Audio Edition – August 9th 2006

HALO HALO HALO and the Mailbag! on todays Audio Edition I discuss:

1) The change of Audio Edition formats

2) Today’s Halo news… bad news. They’ve hired a director who has never directed a film before.

3) The Mailbag!

All this and a few things more.

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54 thoughts on “Audio Edition – August 9th 2006

  1. come on john, come down to america, now that ive made a name 4 urself
    i think ive seen ur friend sharon on myspace, shes hot. n she could replace doug on the audio edition.

    i agree with u on Justin Long. hes a great actor

  2. I thought that Peter Jackson didn’t really have any involvement in the movie. I thought he was going to be the the executive producer which doesn’t mean he has much to do with the movie.

  3. But I do have to say that even Quint at AICN is willing to give it a chance without bashing it at all.

    Well, the wait’s over. A director has been chosen, according to Microsoft, a man by the name of Neill Blomkamp.
    Before you start getting too worried that an untested director has been chosen to direct such a high profile movie, you should see his short film ALIVE IN JOBURG.
    I trust Peter Jackson’s choice and looking at this dude’s work, it’s clear he can handle effects and an epic scope (JOBURG) and even more subtle character effects work (TEMPBOT). Let’s hope he’s up to the challenge!
    from Qnint at AICN.
    But… as we’ve agreed, everyone has an opinion.

  4. when I said the “final product” I was actually referring to the finished film. So, in fact, I never said that you said the script sucked. Just poking at ya a little. I certainly never meant to put specific words in your mouth, just the impression I get when reading your posts.

    Solution: Agree to Disagree
    I respect your opinion and you respect mine.


  5. Good AD, thanks for answer my question. If I think of any good questions thats worthy of the AD I’ll drop an audio one in.

    I agree when you said Racheal Mcadams is an up rising A list star. I loved every movie she was in. I didn’t see mean girls because I hate Lohan. I’m going to watch ‘Waiting’ in a few mins, Justin Long is in it. I liked him in Jeppers Creppers but I did’t like Dodgeball all too much. I do think he has a bright future ahead of him. Ryan Gosling is a guy I think is underrated who be up there in the A list.

    My personal fav movies of all time would be. Evil Dead 1+2+3, Batman begins, American Phycho, Star Wars 1+2+3+4+5+6, Donnie Darko, The Butterfly Effect, Resevoir Dogs, Fantastic Four, Garden State, Spider-man 1+2, Blade Trinity, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

  6. Jay, you do me a disservice,

    Not once did I ever say the Halo script sucked. Never. Nor did I ever say that the Halo script would suck because of the change of writers.

    This isn’t a script revision though. They had previously said the script was DONE, and that they loved it.

    Opppss… then 6 months later they fire the writer and hire a different one. Yikes.

    I never said the script would suck because of that. What I DID say, was that this was another sign that the project was in dissaray.



  7. OK, thats cool then. And your right, I guess we have been “Oh, your anti-HALO”. But I think that boils down to our opinion of your interpretation of all the HALO news. For that, I am sorry.
    And for the record, you cant disprove anyone’s opinion when that opinion isnt based on facts but instead based on personal impressions.
    One example and one example only. Script revisions and the time it has taken to get them done. You have on occasion said yourself that a script revision is the result of the parties involved wanting to get the best product possible. Why does that not apply to this film? Why does it automatically mean that the final product is going to suck when it comes to this film? Why is this negative news when it comes to HALO? Script revisions are very common place in hollywood, and I know that you are well aware of this fact. Bryan Singer was revising the script on X-2 on the day he was shooting the scene.

  8. Jay, you misunderstand me,

    I have NEVER laughed at someone for having a different opinion than me. People disagreeing with me is one of the things that makes this site fun.

    What I laughed at is people who can’t handle the fact taht I don’t share thier opinon, and resort to putting a lable on me like “Anti-Halo”.

    “We can’t accept that you don’t share our view, but we can’t disprove your opinion… so we’ll label you something so we don’t have to think about it anymore”

    That’s what I laugh at. Not the disagreeing thing. I encourage people to disagree with me.

