Rainn Wilson In Transformers 2

Rainn-Wilson-Transformers-2My excitement level for Transformers 2 has just taken a major hit in the balls. MTV is reporting that “The Office” star Rainn Wilson (who is fantastic in that show, but is a one trick pony and annoying in just about everything else I’ve seen him in. Just wait till you see what a mess “The Rocker” is… good grief) has landed a role in the film. WTF?!?!

That would be Rainn Wilson, who will have a small role in “Transformers 2,” as some kind of professor, “The Office” star revealed exclusively to MTV News during a Sneak Peek Week screening of his new film “The Rocker.”

I’m sorry, but this is dismal news. I am the world’s biggest cheer leader for the Transformers movie… but this… this just hurts my ass.

We all know that (regardless if you loved the movie or hated it) that the biggest weakness of the first Transformers movie was the lack of focus on the Transformers themselves. Too much time spent on humans and lousy slapstick cheap comedy from guys like Anthony Anderson compounded that problem. So what do you do to fix that? First try to add Jonah Hill to the cast (who I really enjoy, but he would have been all wrong for this movie) and when that doesn’t work out, go out and add Rainn Fucking Wilson?!?!?!

Dear sweet heavens… someone tell me this is all just a bad joke. This is horrible news to the nth degree. It’s like instead of building on the strengths of the first Transformers film (which I loved), they seem intent on building on the weaknesses instead. Adding Soundwave doesn’t forgive putting the majority of attention on the humans, or casting someone like Rainn Wilson to add more “yuk yuk” comedy. I swear if it wasn’t 5am I’d go out and drink heavily.

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23 thoughts on “Rainn Wilson In Transformers 2

  1. I don’t think it’s so bad, Bernie Mac didn’t fuck up the first one … Depending on who you ask.

    Also, John aren’t you in ‘The Rocker’???

  2. I agree with you John. Though you still need to wonder what they consider to be a ‘small role’.

    When the casting news of Bernie Mac was being floated around, everyone one was complaining. (much like right now). But his role was only one scene and he fit the role well.

    I hope Rainn’s role will be similar to Bernie’s. Just put him in there for one scene, let him do his job, then pull him out and let the story take over.

  3. I’ll never understand why you love the Transformers movie so. Every time you talk it up, it makes me cringe. You are so “on the mark” 99% of the time, how can you be so off on a movie that is 100% special effects and 0% acting, plot, dialog? Transformers is a “D” at best.

    But I still love you cuz this blog ROCKS!

  4. when will people understand bay doesnt know wtf hes doing…all of his movies are basically the same and u can compare movies where the shot are identical….anybody who expects less human bullshit and more TRANSFORMERS stuff will be disappointed…not seeing this in theaters, still want my 10 bucks back..

  5. I like Rainn Wilson fine, but I have to agree with the main issue most keep raising – MORE Humans in a robot movie! I’m not terribly excited about Transformers 2…I’m going to wait and see what the trailer has to offer when the time comes.

  6. I think you are looking into this way to much John. We don’t even know how big of a role it is. He could be in the movie for 3 minutes like Bernie Mac was in the first Transformers. I don’t see this as being a big deal at all.

  7. “When was transformers a comedy?”

    Well in the past, a lot of times. Through out the cartoon there was constant comedy though to a lesser extent, like the Autobots learning about Basketball. The famous “Kremzeek” episode which seemed like their version of a Roadrunner short. Grimlock’s role in the later seasons as the dumb comedy relief.

    Beat Wars every so often was filled with Comedy as well.

    I love Transformers to death but it was not the most serious franchise around, they had those moments true, but they weren’t known for that.

  8. Transformers 2 will be to Transformers what POTC2 was to POTC.

    Transformers 3 will then be to the franchise what POTC3 and SM3 were to their respective franchises.

    Transformers was a great summer popcorn flick but next year it won’t be all that brand new. Avatar will destroy this movie in visual effects easily.

  9. It sounds like a tiny one liner role or something.. What annoys me most is the fact that Bay will probably get loads of people with little roles doing comedy again. When was transformers a comedy? Bay is class at anything involving action and sunlight, but is average/cringeworthy at comedy. If only he was a man of dignity with his action skills and then he would cut the silly comedy out

  10. “Small role” can mean a lot of things, it could be a side character throughout the movie and it could also mean a role as short as his in Juno. Rainn Wilson works really well in small doses but not so much in large ones.

  11. Not to mention it’s only a very small role anyway, so I’d wager he’s only in one scene like the teacher in the first movie, so calm your horses. Can you say over-reacting?

  12. Ok, so this is bad news because he’s famous for a comedic role? he CAN do other kinds of roles, you know. I fucking HATE it when people typecast actors in the role they’re most famous for. It annoys me so fucking much. He’s capable of doing other roles fine. Maybe you should wait and see some footage of him in the movie before you start calling this choice dismal.

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