Dan In Real Life Poster

The thing that sets Steve Carell apart from a lot of today’s comedic actors is that he has much more range. He can jump in and out of the genre and look just as comfortable in anything he does (Little Miss Sunshine for example). So when I first heard about “Dan in Real Life” I was instantly interested. Here’s the synopsis from our friends at Cinematical:

Dan (Carell) is a widower and parenting columnist trying to raise three girls. The current plot outline says: “A widower finds out the woman he fell in love with is his brother’s girlfriend.” Last year, it was three brothers competing for the woman’s affections, so maybe that will still happen too. And yes, oh yes, Juliette Binoche is the lucky lady.

I’m looking forward to this… and the poster is excellent:


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9 thoughts on “Dan In Real Life Poster

  1. funny story, the filmed this movie in Jamestown and some in Newport Rhode Island. Newport being my hometown and current residence, many people i know had run ins with steve carrel and Dane Cook(like me). I saw Dane Cook at the movies but he ignored my “Hey Dane!” but he WAS with a girl so maybe that explains it. and my friends Aunt tried to shake Steve Carrel’s hand in a nice manner and she said that he was like “aahhhh what are you trying to claw me?”. so now my friend hates Steve Carrel, but maybe i think he was just trying to be funny. Oh and someone i know served Dane Cook at the local IHOP here. I recognize the Ocean Drive on the trailer when Steve Carrell gets pulled over.

  2. Steve Carrell doesn’t act like a retarded money like Carrey and Robin Williams do. It annoys me to no end when I turn on Leno or Leterman and some comedian is on there talking about their movie and they act all wacky and stupid, even talking during other people’s interviews. Carrell knows when to shut the fuck up. I appreciate that.

  3. I think the reason that people like Steve Carell is his sincere charm. He is as funny as Jim Carrey, yet he’s also someone you want to like. So few comedians are actually likable. His range is indeed great. Most real comedians (I’m talking about people who “get” funny; not those who capitalize on cheap laughs [SNL cast]) do have an amazing range. it may well be because comedy and tragedy are separated by a spider’s thread.

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