Search Results for : thor the dark world

Richard reviews The Chumscrubber

Title=The Chumscrubber
Summary=Great casting and performances in this movie, with the surprise strength coming from the teenagers. A slightly off kilter and exaggerated world is created here, with only the teenagers being the ones in control and in reality. The story is strong, as the plot line for the teenagers slowly grows to an uneasy climax, all the while the parents oblivious until the cracks begin to appear and their insular lives fall apart.

John Reviews Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Title=Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Summary=This is the first Harry Potter film that I can say I walked out of thoroughly impressed. This is a WONDERFUL film. It’s not perfect, and there is still room for improvement, but you will have a great time watching it. I’m happy to recommend it.

Is Hollywood in a creative slump?

IMDB are carrying a rather insightful article on the problems of Hollywood and current cinema, leading off on the problems of Cinderella Man, Nikki Rocco, Universal Pictures distribution chief, says: …the studio is going “back to the drawing board” following the box-office failure [of Cinderella Man]…”Good movies are supposed to … [Read More]