Audio Edition – April 12th 2006

On today’s Audio Edition:

1) Doug answers a question from a reader about what country he would bomb if he was ruler of a world power

2) Doug answers a question from a reader about what he was say to a graduating Jr. Hi class

3) We discuss Mr. Bean 2

4) We talk about the horrible idea that is Joe Dirt 2 (so that David Spades career can continue to die its slow death

5) The Swedish TV station that got sued for showing commercials during a movie

6) Spy Hunter and why it may have a chance to be the first decent video game movie

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

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20 thoughts on “Audio Edition – April 12th 2006

  1. ya thair was a boat level in spyhunter you had to find the off ramp and your their…

    and the spyhunter movie does look kind of promising even though the rock was in that peice of #### game-to-movie doom.

  2. ya thair was a boat level in spyhunter you had to find the off ramp and your their…

    and the spyhunter movie does look kind of promising even though the rock was in that peice of #### game-to-movie doom.

  3. Douglas, if by chance, magical incantation or vigorous masturbation; you are transported to the world of the Smurfs. Your consciousness transposed onto Gargamel. You discover in your medieval laboratory a captured Smurf. What would you do? You could eat it? Read up and use alchemy to turn it into gold. Use that critter to capture another to breed for more gold/food. Search the lab for books that might return you home. Use your knowledge of the future to Smurf the land.

  4. Question’s for Doug(Im a selfish bastard so I’ll ask two).

    1. If there was going to be a movie made about John and yourself, who would you like to play yourself’s?

    2. Alot of people are asking you questions about realtionships now, do you feel like the next Dr.Phil?

    If you answer any of my questions please answer in rap form.

    Thanks :D

  5. Hey guys! American living in Geneva, Switzerland here! Hell yes come bomb this country! I have never lived somewhere that deserved it more!

  6. Dude. No closing music on the last 2 Audio Eds. It makes me sad.

    On the other hand, this last Audio Ed. was one of the funniest ever. I think it was Doug’s songs. I’m going to play them for Nate and Heather’s kids – they need to learn the harsh lessons of life early.

    Oh, and the title of this post actually says *Audi* Edition. If Audi has decided to sponsor the podcast, I want my cut. Or at least a ride in the backseat of an Audi A8 L W12 quattro.

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