Doom 3 Xbox Demo on Doom DVD

Looks like the studios realized no one would really want to own the DOOM DVD (the movie was just horrible), so they’ve decided to package a fully playable demo of the game DOOM 3 for the XBOX on the disk too! The Adrenaline Vault gives us this:

id Software and Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) have teamed with Universal Studios Home Entertainment to include a playable demo of DOOM 3™ for Xbox® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft as bonus content on the Unrated Extended Edition DVD release of Doom. The DOOM 3 demo includes two single-player and two multi-player levels, featuring both Co-Op and Deathmatch Xbox Live® online game service enabled modes.

Generally I don’t care about this… however…

I do like the idea of incorporating a game version of a flick with the DVD. Anything that puts more value into a DVD purchase (which are still FAR too expensive) is alright with me.

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3 thoughts on “Doom 3 Xbox Demo on Doom DVD

  1. My sentiments exactly. This game has been out since March 2005, so anyone who probably saw “Doom” has played the game (I have) and probably the only reason they went to the movie (it sucked), which was a lot like the game – good for about two bites, then shit the rest of the way on out.

  2. I think it’s a cool idea. It’s nice to get extra content on a DVD that isn’t just video, but something more interactive.

    The only thing about this is that Doom 3 has been out for quite some time new. If this were to have come out before the release of the game it would have been a whole lot cooler.

  3. I’m just wondering is there anyone who’s going to buy the Doom DVD who DOESN’T have the original full version of the game already since I assume the buyers are all fans of the game and trying the movie version?

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