Audio Edition – October 16th 2006

Audio-Edition-Gang.jpgWelcome to this installment of the weekly Monday Round Table fo The Audio Edition! Today, Bruxy, Doug, Darren and I yack about:

1) Rambo 4 in trouble

2) Deliver Us From Evil – the documentary on Priests sexually abusing kids. This is a really livley discussion.

3) Catch A Fire – New Tim Robbins movie… is it trying to make a point about Iraq?

4) UHF – And how great the movie is! Joy!

5) Robin Williams and the failure of Man of the Year

6) Iron Man looking for fans help

7) Plane Dead and the sad lack of Voodo Magic Zombies in movies today

8) Grindhouse

9) Chad Vader Videos

10) Google’s Purchase of YouTube

11) 6143 people downloaded the Conan The Barbarian commentary… 7 people made donations! LOL

12) Darren and I totally geek out about Battlestar Galactica and the first few episodes of this new season

All this an a few things more.

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33 thoughts on “Audio Edition – October 16th 2006

  1. I’ll second Richard’s comments about the feed. I use the Juice podcast aggregator as well, and the podcasts vanish from the feed in less than 24 hours. Please offer the outstanding Audio Edition in a separate feed to allow new listeners an easy venue for accessing the archive of shows. You mentioned in the latest podcast that you might be starting a campaign to raise awareness of the podcast – setting up a dedicated podcast feed is an essential part of that.

    The ‘cast is just too damn good! Don’t make it difficult for new listeners to get it!

  2. Hey,

    I’ve been subscribing to your blog for a while now, and have recently been trying to get into the podcast, too…. but I’ve been struggling to get it downloading sometimes.

    I thought I’d make you aware of a couple of major problems:

    1. Many sites (almost every site but your own who lists the podcast) still refer to an rss feed at It might be worth you redirecting that to your feedburner feed with a HTTP 301 (perminent redirect).

    2. Once I’ve FOUND the correct feed, it’s almost impossible to download the podcast alone, because by the time I try to download it in my podcast client (Juice), the Audio edition is no longer in the top 15 posts, cause you post to quickly! Not that posting lots is a bad thing, but if you’re going to do that, you might want to consider two things:

    – extend the number of items available in the RSS feed, so the Audio edition is still there at LEAST a few days after the show.
    or (probably a better option)
    – offer a separate feed which JUST lists the audio edition

    Anyway, I hope you get these issues sorted out, cause I’ve liked the few shows I’ve managed to download, but if I can’t download the show easily, it’s unlikely that I’ll keep listening.

  3. If we are talking Televisions greatest of all time, I give you:

    I, Cladius
    The Singing Detective
    Star Trek: TOS
    and honorable mention to Firefly.

    Battlestar Galactica (I’m only about 8 hours into the 1st season) is very ambitious, I’ll give it that, but it is riddled with flaws and bad ideas (not surprisingly it is when they try to incorporate elements from the original show that makes the much better re-do stumble. Very enjoyable, but not flawless like above.)

  4. Drewbacca,

    There are indeed a bunch of spoilers for seasons 2 and 3 in this audio ed., but the discussion takes place at the very end of the show. It’s easy enough to just skip the last few minutes.

  5. I cannot get into Battlestar…I have tried but it just won’t catch with me…..

    oh and UHF is not funnier than airplane..scary movie etc etc yes airplane no..bad john…bad

  6. Robert Rodriegez directed the Zombie portion.

    Tarantino is directing the one about Stuntman Mike.
    Sort of a slasher movie with a car.

    The “Machete” portion was one of the fake trailers that will be between the two movies.

  7. Also having trouble downloading this one.

    BUT, can anyone let me know if there are any spoilers in this edition regarding Battlestar? I just finished the original mini-series and will start Season 1 when I get back from Toronto. Don’t want things ruined.


  8. Never apologise for mentioning BSG John.

    I watched the original as a kid, it was great fun. I was quietly optimistic about the Mini series. I watched a rough cut without effects and wack still sucked in.

    The last time I was so excited about a show was the first season of 24.

