Grindhouse Continues To Bomb

Putting aside that fact that Death Proof was a horrendous car wreck of a movie (I love Tarantino, but this project was sub par for his standards to say the least), the overall idea and experience of Grindhouse was a fun one. It was also a pretty daring thing to try (the whole genre approach with a double feature). I was really hoping that the public (us) would reward the Weinsteins for having faith and funding the project and for trying something different and new. But we have not.

The opening weekend for Grindhouse was disappointing to say the least. Some people suggested that the film would pick up momentum as word got out about how good it was… but that hasn’t happened either. Grindhouse dropped by over 70% in its second weekend and came in 10th place brining in only $4 million. As of right now the movie has scored only $19 million in total. Considering the Weinsteins put up $67 million for this movie (not including marketing), they are being harshly punished financially for taking the risk and trying something different. And that’s a shame.

What makes this even worse is that nothing really of note opened this week either. Disturbia, Perfect Stranger, Pathfinder???

Some people tried to blame Grindhouse’s opening weekend failure on it being Easter weekend… but that wasn’t it. Nothing was stopping people who wanted to see Grindhouse from seeing it this week… yet no one went. over 2600 almost empty theaters across North America tell us something else was wrong.

You may not have loved or even liked Grindhouse… but you had to at least admire these guys for trying something different. And I really wish we had rewarded them for it. Because all Grindhouse’s failure has done, is told Hollywood “We the people want formula, and we fear things that are different”. And Hollywood will be more than happy to just give us what we ask for.

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48 thoughts on “Grindhouse Continues To Bomb

  1. Darren – Araki made the fine coming of age art film with Joesph Gordon-Levitt “Mysterious Skin”

    I love The Doom Generation for its overall sense of lunacy and darkly sexual swirl. Good film there.

  2. @Disk:
    Blade Runner= “long movie…close to three hours”?

    No, the reasons why Blade Runner flopped had nothing to do in length- it was actually closer to 2 hours- (117 minutes). The reasons it failed was a combination of studio /producer poltics and comprimises by Ridley Scott (such as the dreaded voiceover), the unwillingness to accept Harrison Ford in a “dark” sci-fi movie, and 1982 was crowded with sci-fi pictures. Some people also expected more of an action picture, not a thought provoking, visually charged piece-let alone an appreciation for the visual effects.

    Other films bomb for reasons unknown.


    I could, in theory, say that on-set relationships with leading actresses could be a distraction, but I doubt that has anything to do with “Grindhouse” failing.

    I for one was NOT a fan of Tarintino’s “Kill Bill part1”. I mildly liked Part2. But I loved Tarintino’s previous work, especially Pulp and Jackie Brown. However, both Pulp and Jackie were not considered for length; we all sat through Costner’s Dances With Wolves, we all sat through THREE Lord Of The Rings films. The length issue is a bogus arguement- the only time it is an issue is when the filmmakers don’t use that additional time wisely.

    Grindhouse would be GREAT in the remainder of our nation’s Drive-Ins. Including the one near me (Miracle Twin off Belsay and Court st, that means YOU!) but it is my understanding that some people are walking out before the Tarintino part, thinking it’s just one film (Planet Terror) and ask where’s Kurt Russell. I also submit that the budget of the film should have been much lower, not have any “names” but names in connection to B films and so on.

    Other than that, I think the concept was lost on moviegoers, I do fault some of them for making other films seem more “important”, maybe someone thought this was After Dark Fest II, who knows. I think it is a mistake to release films separate from each other on DVD. I think the concept is solid, and should there be another, one with Eli Roth…oh…I’ll say (and I may jump off a cliff for this) but Rose McGowan’s Doom Generation director…just what Greg Akari is doing these days, anyway?

  3. You’re right, Christina, the only thing that could have made Grindhouse a commercial success would have been Eddie Izzard. Finally someone has an opinion that isn’t white bread crap

  4. “Mr Stay Puft, The point of the text messaging was actually cool. During one of the text messages they played “Sally And Jack” by Pino Donaggio. That is a song from a classic Brian DePalma movie starring Travolta. If you saw it then it was a foreboding song in which you knew the hero doesnt save the damsel in distress. So in DP, you knew that guy being text messaged was not gonna “save” Jungle Julia.”

    OK, granted that’s cool. But in this case cool = boring.