  9. well, John… its your opinion that all these things are negative. You said it yourself, its your “impression”. A vague notion or belief. Its all subjective is all I’m saying. Its the way the information affects you personally. Certain messages affect certain people in different ways. Its your interpretation of the message that gives you your opinion or impression.
    And I dont recall anybody here saying this guy IS going to knock it out of the park on his first try, I think most of what people are saying is give the guy a chance before you say he’s going to f–k it up. Yes, it could suck – and yes, the fact that he has no experience in feature films is not exactly great news (but neither did Zach Snyder and he made a hell of a first film).
    Look, we can go round and round about this, but ultimatly it all boils down to opinion. Dont be so condescending as to laugh at someone whose opinion differs from yours.
    Plus I dont see how objectivity comes into play, since being objective is defined as being uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices seeing as how you are incredibly emotional when it comes to films and you have said on repeated occasions that all video game to film adaptations have sucked – that equals a personal prejudice, john.
    I respact your opinion, john. I really do. And I see where your comuing from on most of your points, namely the first time director thing, but given his short film work and his commercials I think he is a good choice. I have hope.
    By the way, hope is defined as “to wish for something with expectation of it’s fulfillment, to look forward to with confidence or expectation”
    Hope for the best and expect the worst is an oxymoron.

  10. Great AE. I’m really enjoying the mailbag edition and wouldn’t even mind if it was a little longer.

    As for the content. To be completely honest, the entire Halo thing is getting a bit out of hand. My sci-fi/fantasy action movie loving side is hoping for good things but the realist in me is agreeing with you.

    As for your top ten movies of all time, I must admit a few were a surprise. “Life is Beautiful” isn’t on my list but it’s definately a fantastic movie. “Amistad” made me cry like a little girl who just lost her favourite stuffed toy. Honestly, I’ve never been ashamed of my heritage until I saw that film (sure, it only lasted for a few hours but still). Totally agree that it’s one of Spielberg’s best and yes, also one of the most overlooked. “Highlander” freakin’ rocks.

  11. That’s the thing Jay…

    I don’t “Choose” to look at it anyway. I just look at it, and then write the impressions that it gives me. I don’t “CHOOSE” to dislike it… but objectivly… this film hiring a no name who hasn’t ever worked on a REAL movie before in ANY capacity?!?!

    Sorry man… you would have to “CHOOSE” to see that as a positive thing.

    These are the facts, no spin: THey’ve hired a guy to be “in charge” who has never worked a day in his life on a real film in any capacity, let alone as a director.

    It doesn’t take “spin” to see this as a bad thing. But it take a HELL of a lot to try to make it look like a positive.

    Is there any hope at all? Yup, of corse there is hope. There is always hope. But if you’re going to be objective, and just look at the facts… sceptisism trumps hope in this situation.

    I appreaciate the fact that you and others see it differently, I just laugh that some people can’t handle my opinon and then try to label me as just being “anti-Halo”. Sorry guys, hate the message, not the messenger.


    Cheers man.


  12. If you are right about the level of Jacksons involvment, then I completely concede your point. I still say he had a hand in picking this guy, dammit. (thats a sarcastic funny dammit. so dont get your panties in a bunch)

    And I agree that being a little sceptical is reasonable. But John… you are being far from a LITTLE sceptical. You are being down-right nasty about it’s chances. You say you have hope, and I believe you do – but you are also inferring that the movie WILL suck.

    Every bit of information that has come out can be looked at in different ways, but you make a conscious choice to “spin” it in a negative light. Like I said in my first post, there are other ways of looking at this news, IF you CHOOSE to – and I dont think that qualifies as “tricking” myself into liking it. I dont like HALO the game, have no interest in it what-so-ever, but I have hope for and faith in this project. And – please dont take this as an insult, because it is not – I dont think my version of hope and your version of hope are the same. My version of hope skews positive and apparently your version skews negative. At least concerning HALO, and I think thats why I feel, like quite a lot of others, that you want to dislike this movie.

  13. Hey there Jay…

    The problem is that Peter Jackson isn’t even the “Producer” of Halo. He’s just on as an exec. producer. Jackson had no say in who they hired as director. He doesn’t have “veto” power. He has no power.

    If (and I’m stressing the word IF here) Halo sucks, it won’t sully WETAs reputation in the least. They only care about how the film LOOKS. And with WETA doing it, the effects will look amazing for sure. Of that I have no doubt.

    Peter Jackson is working on his own film.. The Lovley Bones… he’s whe producer, writer and director for the film. He’ll have no time for Halo.

    Peter got handed 3 dump trucks full of money for the Halo contract for WETA. That’s then extent of it. He’ll make some appearances for sure, and say all the right things… but he’s not really involved in the production aside from (as bungie put it) doing “consulting”.

