Batman in Justice League?

I am all pumped about the idea of a Justice League movie. Especially with all these successful super hero movies being made and spinning INTO this movie instead of starting with JLA and spinning off. Big question everyone is talking about so far is who might be in it, and if they included roles aleady made into movies, would that actor play that character in JLA?

However, the boys over at the IESB have learned from an inside source that The Caped Crusader will most certainly be making an appearance in the film. In fact, the source’s exact words were: “…I can tell you one thing: BATMAN is 100 percent going to be in the JLA movie they’re developing at Warner Brothers.” They then point out that Bale does have a clause in his three-picture contract stipulating he’d be required to star in an ensemble film should one materialize.

Now this could spell a 2 movie deal for Batman, and one Justice League and I can deal with that. Sure I would love to see Bale continue on and that is still possible.

Let’s look at the JLA Roster and how the movies are plotting along. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter were the original members.

Superman we might still see in a JLA movie. As good as he is, Routh was only paid $1million to star in Superman Returns. Granted it will be higher for a sequel, but he isnt big bank just yet. This is good news considering one of the biggest obstacles for JLA will be budget.

Wonder Woman is still up in the air as a movie, but like Routh she is likely to be played by a relative unknown, and wont break the bank either. Also, with JLA floating around it is likely the “ensemble film should one materialize” clause will be included in her contract.

Flash is the jokester, and if rumour pegs it Ryan Reynolds as a smooth snappy speedster actually happens. It was in my post about the Flash that I started to see real possibilities for a JLA Movie. The treatment they are headed towards strongly suggests that the chacaters would blend.

Green Lantern was originally going to be a goofball comedy with Jack Black and that direction has been squashed like Doug’s last date with a vegetable.

Aquaman really hasn’t gained any steam and this might be his only appearance in a movie. But if it sells, they may force an Aquaman spinoff on us. Some characters are best served up as a side dish. (No sushi jokes intended here) Martian Manhunter also falls into that category.

So we are shaping up to see a real potential for the real cast that the fans will be drooling over. It still isnt decided what the final roster will be, but we know Hollywood will include the ones that they think will sell best, or that they can even make happen. This could be good or bad for the fans.

And we haven’t even discussed who should be the Villians. Perhaps the Legion of Doom? Lex Luthor, Solomon Grundy, Sinestro, Scarecrow, Riddler, Bizarro, Brainiac, and Gorilla Grodd

Only time will tell.

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14 thoughts on “Batman in Justice League?

  1. I just watched some of the JLA animated series today at my friend’s house and it only hyped me up more for this movie to get made. ;)

    I’m happy to hear Batman is pretty much for sure going to be in the movie, I probly wouldn’t care anything about this film without the Dark Knight being in it, to me he’s the best thing about DC and the JLA, next to GL. And I know Bale would cost allot, but I really want him to do it. He’s dark and more serious version of Batman might be the only thing that off sets the cheesyness of most of the rest of the JLA gang. And the cheesyness of the JLA being done in live action at that.

    I also really want Superman to be in it, not because I’m a huge fan or anything, he’s actualy not that high on my list of fav super heroes, he’s always been too generic for me, but still have a great deal of respect for the character. The main reason I want him is that he and Batman play so well off of each other. They both always have they’re own views and idea of crime fighting and how to get the mission done. I always injoy watching it, one of my fav things about the JLA is the never ending Batman and Superman conflict.

    And thirdly, the Green Lantern. He just kicks ass! He is so freakin’ cool. I love the version of him in the animated series. He plays well off the others and he’s very noble, like Superman, but more of a cool factor and uniqness, with just a touch of darkness to him. I’m so glad that idea of Jack Black playing him in a comedy version of the character fell threw. As much as I like Jack Black, that just would of completely ruined this character, maybe even as bad as Halle Berry ruined Catwoman.

    If these 3 main factors make it to the film, I’ll be pretty happy. That and if the effects are done right and it doesn’t focus on just one main character like the X-Men movies, even though Wolverine does kick ass, with a good script that stays true to the comics, but less cheese factor, it’ll be a pretty awsome film.