  5. Now that I think about it, the trailers weren’t very exciting. They really weren’t. I saw the Grindhouse trailer, and it did nothing for me. I saw the trailer for 300, and I needed to change my pants. Unless you were a fan of the directors and/or a grindhouse film fan, you weren’t gonna go see this. Those tales of people going wild at screenings were from free screenings that film nerds went to. O course they were gonna go nuts. If the Weinsteins had plucked random folk off the street and had THEM watch, the reaction would have been drastically different. This movie wasn’t readily available to the mainstream like 300 was. 300 had action for the guys, kinda looked like Gladiaotr, and had hot nekkid men for me and my gals(NAUGHT!) to ogle. What did Grindhouse have that appealed to a broad base? NADA!

  6. I admit I really planned to see this movie. I was psyched and I even sort of took the day off of work to do that – sort of that is… but the movie didn’t draw me like ‘300’ drew me to it so I didn’t go.

    Grindhouse looked fun and enjoyable for people who like cinema for the sake of cinema if you know what I mean (one of those people being me); but saying that I, aside from personal artistic activities taking up my time, just wasn’t drawn in enough. I think my gut reaction as to why – it did present itself as too campy for my tastes and maybe a lot of other people’s. I think if they put more of a straight face on these films and drew back the camp (like the goofy titles ((visually not linguistically)) ) they would probably draw more crowds if thats what they wanted. Too much camp and people will think it should go straight to video. Still they are probably enjoyable movies and I’ll see them at some point but I’m in no rush.

  7. Vargas…the diff between the McGowan/Rodriguez thing and the Meg Ryan/Russel Crowe thing is that Ryan was America’s lil sweetheart. She was a big name, and in one fell swoop, she turned herself into a rancid slut who was photographed dancing around town with another man while she was still married. The media splashed it all over the place. It was all everyone talked about.

    Now you ask ten people on the street who Rose McGowan is. You think they know and/or care about her? She’s not a name, and I didn’t even know that she was fucking Rodriguez until after I saw Grindhouse. I don’t think that had anything to do with people staying away.

    But as I said in the original “why did grindhouse tank?” post, the movie DID open Easter wknd, the weekend of the LORD! And GOD doesn’t look kindly on adultery. GOD decided to smite those two by sinking this movie. The Lord works in mysterious ways……

  8. Mr Stay Puft, The point of the text messaging was actually cool. During one of the text messages they played “Sally And Jack” by Pino Donaggio. That is a song from a classic Brian DePalma movie starring Travolta. If you saw it then it was a foreboding song in which you knew the hero doesnt save the damsel in distress. So in DP, you knew that guy being text messaged was not gonna “save” Jungle Julia.

    It’s kinda weird though, I think Death Proof is a great piece of filmmaking and the sound of adding stuff will, I fear, give it a different feel. Adding missing reels in this case isnt a director’s cut, its for the audience cut.

    Since Grindhouse was a box office failure, the chances we will ever see this type of movie is closer to 0%. I don’t think, however, it will do bad on DVD. If this movie finishes behind movies like Are we done yet in dvd sales, then that is the time to worry.

  9. Alfie, I know the obvious movies he was after – Vanishing Point (a naked girl on motorcycle is a huge plus), Two Lane Blacktop and Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (Susan George, mmmmm…). I think he failed.

    I’m a big Corman fan and have seen many Russ Meyers flicks. It seemed Tarantino was also trying to duplicate women in peril/women getting revenge movies as well as the car movies. I think he missed the mark again, except in the final scene, which was perfect.

    The problem really is that I didn’t like the movie, so debating whether he failed or succeeded is secondary. But fun.

    The above comment that Zoe Bell is smokin’ illustrates just how different moviegoers are. I’m going to have to cast my vote for Mary Elizabeth Winsted in a cheerleader outfit. Wow!

  10. mr stay puft i am sorry but you need to go and do some research on true 70’s b road movie/car films and you will soon see that tarantino compostion of shots, the lighting was exactly like a 70’s b movie….say what you want about the content (which was incredible) but seriously the look was perfect..just because he didn’t run it through ifilm and put “old movie” over it like rodriquez doesn;t mean a thing. I think rodriquez went a little too overboard with the scartches..they loast their authenticity after a while as they were so obviouasly laid on top of the film not embedded in it…but thats because he shot on digital and tarantino shot on film…..

    and also lets remember grindhouse isn’t a’s a venue…..