    You are TOTALLY right when you say that we shouldn’t just write off a new director. Maybe I’m a little guilty of that. But man, you’ve got to admit there is good reason to be sceptical here. THe guy hasn’t even been an assistant director on a real movie before. No experience at all.

    Am I being a little too hard on it? Maybe… that’s possible.

  14. I see what you’re saying, John. I certainly dont think that I’m tricking myself into liking it, but I see where your coming from. AAs far as Peter Jackson goes, I think at this stage in his career, he’s only going to do things that he’s very passionate about and has alittle more control over (ie: script, development, etc) BUT I dont think that just because he’s not directing it doesnt mean he has no interest or faith in the project. His name wouldnt be attached to it at all if he didnt. I actually do think that with this guy being a first time director, he will be a little more of a hands-on type producer rather than a “in name only” type producer. Plus I dont think he’d sully WETA’s name with a crap project either. Yeah, you’re right, Spending the next 2 years on nothing but HALO may not be his cup-o-tea, but I do (read: want) to believe that he will be more involved than “produced by: Peter Jackson. Jeez… maybe I am tricking myself into this one… I dont even play HALO. I must want a balls out sci-fi picture really bad.

    But, I will NOT write a director off for simply having very little experience. Jacksons endorsment (because believe it or not, this guy wouldnt have the job without it. Do you think if Bungie wanted Ewe Boll, Jackson wouldnt veto that s–t in a heartbeat?) means a lot to me.

  15. Frodo:

    I see where you’re coming from. I played Centipede countless times, and if Hollywood ever made a movie of it, I would hope people played the game so they could understand what’s going on.


    Bungie is having full creative control. It is a 150 + million dollar film. That is a far cry from a new director coming in to direct a picture for even half that, let alone more than half. It seems when using “examples” of new directors, one small detail is being overlooked by the commenters on this subject in general. Not one of them, not one, started off right out of the gate directing a 150 million dollar movie. The majority of them also had previous work before helming a full length film, whether it be smaller pictures, TV shows, second unit, writing, acting…there is something.

    There is more enough reason to be skeptical.

    The hiring of Blomkamp…who’s to say he won’t like the script? Maybe he might like the one Bungie tossed out a month ago. What happens if Blomkamp doesn’t like the designs?
    HEAVEN FORBID what if he says “You know, this Master Chief character-he should take off his helmet at least once”.

    Watch Bungie show him the exit sign.
    Blomkamp has to be/play ‘Bungie’s bitch’.

    Maybe he’ll make us happy and cast Justin Long.

  16. Wow, that was fantastic! I think it’s a good move to only do 2 shows a week now. A show by yourself wouldn’t work, but when you use the “mailbag” it’s like you’re interacting with someone and it TOTALLY works!

    Justin Long? Really? Well, at least no one can say you only play it safe with your predictions like most other people.

    Halo looks like a total piece of shit. I can’t believe all these fan boys who are trying so hard to make it look like anything but. It’s almost sad.

    I can see where you’re coming from with the whole Bay-Transformers match thing. That could work. But did you really like The Rock that much? I thought it was ok, but not worth a second viewing.

    Anyway, awsome show. I’ve never heard a show where I can disagree with a guy as much, and yet still be totally engaged and entertained. Keep it up man!

  17. Oh, man. Highlander?! Most of the others are awesome but Highlander? I liked it as a kid but as an adult it is unbearably bad. Lambert is an horrific actor. Maybe if I liked Queen it wouldn’t suck as hard.

    Amistad is one of the few Spielberg movies I’ve not been bothered enough to watch. I’ll give it a go sometime. I’ve never heard anyone speak so highly of it before.

  18. Remember, Fredo, as much as you love the game the movie is always going to be a video game adaptation. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil… there’s a pattern.

  19. Alien 3 is a good movie. The extended cut in the Alien Quadrilogy set is frickin’ awesome. I don’t prefer it to Alien or Aliens but it’s a hell of a good movie and an interesting direction for Ripley’s character. Also it has a fantastic musical score, probably one of my favourites.

    One “rookie” who has taken a film with RIDICULOUS expectations and done good is Zach Snyder with Dawn Of The Dead. A lot of the fans were dead set on this movie being bad but it surprised everybody. Same goes with the V For Vendetta guy and, while I’ve not seen the film, it has been very successful. He was a second unit and assistant director before V.