    Really though, I daught this thing will work out. It’s going to cost too much to be done right, WB will try to copy the X-Men films too much cut down on budget and probly focus on one main character. They’ll probly still throw in allot of cheese, like the Fantastic Four move, but at the same time try to ground it too much in realism, like the X-Men film, never really giving the characters a chance to show off they’re powers, the film wont be long enuff to showcase all the main characters.

    Wonder Woman wont look right on screen, they’ll probly give her a really bad “updated” version of her suit that wont look much better then her cheesy costume from the comics, the Flash’s running effect wont look right, they probly wont get Bale as Batman and probly will be a cast of all no name actors to cut the cost so they can do all the effects to bring all the character’s god like powers to life, which all of them will still probly not look good. Ok, done with my rant. ;p

    I am still hopping for the best with this film though, I want it to kick ass and prove that a super hero team movie can be done right and still please fans. I hope they do the exact opposite of the fromula used for the X-Men series and do somthing completly new that just blows us away. If DC really wants to compete with Marvel’s films, then they CAN’T screw this one up. Can’t wait for them to announce the director.

  2. Now that I think about it and have read the posts, I’m leaning more toward this being a bad idea. It’s one of those things that’s great on paper, but would be near-impossible to execute. Now, as a disclaimer, I’ve never read a comic a day in my life, but if this thing has as many superheroes as I see in that pic in the original post, then how are they gonna intro all of these people? Yeah, I know Batty and Deadbeat Daddy Supes already, but how many non-comic people know who the hell Flash or Green Lantern is? You’d have to do origin stories for at least some of them, wouldn’t you? How will you be able to do that in a two-hour flick? It’ll turn into a clusterfuck. Or would they do what they did to X-Men: basically keep the focus on one perosn(Wolvie) while totally shortchanging everyone else? If so, won’t work. If you must, do a CGI movie, but no live action, unless you do it where you have five heroes in one flick, then another five in a sequel. I don’t know how this would work.

  3. No Batman in JL please!!!!

    It took a lot of effort from Nolan and company to retake the essence of Batman. And now that Batman is going the right way (and considering is one of the few, very few heroes doing this) they want to put him in a JL film. THAT IS TOTAL CRAP… why? just think about a film that combines Nolan’s vision, Singer’s take on Superman and the essence of Flash, Wonderwoman, Aquaman and the whole gang; when you come up with the plot and script that combines all this and with the commercial potencial to make it a B.O. hit, when and only when you get this, Warner may began talking about a JL film, if not, let Batman and the other ones doing their own films.

  4. Darren,

    I couldnt agree more.
    Especially #’s 1 and 10, but all the rest as well.

    I am so glad that I’m not the only one that sees this as the mistake that it is. I could see it as a CGI animated film. That would be pretty cool, but not as live action.
    Like others have already said, Nolan and Bale’s Batman does not fit into a world where the Martian Manhunter exists.
    I want them to have solo films. I want a movie that focuses on Green Lantern (I want this one the most). I want a movie that focuses on the Flash. Not one that relegates them to the background as comic relief or plot devices.

    No… NO… No… and No, indeed.

    Warner Brothers,
    Please dont do this… PLEASE dont make this movie.
    Please dont ruin a fantastic franchise like Nolan’s. Please dont take Routh away from what CAN be a great franchise. Please dont waste great characters like Green Lantern or the Flash. Hell, even Black Adam and the Martian Manhunter dont deserve to be sentenced to the 8 minutes of screentime that this “retarded fanboy pipe dream” of a movie would give them.
    Please dont do this…

  5. No.



    and no, Travis, you are not alone. This was only greenlit in response to that “other rumored” film- The Avengers. It also has like debates: Is Cap in it? Iron Man? Thor…and so on. We got the same thing here on JLA. Is Batman there? Superman? Green Lantern% etc.

    I could see a JLA film not as live action but as a Final Fantasy Spirits Within type of thing and then, without being canon to the other franchises, Routh (or Tom Welling?) can do the voice of Superman, Bale voice of Batman (or even Michael Keaton or Val Kilmer). Please note that Robin was also a member.

    But other than that, it just sounds like the following TEN reasons:

    1) A fanboy’s pipe dream;

    2) Warners missing the good old days when they messed around with certian franchises.