    Another two or three seasons of this quality and it will have found it’s place in sci-fi history.

    When’s Lee going to find that treadmill?!!

  9. I just loved UHF. My favorite character is Filo the station tech guy. I watched the movie again just about 2 months ago and that guy still makes me howl/freak out.

    Great show guys. Certainly beats the hell out of that “other” movie podcast.

  10. “Frak” I don’t mind (it was used in the original series). It’s “Let’s kick some cylon ass!” and a spinoff culture supposedly separated by time and space dressing in business suits and the like.

    Also, I should point out again I don’t “hate” the show, although I still await the return of the Ovions and Iblis.

  11. Mr Seeley

    Thank God it’s not just me. I was beginning to worry – there are so many people (even serious print journalists) singing the praises of this Battlestar Galactica and I just don’t get it. It’s not crap; it just seems very ordinary to me.

    Also, I wince every time someone on the show says ‘frak’, which doesn’t help. I mean, if you can’t swear, don’t swear – your average telly watching guy or gal understands there are some words you can’t say on the air. The world already has frik and frig (and fug, if you’re a Norman Mailer fan) for people who want to swear without really swearing, so do we really need any more? Fuck no.

  12. I have seen UHF. Ages, eons, moons ago. Been a long time. I liked it. Was it funnier than Airplane? No. Was it funnier than Hot Shots films? I don’t think so. I’m Gonna Get You Sucka? No. But it is a lot funnier than the Naked Gun or Scary Movie films, Loaded Weapon I…

    Hey…UHF does not have a commentary, it’s a bare bones rinky dink release on DVD. I predict Movie Blog’s next needless commentary will be on UHF.

    I agree with John on Iron Man. When Faverau asked opinions on who should be Tony Stark? Before the roles were cast, nobody suggested Robert Downey Jr. Nobody. Downey was cast, and then we find out he was “active” in pursuing the role. Is it possible this next “casting idea” is a smokescreen, and the part is already being close to be doing a done deal? [this is what I believe myself] Anyway, I think too much is being made out of this.


    “Red Blooded American Girl” was a low budget film in the late 80’s which suggested vampirism was a scientific disease/with an AIDS connection. Christopher Plummer was in it.


    BattleStar is a good show. It is not a great show, I’m sorry. I’ll watch it, I’ll tolerate it, but I never felt it was brilliant. It took me a long while to even follow it and warm up to it. “The best show ever made” is subjective.

    The half cylon-human baby is idiotic.
    I frown everytime I see/hear characters be “too much” like today. {unless, new “Galctica” is set in “our” future, and not “our” past, as the original series was.

  13. The Google / YouTube deal: Google likes to dominate, so they bought the dominant player in the market where they most like to dominate. AND they spent no money doing it, it was an all-stock purchase financed purely by the rise of their own stock.

    Monetizing the commentaries: right now, you’re offering no incentive to donate! Offer something extra, something really intriguing, for those who donate, and I guarantee the donors list WILL grow.

  14. Hey on Grindhouse, it is actually going to be two feature length (90min) films. then in the middle are “previews” for other fake grindhouse films, done by eli roth and some others…that is the skinny as I know it now.

  15. I’m going out of my mind for Grindhouse, that movie is going to be mind blowing. I would have paid full admission price just to see the trailer.

    I’m still not sold on the wisdom of Google buing YouTube. They are smart guys, but not everything they’ve touched has turned to gold yet.

    Just a little fan speak – the four of you guys together are some of the best entertainment on the internet, and I never listen to talk radio, but you four are something special. Keep up the good work gents!

  16. Thanks for the comments, Derrick.

    Just to clarify, I don’t hate Battlestar Galactica. It’s okay, better than a lot of other sci-fi themed shows. My problem is I don’t see the greatness everyone else is seeing. It’s a solid remake of a cheesy old show, sure, but I feel like maybe I’m missing something. Where’s this deep, compelling, rich mythology?

    I’m not here to slate a show people like; just asking an honest question. As I said, I’m only a few episodes into Season 2. My question to you – or any BSG fan – is, will I start to see the light if I continue?