  20. I still don’t see how you can pop wood over “Transformers” and think Halo will be shit. Remember Michael Bay’s last movie, “The Island?” You know, the one that made $35 million at the box office (domestic)? The one with the A-list director. The one with Ewan and Scarlett? Y

    You say “Transformers” will break records, which I doubt seriously, but just to take that bet, I’d wage my testicles that Halo makes more money. Period. When the game makes $125 million in one day, I’d say chances of this being a success are huge.

    Think about it. What’s the substance behind “Transformers?” Nothing. It’s a movie based on an 80s pop culture reference, a bunch of toys that changed from robots to trucks and such. More than meets the eye my ass. What this boils down to is this: What is your fancy.

    Admit it John, you don’t give a ratt’s ass about Halo and think it will bomb because (a) you’ve never played the game and (b) you don’t know shit about the story and have yet to investigate. This means you slant toward what you like. It’s okay. We all do. I just want you to admit it because we can all see it.

    Sadly, we’ll never know until 2007 and 2008 respectively. So, until then, I’ll keep quiet and let you do your pooping, but if I’m right, you’ve got to shave your nuts on the Audio Edition and get spanked in the ass by an angry chimpanze with an XBOX paddle.

  21. Hey Darren,

    I use Final Draft. No one actually read the SP, because when we were about half way done it, The 40 Year Old Virgin came out, and it was WAAAYYY too similar to what we were working on… so we abandoned the project. Man I was pissed. Damn Steve Carell!

  22. It’s kind of funny.

    As I stated in my comment under the Halo post, the question I asked was “Who do you see directing Halo” or along those lines- before I knew a director was announced. Then I had a hunch that tonight AE would address the Halo director problem. Sure enough, John confirmed it. So my question was practially moot. But hey–at least I kept it under a minute, John! I can do it, see! Ha Ha. That’s okay.

    In a roundabout way, John DID answer my question, both in his post and on the AE.

    Let’s clear the air:

    *Alien 3 was a troubled production that was more of Fox’s fault than Fincher’s.
    Before Fincher was hired, two other directors before him were Vincent Ward (Map Of The Human Heart) and Renny Harlin; there was even a time when Signorney Weaver was not involved. Several writers, including SF author William Gibson and David Twohy, wrote scripts which were not used but a few ideas survived. Weaver signed on in December 1990 when the film was going to start a month later at Pinewood Studios. There was an ad campaign screaming “The Bitch Is Back!” – and the film came in a year after the target date.

    [from “The Alien Quartet” by Bloomsbury Movie Guide/David Thompson, p.100-102]

    Fincher may have directed commercials and music videos; he shot some footage on “Return Of The Jedi”. He was brought in after a long search. Weaver became a producer.
    Over time, Alien3 wasn’t so bad in my opinion,given the circumstances. Was it as good as the first two movies? No. I don’t think it ever could have been. However, for those of us who seen the SE DVD– they should have kept the Oxen!!

    Besides, after Fincher did films like “Seven” and ‘Fight Club” we hardly even remember the guy directed “Alien3”. It really didn’t matter WHO directed Alien3, they would have had the studio pressure, and I also believe, the baggage that came with it.

    In any case, having a guy coming in to help bail the water out of a sinking boat of 55 million is one thing; having someone come in to helm a 150 million film (not counting advertising) is another story. I agree with John; this Neil Blomkamp seems to be more of a gun for hire stooge. Hey- before ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Peter Jackson had “Dead-Alive’ right? A few other pix? Yeah, there was some concern when he was first doing back to back LOTR. Hard to fathom now there was contreversy about that…but hey, he directed at least 3 or 4 pictures by then.

    Now, who should they have picked? I think they should have at least went for…Kerry Conran. If they signed him on, they might have had a chance. Not a great one, but a better one.

    Kerry Conran.
    The Sky Captain guy.
    Who? You remember him…right? No? eh…okay nevermind.

    Pronounced Lamb-Bear.
    There Can Be Only One!

    Oh, and I am pleased to discover, Campea, that you also love David Lean’s films, and a bit of William Wyler too. I also hope you liked Gordon Douglas’ “Them!” as well; if you ever did…

    I may be your twisted evil dopplanger
    ha hahahahahaha

    Oh, what kind of platform (Final Draft, Moviemagic) did you and Doug attempt to write your sp, and did you get though it? Has anyone gave it a read?