  11. Unfortunately this is true… hollywood will be reluctant to try new things even more. But i do not think the movies should be about money, it is about telling a story, people just need to realize this and not see stupid fucking movies like Saw or crappy comedies like wild hogs
    it isnt hollywood, it is the population that is stupid
    thats why i love independent movies so much

  12. I think part of the reason for its lack of box office success is the whole sordid affair between McGowan, Rodriguez and Tarentino. Often when out of control sex affairs onset happen it can spell death for a film at the box office. Remember Proof of Life and Crowe and Ryan’s onset escapades?

    Also like someone said above cult films are cult films because they bombed at the box office. They usually only appeal to a select few people. So, they decided to make a cult-like film? And they expected huge box office success? Seems like they were being very unrealistic. They should have adjusted their expectations accordingly.

  13. I agree with many of you here including John. If the fans don’t support good genre films then the movie companies have no incentive to make them.

    I think there are two main reasons Grindhouse failed at the Box Office:

    1. The marketing campaign consisted solely of Rose Mcgowan and the machinegun leg action. That is ALL anyone remembers of the ads, especially the later TV spots. That is all they showed. Everyone I know at work who saw those ads was completely turned off by the weirdness and unbelieveability of those scenes.

    The big problem with making a homage to 70’s films is that moviegoers basic tastes have changed for the worse. The era of “suspension of disbelief” and modern “fantasy” is over. Most people want reality in their action films now. EVERY person I know who is not a movie buff like me was automatically turned off of Grindhouse the second they saw that leg gun scene. Don’t ask me why no one likes “fantasy” in their films anymore.

    2. Grindhouse movies were intentionally Bad films that almost No one saw when they came out. The Grindhouse genre didn’t gain “legendary” status until much later when they were appreciated as an art form NOT as entertainment.
    Plain and simple: You are supposed to watch and appreciate Grindhouse films Because they are bad. I don’t think the marketing people did near enouigh to get through to the average moviegoer that they were watching a homage to bad moviemaking that was bad on purpose and that they were NOT to take seriously.

  14. DJJ: “Tarantino actually uses the genre as inspiration to make a good movie.”

    That is exactly the point. A bit too creative for the multiplex crowd It think. Not safe enough. Rodriguez’s film despite the gore, was a safer film that filled out the expectations of the demo, thus it is the ‘instant love’ film. QT’s film is a bit trickier, a film the depth and interest in the choice of shots, and overall storytelling that is off-kilter to a ‘regular’ audience. A second viewing can make Deathproof a much better experience for those willing to give it a second chance.

    Alfie: “and where the fuck is our recut of kill bill as one

    There is a very expensive Japanese Discs which has the films sort of together. I’m afraid QT has lost interest in doing this, and the rumoured theatrical release got lost in the Miramax/WeinsteinCompany shuffle. Now that Grindhouse has bombed, it will never get a theatrical release, but perhaps QT and the Weinsteins will lick their wounds by making a nice buck on DVD with “KILL BILL: The Whole Bloody Affair”

    Alfie: “In fact I think a lot of people don’t know….the amount of people who have been claiming that tarantino “didn’t get it” when his film was fucking spot on. i found it closer to the original concept then planet terror. If you can find me a 70’s b movie that has as many special effects and is as slick as planet terror please name it. Plante Terror came ascross to me more as a piss take if an 80’s straight to video type film then a true grindhouse film…..”

    Amen to both points Alfie. a) rage, rebellion and road pics of the 50s, 60s and 70s were mainly dialogue, bad bar fights with few action sequences. QT spices his up with better dialogue, fancier camera work, and great tunes.

    Also on Planet Terror, it was in the vein of something like Invasion USA. In fact, a better cameo than Bruce Willis would have been Chuck Norris. Some fans of cheesy 80s features like the “Missing in Action” films and Delta Force would have had their heads explode to see Chucky in Planet Terror. That military base felt so 80’s Golan Globus feature!!! Where’s Kurt Thomas when you need him? Also that synthy Carpenter-esque score really cemented the 80s feel.

    That is all.

