finish line first.

What do the int’ friends think of all this?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

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