  23. Hey Alfie,

    Yeah I know… but seriously… forget if the movie is any good or not… just watch the guy perform. I think I see something there, I honestly do.

    I think we’ll tell a lot more after Die Hard 4… but we’ll see

  24. Justin Long ???

    i seriously didn’t see that coming. I honestly can’t think of any movie other than Galaxy Quest that i even remotley liked the guy in, and that “Accepted” movie dosen’t look like it’s going to change that either lol.

  25. I hope you do move to LA so you can Sharon Dewwit on audio show more often. She’s the best thing about this site and just wish she could be on the site more often.

  26. I don’t play video games so I don’t really know anything about Halo and in general video game movies have SUCKED big time but I seriously don’t think that Universal would have handed a film over to someone as green and untried as you claim he is. I honestly don’t know how Halo will turn out but could it seriously suck more than Bloodrayne?

    A move to LA could be good for you and the movie blog so yeah, go for it.

    I agree Armageddon is one of my favorite guilty pleasures of all time. But you’re right that Transformers is a good match for Bay – we all know it’s going to be mindless action and that is something Bay does well :)

    My prediction for a future A-lister: Topher Grace. He has real comic flair and he handles drama well. Rachel McAdams could become an “A” name. I would never have thought about Justin Long but he was good in Ed. I think Dakota Fanning would be a good bet to do good as an adult – but then we also have Lindsay Lohan…

  27. if they cast rob schneider as a wise cracking master chief then yes I will say it will suck before i see anything but what I am saying is don’t know anything about this guy other than his commercial work and they look great.

    he hasn’t been offered the hobbit or a potter sequel…

    he has been given a video game movie so why not give him a chance.

    I have never said a film will suck being that decision purely on a director being appointed of whom I know NOTHING about.

    I have said a film will suck based upon an experienced director being appointed who has a body of work behind him that is terrible…in fact I will go on record and say that whatever P.W.Anderson does next will suck and i don’t even know the name of it but he has with me a track record of none from 5 (is it 5?)

    I also have huge reservations about Michael Bay directing Transformers as I think he is an awful director who has ambitions and ideas above his station.I know how bad he can be so therefore I am worried…I know nothing about this halo guy so I have nothing to base anything on….

    As I have said I neither think this is bad news or good is just news and until we see footage or hear more about the film we can;t really say one way or the other.

    You can have your opinion obviously but it hardly warranted “HAHAHA” in your headline about it…that shows you have joy in it for some weird reason… only see this as negative when maybe you should just wait…

    opinions are fine but you seem to be living heaping on this film and I don’t get it….

  28. Hey Alfie,

    You said:

    “before I write it off I might ..i dunno….wait until I have seen a frame of film……”

    Really? As I said to Jay… are you claiming you’ve NEVER said “that will suck” about any film… EVER… that you haven’t seen yet?

    Of coarse you have… we all have. If that’s your opinion.

    My opinion is that this is a horrible move. Totally and 100% horrible.

    But… as I’ve said in the show… it’s still POSSIBLE that it could turn out great. But that my opinion is that it won’t.


  29. why does he have to have had experience thats all i want to know??

    look how much experience Michael Bay has had and he has yet to make a good film.

    What about P.W.Anderson? he has made a bunch of films and all of them have sucked….

    as you pointed out earlier john even speilberg made the terminal!

    all I am saying is even an experienced director could make this a piece of shit….

    lets give the guy a chance…isn’t he only 26 or something like that?

    fucking good on him…I bet he can’t believe his fucking luck…

    again I ask is there some kind of law that only experienced people are allowed a shot at the big time??

    no fresh talent please…don’t even bothered unless you have least beena second unit director…

    come on john, transformers is being directed by a guy who moved directly from commercials to features just like this guy.

    I am not sying this is good news but I would hardly think it warrants the mockery you are giving it…

    before I write it off I might ..i dunno….wait until I have seen a frame of film……

    just an idea…

    we don’t know what this guy will do with this film. visually he is obviously talented so thats good can he tell a feature length story..who knows but michael bay sure can’t and he is still working so I am prepared to give this guy a shot…..

  30. I’ve played Halo, yes boys we do play to, and this is fuckin awful news. I couldn’t believe what you were saying so I looked it up on imdb, and yup, this puppy hasn’t even been a second unit director. He hasn’t done anything. Suddenly he’s doing fuckin halo? What a bag of shit.