    John/Gio: “My lament here is that when the public (all of us) doesn’t support films like this”

    Amen to that, it is quite sad really, every time the public votes with its Box Office Dollars the message is very clear to the Studios – “MORE OF THE SAME”, it is the indie, niche and foreign films that put out the interesting stuff these days until a studio comes along, waters it down with a english remake with a changed ending. (Departed, Vanilla Sky and Dark Water, and The Ring are rare exceptions…)

  15. The movie Behind the mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is another example that backs up what I said before. If my friend didn’t tell me about it and how good it was, I would of never heard of it because it wasnt a blockbuster film… On the other hand horrible remakes and continued sequals of saw (I very much enjoyed the first)do very well and going to unfortuantely be made.

  16. Hey Mr. Blonde,

    You said:

    “Sometimes when a movie bombs, people get the impression that the movie isn’t all the great”

    I agree, they do. But that’s just human nature… and I certainly wasn’t suggesting it.

    All the boxoffice shows (at leat in irst week or 2) is what people were interested in seeing… not how good or bad a movie is. No one was interested in Grindhouse… and that’s a shame.

  17. Hey John,

    Sometimes when a movie bombs, people get the impression that the movie isn’t all the great- I mean if someone was to hear a movie was to get 50 million opening weekend they’d lean towards going to that one instead of one that didn’t have as much of an impact at the box office. I fell for this when I saw Ghost Rider’s numbers…

  18. Hey Mr. Blonde/Mr. White

    No one ever suggested that because a movie makes less money that means it’s no a good movie. Not at all.

    My lament here is that when the public (all of us) doesn’t support films like this… studios are less likely to produce them in the future because they loose money.

  19. I don’t think there’s anything *to* “get”. It’s a chick with a machine gun for a leg. Who wouldn’t want to see that?

    Seriously, most of the movie going public doesn’t *care* about old stuff. That’s the problem. If it’s an old film or like an old film, they don’t have any interest…at least that’s been my experience with most people. I don’t think it’s that they didn’t “get it”. Most people today don’t like black and white films. They probably heard how it was old style and had weird trailers and just blew it off.

    Besides the fact this isn’t really a movie that you take a date to, it being 3 hours long and the type of movie it is.

  20. I don’t think how well a movie does at the box office changes the way I think of the movie- some of the best movies of all time didn’t gross anything near movies such as Norbit’s 100 million+ i.e memento
    The box office gross is more of a concern of the producers seeing how well the movie did in terms of money-wise not quality wise. Just a thought.

  21. I don’t think the fact that Grindhouse flopped says we want formula. I think it says that the ‘grindhouse’ formula that Tarantino loves so much is dead for a reason. That reason…it sucks.

  22. I just dont get it that you MovieBlog folk dont like Death Proof. It was awesome i think, and i think that dialogue for the first half of the film was much needed, you develop an opinion on these people, so when the girls are put in danger you actually care for them, instead of a random bunch of girls dying. I think its right up there with the rest of Tarantino’s work. and that car chase is fuckin amazing and makes me shake with excitement….and


  23. I don’t think how well a movie does at the box office changes the way I think of the movie- some of the best movies of all time didn’t gross anything near movies such as Norbit’s 100 million+ i.e memento
    The box office gross is more of a concern of the producers seeing how well the movie did in terms of money-wise not quality wise. Just a thought.

  24. Maybe when they add the missing reel to Death Proof we can see more text messaging.

    That movie was awful and Tarantino failed to recreate the grindhouse.

    1. We never got to see the superhot cheerleader actress nude for no reason. That would’ve been the grindhouse.

    2. Grindhouse movies may have been cheap and awful, but they were interesting. I was never once interested in the women of Death Proof.

    3. Tarantino doesn’t even film Death Proof like a grindhouse flick. The result is polished.

    He doesn’t fail completely – the ending was exactly like an old Russ Meyers film, but it just isn’t enough. Planet Terror hits the mark better. It’s a kitchen sink movie – any cool idea they could think of tied together with a “story”. Watch Roger Corman over again and you’ll see what I mean.

    It failed because it was an R-rated exploitation film copying an experience moviegoers either were to young to know anything about or too old to bother recreating because they only go to the movies with their kids released on Easter weekend to mixed reviews and poor word-of-mouth by directors that don’t have a solid box office track record in a “I’ll wait for DVD” era.

  25. Nord brings up an excellent point. Remember when “Blade Runner” was released. It was very long film (not quite three hours but close) and people just didn’t appreciate it for what it really was. That movie bombed and yet, has become one of the most beloved Sci-Fi films of our time.

