The Movie Blog Uncut – March 5th 2007

Here is The Movie Blog: Uncut episode 214 that was originaly broadcast live on the NowLIVE network on Monday March 5th 2007. These live shows are recorded and then added the The Movie Blog: Uncut podcast feed.


On today’s show
– GI Joe Movie in the works
– Spider-Man 4 without Tobey McGuire
– Death of Superman Movie
– Crank 2
– Looking forward to 300

Listen to the show now

OR… download the show directly here

THE NEXT LIVE SHOW IS THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT! LIVE on the NowLive Network. Make sure you join us (3pm PST, 6pm EST, 11pm GMT)

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37 thoughts on “The Movie Blog Uncut – March 5th 2007

  1. Hi guys. Just wanted to take the time to say, I still love the show, and am enjoying the live format. Here are the two things I’m not keen on:

    1) The live feedback from users is great, but can be annoying and distracting when people get inturrupted mid-sentence by what someone has said.

    2) The sound quality of the live braodcasts is utter shit, I hate it. Is there anything that can be done to make it better?

    I Love you all like Doug loves his squash.

  2. I don’t think that the Monday round table should be live. Personally I’m not a huge fan of the new live format but perhaps that’s because it’s still in its infancy and I’ve got to get used to it. The sound quality isn’t that great and the constant interruptions with comments from the boards can make it difficult to listen to. I’m still going to listen to see what’s going on but please return the at least the Monday show back to it’s original format. Darren being constantly interrupted seemed a bit rude to me as he never really got to make his point and I think that Bruxy only spoke a couple of times and usually he’s got some excellent thoughts on the topics (don’t know if that’s because he wasn’t particularly talkative or found it hard to get a word in past all the comments that kept getting brought up at random times. Anyway, I look forward to the next show and keep up the great work.

  3. John/Gio & Alfie:

    As close to imperical data as you can get (or you can drop him an email, he responds quite well) on this subject would be David Poland at the Movie City News website. It’s a topic he brings up many, many times. I bet if you emailed him, he may be willing to throw some data your way to settle it.

  4. Sigh, Alfie,

    Once again you’re just repeating yourself with an argument I’ve already nullified before,

    My position is that if Norbit got great reviews, it would have made MORE money, same with Ghost Rider and Wild Hogs… People DO listen to critics to a degree. It’s a fact.

    You have no imperical data to refute that, so don’t bother trying. You can say “I disagree”, and that’s fine…. but that’s all you can say

  5. oh and gio as for your comment that “its cool and all the rage to say you don’t listen to critics”….

    it isn’t cool or all the rage to not listen to critics…its just a fact.

    go and look at the films that have been number one so far this year…

    norbit 10%
    ghost rider 27%
    wild fucking hogs 19%
    epic movie 2%

    if people are listening to critics they have a funny way of showing it – this week alone we have wild hogs open up against zodiac which has 83% on rotten tomatoes versus wild hogs 19% and it beat it by about 20 million dollars…..

    people are going to go and see what they want to see regardless of what critics say…..

  6. John/Gio, I knew you used to live in Saskatoon which is why I said it. I’m an attention whore. It’s one of the reasons I found themovieblog to begin with.

    And other Kurt, I am German which is how I ended up with the K not C.

    Also, Firefox is the tool of the devil. I hate it. A lot.

    Cheers :)

  7. Hey Kurt, no problem. I typed that more out of surprise than anything else (I’ve not listened to the podcast yet) – A) because my name is not that common on English speaking websites (more in Germany) and B) Especially Movie Websites. C) You signed of with “Cheers.” something I’m also want to do.

    Weird. I was in Manitoba in 1998, Winnepeg only though. Home of one of my favorite filmmakers, Guy Maddin.

  8. gio….

    300 just plummeted massively from 100% to 60% on rotten tomatoes…..