    Everyone get your heads out of your private places. This news sucks.

    Side note, awseome show John. I didn’t think the solo thing could work, but if you keep it moving it’s really good. Loved Monday’s show too. Peace.

  31. hey Jay…

    I do WANT to like it… but I’m not going to trick myself into liking it. Every bit of news I’ve seen has (in my opinion) been bad news. I haven’t had to put a bad spin on it. I’ve just refused to put a positive spin on it. I’ve called it like I’ve seen it.

    And Peter Jackson has nothing to do with this film.

    Jackson is getting paid 40 Bajillion dollars for the WETA contract on the film… in return he puts his name on it. Don’t let the marketing machine fool you.

    If Jackson was HONESTLY interested at all in Halo… he would have directed it… not a guy who hasn’t even been an assistant director before with zero experience.

    Just the way I see it.


  32. Funny…

    I cleary remember saying on the Audio Edition that Halo COULD be great… but that in my opinion it won’t be.

    Don’t tell me you’ve never said that a movie “will suck” before you’ve ever seen it.


    Come on… we all have. The only difference here is that it’s Halo

  33. you know i am just teasing ya campea….I love going at it with you here on the old boards…..

    in other news…see disney are shopping apocolypto around..they want to drop it and itlooks like lions gate are interested in picking it up….and some republican politician has just dropped gibsons endorsement….

    the fallout begins….

  34. no one has put any spin on it to make it sound like a good thing john…

    all I am reading is that we are not ready to write it off because the guy hasn’t made a film before….you are saying that. you are writing it off before a frame of film has been shot.

    it could be good…it could be bad but to write it off before we have seen a single frame just because this guy hasn;t made a feature
    before is ridiculous…

    times have changed john…people are getting deals based on their fucking you tube videos….

    it is non news…they picked a director for a video game movie. whe hasn’t made a feature before. that is about it…neither great news or bad…and I haven’t read any posts where people are saying “woohoo you are kidding me ..they got neil blomkamp to direct!BEST NEWS EVER…HE IS THE GREATEST DIRECTOR EVER” no one has said that..people have looked at his work and said that it could be interesting.

    Universal and Peter Jackson are hardly idiots…they must see something in this guys work to hand this to him.

    Mind you all they have to do to win john over is fly him to the set and he will start raving about the film ;-)

    oh and from now on I want you to make sure you do a complete background check on every director announced for every film from now on.

    Keep an eye on these hollywood bastards hiring people who have not made feature films before….

    in fact there should be a law…unless you have made a feature or worked on 20+ films in some capacity you are not allowed to direct a feature length movie.

    we can call it “the campea ammendment”

    that way we can make sure that fresh talent never gets through and we can keep giving films to renny harlin, p.w.anderson, uwe boll and other assorted hacks.

  35. and John… If you want to like this movie as much as you say you do, why do you do NOTHING but badmouth it? Script was done, now its being rewritten – good way of looking at it, they want the best script possible. Its been a year and no news in the press – good way of looking at it, it takes a long time to develop this type of movie and with a film like this, and they are taking their time to get it right. First time director – good way of looking at it, hes good enough for Peter-frickin-Jackson, hes good enoughh for me.

  36. Pretty lame of you to say every halo fan was putting their own ‘spin’ on the news to make it sound like a good thing. I fucking hate people who swap facts around to make them fit their own perspective, so I’m not going to take that bullshit for a spin. And I also never said the movie was going to ‘rule’ the same way you’re saying it’s going to suck. Me and a lot of other people in the comments were saying that we were just going check out the movie first, and if it sucks, then it sucks. And this Neil blomkamp guy obviously has some serious talent, so I’m not gonna sell the guy short.

    If they were saying Brett Ratner was directing with a script by the writers of Little Man, featuring Tobey Maguire as Master Chief, THEN I’d say this movie was going to blow. But that’s not the case; this movie’s got some talent behind it, so I’m willing to give it a chance when it comes out.

    It all depends on the story.

  37. Anyone else find this edition boring? The questions werent at all interesting and it just seemed to drag one forever. Hell even my question sucked. I remember thinking during the day why the hell did I ask that.

  38. the name of the film is “alive in joburg” . it should give you a little idea of what he’s capable of. I know its short(hence: short film) but it does have a neat look to it.

  39. i sent an email about the stuff john talked about in the very begining, about doug leaving and the change, im only in the halo part so im not sure if he used my question or not

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