    I’m surprised and upset at how much business Grindhouse has done. This was the most fun time I had at the theater in a very long time. Now we will only be subjected to more of the same formulated crap that Hollywood loves to churn out these days.

    Innovation, creativity, and risk taking will go out the window.

    Look for Disturbia 2 next Summer.

  26. Tarantino is extending his film now … fleshing it out with all the stuff he had to cut for length perposes and is taking it to the cannes film festival as his entry this year.

    Nord i would agree with you about the DVD but rumour has it that the weinsteins do not want to release these films together as “Grindhouse” ever again.

    It will be two seperate dvds for each film.

    I really hope this isn’t true….I want a theatricel dvd with all the trailers and link clips and the 2 films and then I want seperate special editions for each film….with two versions of each film.

    The extended ‘theatrical version with missing reels and then totally “remastered” and “restored” director cuts with all the scratches removed etc etc plus a best of the fan made trailers and behind the scenes docos on the entire project fake trailers included.

    in other words – i want it all.

    I cannot think of another director who is writing better characters for women than tarantino. The guy is amazing and I cannot wait to see what he does next……please let it be inglorious bastards.

    and where the fuck is our recut of kill bill as one film???!!!

  27. I havent seen the movie, simply because it looked over the top campy… Im into feel good movies, but do it the right way. (Come on, a chick with a gun for a leg?)

    So, no, I dont feel bad about “rewarding” this type of idea.

    I feel it was a great “idea,” but I also feel they shouldve kept their eye on the ball and understood it would not be a huge hit.

  28. I still think this movie failed because it was released on Easter Weekend, and continues to fail because now all people have heard about how it “bombed”, with a dash of “fuck-four-hours-in-a-movie-theater” feelings.

    But if you are going to model a new film after “cult” films, you have to take the good with the bad, cult films usually get cult status because it is usualy never appreciated until well after the fact.

    Having said that, this movie will do extremely well on DVD. I just watched A Night With Kevin Smith II: Evening Harder (awsome title by the way) and Kevin Smith said it best, opening weekends and pretty much the entire theatrical runs, are just hype builders to where the real money is being made in todays market, DVD.

    This will probably be the greatest DVD I will ever own!


  29. I’m on films committee at school, and we’re passing out fre tickets to go see Grindhouse at local theaters. I couldn’t believe how many people asked me, “What’s Grindhouse?”. I’m not just talking sorority chicks, I’m talking guys as well. Guys that are this movie’s target audience. Was this thing not promoted or something? I remember seeing a few commercials for it before release. Why didn’t people go see it? Was it solely the runtime? That can’t be it. King Kong was way too long, but that thing still managed to make 50 million opening weekend. Maybe people just didn’t GET IT!

  30. How can they be trying anything new when they are meant to be pastiches of 70’s Grindhouse movies? The only new thing is that they blew 67million on two B movies.

    The sensible thing would have been to do them as cheap as possible and distribute via the web to download or buy as dvd, that would have been the spirit of things in this day and age.

    I don’t think the Weinsteins took a gamble as they are forever in debt to QT over Pulp Fiction and how it helped them build Miramax and set them on the way to their new company.

    It will be interested to see where things go for QT and RR.

  31. I think as a concept it was too weird for a lot for a lot of people.

    A 3 hour double feature-2 films dedicated to celebrating 70’s b movies complete with fake trailers …

    I also think a lot of people who are not movie fanatics…just the average friday night movie goer probably don’t even know what a grindhouse is…

    In fact I think a lot of people don’t know….the amount of people who have been claiming that tarantino “didn’t get it” when his film was fucking spot on.
    i found it closer to the original concept then planet terror

    if you can find me a 70’s b movie that has as many special effects and is as slick as planet terror please name it. Plante Terror came ascross to me more as a piss take if an 80’s straight to video type film then a true grindhouse film…..

    Don’t get me wrong I loved Planet Terror but I wish they had played it straight….it was a comedy…a pisstake of these types of films. They needed to play it straight but they played it for laughs. Some of the actorde oversold the cheesyness of thelines and camped them up…guys like biehn and brolin knew what thye were doing. they are B movie guys and they sold the lines perfectly but the “leads” were camping it up a bit much for me…….