    So as not to clog up this here board with my nonsense, anyone with some insight – or, what the Hell, people who want to tell me I suck – please e-mail me at [email protected].

  17. Black Steven, are you insane? I know John always goes on about subjectivity, but Battlestar Galactica is the most creative and bold show I’ve ever seen. Not your standard Sci-Fi fare at all. Deep, compelling with rich mythology. Man, to each his own, but holy cow.

    Loved your guys discussion on Deliver us from Evil. It’s good to hear someone talk about this issue with anger, and yet objectivity as well (ie. not painting all catholic priests with the same unfair brush).

    And did a pastor just say “fuck”? LOL!!!

  18. P.S. A question about Battlestar Galactica.

    I’d heard the hype about this and I’ve been working my way through the DVDs. So far, I’m about 4 episodes into the second season, and so far, I’m finding it pretty generic stuff. The mini-series was okay, but the rest of it feels like more aimless, static character television to me. Does it get better at some point? Should I hang on and wait for the magic to happen?

  19. Nice to have the Audio Edition back in action.

    I agree with you on the Iron Man thing, but wouldn’t it be great if Jon Favreau really DIDN’T know who to cast in the role and was panicking, bereft of ideas, using his MySpace page out of sweaty desperation? It’s easy to imagine, especially if you remember his excellent turn as a nervous guy in Swingers.

    ‘Fuck!’ he could be saying, possibly while pacing his production office and wringing his hands. ‘I’m totally out of my depth here. Why didn’t I just say yes to Swingers 2?’

    Ping! A lightbulb appears over his head.

    ‘Wait a second,’ he says, coming to a sudden stop in the middle of the room. ‘I know what I can do!’ He turns to look at his MacBook, which is glowing softly on his desk.

    ‘People on the internet will know the names of actresses who have red hair or hair that can be dyed red!’

    And so on. It’s not true, but it’s funnier than the viral marketing thing.

  20. First time listener. Your show is amazing. I’d love to see you guys with a tv show much like The Best Damn Sports Show Period.

    Never been one to like Tim Robins much. Aside from Shawshank I’ve never had much use for him.

    It’s sad to watch Robin Williams slide like this

    Iron Man Rocks

    BSG is the best show on TV

  21. Mike,

    Contrary to the above post, BSG 2.5 only contains the second half of the season, so you’ll have to get both 2.0 and 2.5 to see the entire second season. The original miniseries, however, is included in the season 1 set, so don’t waste your money on the separate miniseries dvd. And for what it’s worth, it really is the best damned show on television. Hope that helps.

  22. Hey Mike,

    There are two seasons of Battlestar Galactica out on DVD. For season 2 look for Battlestar Galactica 2.5 because that contains all 20 episodes.

    Battlestar Galactica 2.0 only has about 10 episodes and was released during the mid-season hiatus.

  23. Loved this edition guys!

    I’m curious as to whether Deliver Us From Evil would even come out here in the Philippines which is a predominantly Catholic country but you’re right – if this were any other organization people would be more pissed off and demanding action.

    I was really looking forward to watching Man of the Year but after the rotten tomatoes ratings and your review…eeeps looks like I’ll be skipping this one unless there’s nothing better to watch.

    I think that Battlestar Galactica is THE GREATEST SHOW ON TV today…Lost/24/insert other Emmy award winning show here can’t hold a candle to the wonderful writing, the subtle but spine-tingling performances of the cast. Watching the show is gut wrenching when you see at all the cruel things that humanity does to one another but at the same time there’s such hope in it. Tell me you didn’t shed a tear in the scene when the crews of Galactica and Pegasus are together for the last time and Racetrack puts the line of salt…Man, I bawled at that scene. Frakkin’ good show.

  24. John, how many seasons are there of “Battlestar Galatica”. I was so hyped up by your commentary of the show that I have decided to go and buy it on DVD. But I wanted to know how many seansons I would need catching up on to get up to date..THKS

  25. To all of you who didn’t donate you should have. They are making a quality product, and when you do, you get a nice letter from John. Oh well can’t force anyone to do anything.

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