Posts Late Today – John and Doug in New York

Hey there folks, John here. You’ll probably notice that posts will be slow getting up today (probably not until later tonight). But I swear there is a good reason for this.

Right now, Doug Nagy and I (one of my co-hosts on The Audio Edition) are in New York city. I’m actually writing this from my hotel room. So why are we in New York? Well, I can’t go into too many details… but basically a large media company (which shall remain nameless right now) Asked us to come down here because they’re starting a new Entertainment show and they wanted to look at us for hosting it. Wild huh?

Now, I personally don’t think we have a snowball’s chance in hell at getting it (Doug has a better chance than me), but I gotta tell you it’s still pretty exciting to even be invited down here! If nothing else, it means someone is listening to The Audio Edition!

OUR HOTEL SUCKS ASS! We’re in the Comfort Inn Manhattan right down on West 35th St. But I really should called this place Hotel Iraq. There is a radiator in the room that starts BANGING AND CLANKING really loud (I’m not kidding) every two hours when the steam heat kicks in. They said it’s the same in every room so there was no point in changing rooms. if you come to NY, NEVER NEVER NEVER stay at the Comfort Inn manhattan.

Anyway, we’re not here long. We flew in last night and we’re flying back out later this evening after our meetings. I’ll do my regular posting when I get home. Cheers!

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19 thoughts on “Posts Late Today – John and Doug in New York

  1. Guys,

    I’m happy that you guys were approached to do this new gig. If you do get the gig then I have a some worries. I’m worried about you guys “changing.” Changing on what you can say, how you say it, the inflection on how you say it, swearing, giving your “real” opinion, being told what to say and how to say it, Doug getting fired for his latest outburst, appearance, getting more “hollywood” and less Canadian,

  2. John, good luck with the prospective show, that’d be pretty fantastic. And I disagree with you – I think you’re pretty good, actually, at delivering your message in a clear and concise way and for the most part it’s entertaining. I actually don’t listen to the audio edition – I prefer your video posts – and I think those are pretty great.

    Good luck!

  3. Best of luck guys, I’m sure you’ll have fun either way. If you gain the Entertainment show gig, how will the way you guys interact change? I mean, Doug will obviously need to change his language and joke selection. It will be interesting, but I’d watch it either way!! The Movie Blog is awesome.

  4. hey, you still didn’t answer my question.
    why was the panel discussion cut so abruptly?

    and i think you missed a serious opportunity by not filming the whole event. at least film the panel discussion and audio edition, because an event like this calls for video not just audio.

    Also, how many people actually showed up? Was it more or less than you anticipated?

    did anyone pay extra to have the chance to hang out with you guys after the event was over?

  5. Sorry about your hotel, but the Oscar nods came out today, and I am OVERJOYED that Ryan Gosling got a nod for Half Nelson. He was fantastic in that. Surprised Nicholson got shut out.

  6. Is it just me, or do we not all now know what large media company John is referring to after listening to the panel discussion? I was there, and “they” were mentioned by name so…..

    Either way, best of luck to you John & Doug.

  7. Is it just me, or do we not all now know what large media company John is referring to after listening to the panel discussion? I was there, and “they” were mentioned by name so…..

  8. Glad to see they are treating you guys like royalty on your Mercy Mission to the US.

    Good to see no one at customs listens to Doug on the Audio Edition. I hear they are not fond of Saddam in those parts.

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