    Death Proof was exactly like the type of film that played at these grindhouses…..not only was it a great take on 70’s b movies but it was a truly fresh take on the slasher film. you had all the archtypes …. all the little cliche’s that slasher films all have but he twisted it on its head and he did the same thing to slasher films that he did to heist films with reservoir dogs and gangster films in pulp fiction.

  32. Hey John,

    First I must be honest and say I haven’t had a chance to see this movie yet, and second, I realize that you are expressing you subject opinion on the Tarantino half of the flick, but I’m puzzled that you think its soooooo awful when many critics I’ve read have stated that its the obviously the superior half. That in fact, Rodriguez makes a fun “bad” movie that is fun because its intentionally bad, but that Tarantino actually uses the genre as inspiration to make a good movie. Anyway, I still have to get out to see this and maybe it will all make more sense.

  33. I think it’s another case of, like Snakes on Plane, a movie’s appeal to internet fanboys and girls making it seem like it will do well. We’re not the majority of the American audience. That said, when I saw it on opening afternoon in NYC, the theater was full.

    I remember when FX premiered the new FX show THe Riches, with Eddie Izzard, the only commercials they showed were for Grindhouse. When I was reading internet postings about the show afterwards, people were generally saying “wtf is this Grindhouse crap? It looks awful.” I knew then that the movie would not appeal widely.

  34. I think it was the advertising that did it in. Honestly, we knew about it..of course, we love movies..but what about the general audience..who usually dont search trailers on the net, but see them advertised on TV and in front of movies..I see a lot of movies, but never once did I see a Grinhouse trailer playing in front of a movie (at least, not here in Ohio)..the only times I saw tv spots were on Spike Network. The TVC Spots I’ve seen, didn’t really give people an understanding of what it sorta did..but it really didn’ I saw the TV Spots talking about what Grindhouses were..but the rest was just “RODRIGUEZ” “TARINTINO” “ONLY AT THE GRINDHOUSE”..NEVER ONCE DID I SEE “DOUBLE FEATURE” QUOTED IN THE TV SPOTS… now the posters made clear that it was a double feature..

    How many times, outside of the internet, did you hear “GRINDHOUSE” spoken? Down here where I live, not so much..

  35. These are typical numbers for these two directors. Other than Spy Kids and Kill Bill between the two Grindhouse will pretty much fall in line with the total’s they’ve achieved in the past. The Weinstein and the public needs to stop building these two directors up. They are not mainstream director’s, especially Quentin. He personally needs to go back to directing 10 million dollar movies.

  36. I don’t think people have the patience anymore to sit through a 3 hour film. I’m not one of these people, but many of my friends are becoming this way. There is also the idea that these were throw away films(minor Rodriguez and Tarantino). Maybe if people thought they were getting the best from these directors there would of been a different outcome. Personally, I think it’s one of the best experiences I’ve had in a movie theater in some time.

    I do not believe it’s the film thats keeping people away, because most people I talk to and also the IMDB score(8.3 rating) shows that the majority of people are having a good time. My guess is that it will eventually make it’s money back on DVD, but the time has passed as far the theaters go. They probably should of had a small roll out in theaters, maybe starting with 2 theaters, let the word of mouth build before spreading it across the country. Just a thought.

    Frank Mackey

  37. This is definately an underground movie and i havent seen nearly as many commercial advertisements for it in the past couple weeks as disturbia or perfect stranger. And i think that being its over 3 hours long might antimidate people. It doesnt star anyone HUGE and its 2 features arent ideal for big blockbusters.

    I thought the movie was Fucking great. i’ve been telling everyone to see it in the theater becuase like you said, the theater experience also is key to its enjoyment.

    And i never expected this movie to make bank. Its everyone elses loss tho.

  38. this is probably going to end up a cult classic. i liked the idea behind it and the fact that tarantino and rodriguez tried to “think outside the box” was refreshing. i pretty much forgot about this movie after reading the reviews from here, but that’s not to say that i won’t pick it up for my dvd collection.

  39. it’s actually roughly 63%, not over 70%. but i’m being nitpicky maybe.
    I don’t know what went wrong, maybe it’s the marketing (commercials, posters) that got it wrong. i think the marketing didn’t make people want to watch the movie. it’s not that surprising to see Grindhouse drop that much. Genre films of this sort get most of the die-hards going in first weekend. movie commercials on TV are seen less and less after the first weekend. AND i think the word of mouth got out about how bad people thought Death Proof was.

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