    3) A nice budget of 200 million, give or take a penny. Unless they film in the middle of Romania for the Legion Of Doom scenes.

    4) Who will be the main characters- a character who has a franchise of thier own, taking away from the characters that do not? Or a character (s), say, Hawkman, for example, and characters like Superman or Batman is simply a five second cameo. The results would be either a watering down of a given franchise or a bunch of retards screaming on the internet “Where the hell is Batman!”. Those also will be the same dopes who think Kevin Smith should stick his nose in at the first red flag.

    5) A ransom demand from Warners: get Superman sequel done. Hurry up with Batman Dark Knight, Nolan. Get started on that Wonder Woman film or this is the crapfest that we will blind you with. Will it also put on pause the other hero films currently worked on, such as Flash, because the right hand doesn’t know what the leftt hand is doing?

    6) Who will direct? (note: if it goes LA, I don’t think he’ll take it, but my bet will be on Wolfgang Peteresen who almost did that equally retarded fanboy pipe dream known as ‘Superman vs Batman’)

    7) Who ever they get for other characters (other than Supey and Bats)- will they be the same actors signed to play in what could be ‘spinoff’ movies? Will they want to if JLA turns into much as a crapfest as it really sounds?

    8) Let’s say they do make LA. They get Routh. Bale. Did they get Spacey? Murphy? Did they have the same small print clause in thier contract? (I won’t go into detail about THAT, lest I give WB some funny and strange ideas…)

    9) The Robin thing. Granted, they could upgrade Grayson o Nightwing and just say he’s “a friend” of Batman. They’ll get away with it. Until the uber retarded fanboys start burning buildings down, anyway.

    *10) A Green Lantern movie with the GL corps sounds more promising.

  6. This movie will never happen, mark my words.
    It would cost 300+ mil to make it right and the potential to ruin it is gigantic. I doubt Warner would risk ruining franchises that are better off on their own, like Superman and Batman.

    And Bale as Batman in a JLA movie? Come on, give me a break. The new series of Batman-movies works mainly because it builds on gritty realism and you can’t add some green martian dude and a guy who talks to fishes to that universe. It would ruin it. Think about it, there is no way to make that work. And I’m sure Bale would hate doing it.

    Why not make a good animated movie with it?
    “The Incredibles” was great fun and JLA in it’s essence is just too cartoonish to work as a live-action movie. Get 150mil and make the whole thing with animation, get Roth and Bale to voice Supes and Bats and off you go.
    No continuity issues, potential for great action sequences and good family entertainment.

  7. Visually, to see all the characters on screen as a group would be great. Dramatically I believe it would be underwhelming. Too many characters not enough screen time. Ideally, but it would never happen realistically, all the actors playing the characters would have been established in their own stand alone projects so that when the JLA movie is made the audience would already be invested in the characters.

  8. Is it just me, or do any of you want to see Aquaman the movie starring Vincent Chase?? it broke spiderman’s opening weekend box office record for god sake! I, for one, want to see what Aquaman does to that large tsunami headed for Santa Monica Pier! Free Aquaman!

  9. Maybe I’m the only one who thinks that this should not happen. Then again, maybe there are more people with their senses still intact out there.

    If a three picture deal for Bale means only two films from Christopher Nolan, and an “ensemble” pic, then nuts to that.

  10. Getting Brandon Routh to play Superman: 1 million.

    Getting Christian Bale to play Batman: A whole lot more.

    Getting a movie direction “squashed like Doug’s last date with a vegetable”: Priceless.

    Seriously though, I’d like to see this happen, but I’ll believe it when I see it. If Wonder Woman and Flash get out of development hell, I might start to think it could happen. Until then…

  11. WB has a nasty history of getting fans worked into a tizzy over their DC Comics properties and frankly I’m getting sick of it. When news of a JL movie first broke, I really wanted to join in on the debate, but then I realized it would be the same debate people had over ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘Green Lantern’ and ‘Batman vs. Superman’ and ‘The Flash’… (see a pattern here?) I just wish WB would do what Sony and FOX have done with the Marvel characters– Shut up and make the movie!

  12. I hope they follow the Pixar formula. Take the time and really work the story as in the first Toy Story. The characters are very important, but they are nothing unless they have an awesome story to back it up.

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