    … more percent and it slips to a rotten rating…..

    just wanted to point that out…..because I am a class A dick!!


    love the live show…its more frantic and immediate…..keep it up

  9. Kurt from Twitchfilm, how do I know you’re not MY doppleganger?

    Also, I live in Saskatoon and have commented on Doug’s blog more than here. What about you?

  10. I agree, the monday shows are better as a conversational round table.
    The old addage remains true; If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it.

    And Mr Nick Paramonte:

    If a barbarian tit movie need not have charm, depth or dialog. It has sluts with swords, sex and violence. Sex and violence is a delightful age old combo that I take no shame in celebrating. If enjoying myself with the things I like makes me a prick, then we will have total agreement.

  11. I don’t think the roundtable episodes should be live. The atmosphere is so hectic and fast-paced. It’s like the show has ADD–YOU GUYS CAN’T GET VERY DEEP INTO ANY TOPIC BECAUSE OF ALL THE AUDIENCE DISTRACTIONS!

    With that said, it’s very funny and works well when it’s just you and Doug. But Bruxy only got in to say like two sentences during the whole show, and Darren wasn’t much of a factor, either. I like the relaxed atmosphere were all four of you guys and talk about things without constant jokes being made from the peanut gallery…

  12. I agree, the live Uncut just isn’t the same. I like the prerecorded version because I can listen to it at my convience.

    Aside from Darren being interrupted, it sucks for those of us that can’t make the live show and thus don’t get half of the jokes that are mentioned. Especially the pictures that are being posted.

    Also, even though this was the best one for audio quality, it still sounds like you recorded in a tin can. I had to quit listening to other live shows because the audio was terrible. Not sure who’s mike is at fault, but the prerecorded Uncut was far superior in quality.

    Just my two cents,


  13. Hi Guys,
    just like to say I did love your live show but, I think you guys work better without the audience interaction when it is the four of you, not just because Darren kept getting interrupted. I feel you get great play off of each other on your regular show. The audience participation throw you off a little and and takes a little bit of air time away from each of you. The audience is like an extra guest, and four is probably enough. I think the live interaction works extremely well when it is just the duo of Gio and Doug, or who ever else will be hosting with Gio on the Wednesday and Friday live shows.

  14. The trick to getting them to answer your question on the board is to type it over and over and over again. Thanks for getting to my 300 question guys!

  15. Hey, my idea for Crank 2?
    A guy gets poisoned with a freezing poison, he has to go through sauna, peppers and walk over hot coals. In the end he becomes an iceberg monument.
    (I already posted that, so if they want to film this great idea, buy it)
    The interference of a live show is great!!!

  16. Hey john i know i’m bothering you about it since i emailed you but just wanted to let you know that your movie blog uncut ep 212 somehow became this episodes of the live show and for those who can’t dl the ep just go to ep 212 and dl it from there since for some reason its this show’s edition.

  17. Good show tonight. I tried to download it but all I get is an error screen, saying file not found. I was able to listen to/stream it though anyway. Oh well…

  18. hey, thanks for the mention. A blurb of mine made Uncut – I can now die in peace. Bring me back on my shield ;)

    As a thought, you were talking about box office numbers as a temp gauge on the public movie interest. I agree, but I’ve thought lately that I wonder how accurate those numbers are to a degree. What I mean is, as the field of people such as myself continues to grow that tends to stay away from theatres (due to high prices, obnoxious people, overall increasingly bad theatre experiences), how different would those numbers be and what movies would it affect if a more movie loving audience went to the theatres instead of it becoming just a place for certain types to hang out. Do Norbit and Wild Hogs go number 1 because lots of people want to see that or because people who would’ve seen something of better quality have been driven away? As the theatre audience shifts (wait for DVD, download, etc), but the box office numbers are still highly important in what gets a movie greenlit, does that mean we get a Norbit 5 or Epic Movie 3 instead of Children of Men or Crank? Just a rambling thought about the future of movies…

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