Audio Edition – August 2nd 2006

Today is a special installment of The Audio Edition. This is going to be an experiment to see if the format works. Today I take YOUR questions via audio and email and answer them on the show. I don’t really know how well it works… but I’ve gotta tell you I had a lot of fun doing this one.

So here’s your job. Listen to the show… and then let me know if you think the format works. If it does, I may make it a regular Wednesday thing. If not… just say so. :)

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56 thoughts on “Audio Edition – August 2nd 2006

  1. John…………I liked listening to your podcast because of you AND Doug. I can read movie news anywhere on the net but your show made me laugh. No one can replace Doug but you need to find another co-host. I’m sure there are lots of comedians in the Hammer/T Dot who would love to do your show. Advertise on your site for a new co host. What about an Canadian Idol like auditions this month with listeners voting in a pole who they like best.
    Someone commented that they would like to see Darren’s wife co host with you on an upcoming show. I second that motion.

  2. It was good, do it again sometimes.
    Just have more about movies and a little less talk about the blog/AE/etc. I’m newish to the AE and I’m just looking for movie stuff since thats what it should be about.
    Though there seems to be lots of hardcore guys who wanna discuss the other stuff. So yeah….
    anyway, good work.

  3. also, Alfie, I just checked a bit farther down. On top of the link I provided, which isn’t really that refutable of a site IMO, a bit farther down on this very site, John reported on just this topic.

    WB changed their minds about not greenlighting a sequel unless they made over 200 mil. like i said, superman isn’t just a movie. It’s action figures. Happy Meal deals. cereal. Costumes. Dilldoes ( we all wish )…

    …you could make 200+mil WITHOUT a movie. the movie is pretty much just advertising.

    If i’m wrong about this marketing thing, someone please bring it up. I think it would make a great topic for debate.

  4. Hey Drewbacca. It came out in the UK in 2006. But if it doesn’t count then it takes my list down to 4, which is even more depressing. But Miami Vice tonight! Might get one more on there!

  5. alfie, here’s the link. this is just one of many many that i’ve read.

    you really should familiarize yourself with google. it will save you some embarasing moments, take it from me.

    As per the audio edition, John:

    Just listened to it. WOW. I didn’t even think you’d use mine, as I figured you’d have about 20 other people asking the same question. Thanks for playing me and for not speeding my voice up to make me sound like a chipmunk ( i’d have done it just to spite myself. maybe next time i’ll do something like that. ) . And your answer to my question was completely differetn than what I’d have thought it would have been…

    …I think this show was great. But I’d suggest maybe in future AE’s, talk to the audience as if you’re talking to Doug. I listen to Rush Limbaugh ( i’m not a fascist ) and he does this great trick where he has this invisible, non existent dude named “mr. snerdly” whom he’ll ask a question and then pretend he’s heard exactly the response he needed to go at the topic from an angle of conversation instead of monolog. You REALLY seem to have been schooled in some form of broadcasting etiquite and are very professional so that’s just a friendly suggestion…It does get a bit stale at times but you wont’ get boring, as I’m sure in the future you WILL find SOMEWAY to mix things up.

    I say give us more editorial views you have, go off on some rants, and the show will be back on top.

    I also want to tell you that I remember listening to the first AE years ago and dont’ EVEN REMEMBER DOUG…seriously. I had kinda recalled that he came into the mix later. Knowing that I’m wrong in that may tell you that while Doug is a godsend for boredom and entertainment, what we as listeners really take away from the AE is your views and knowledge of movies.

    Every time I hear news come down the wire, my first questions are

    1: What will John say about this?
    2: What will Richard ( ) say about this?

    Finally, I think you should do 2 podcasts per week..scaling back from normal production but not back to 1 per week. And maybe you can take a handfull of questions from email or as you did this time and answer them at the end of each show, or every other one.

    I’d provide you with all the questions you want. hheheheh

    hell, if the technology was available, I’d even suggest perhapse skyping a co-host once in a while from regular viewers. I’d be happy to do it if you could put up with me. More than likely many others would jump at the chance as well.

    Whatever you do, I can pretty much gurantee we’re going to stick around for the most part.
    Congrats, John…this AE was fantastic…

  6. I love the new show format! It doesnt replace Doug Nagy but its more entertaining than a solo show. About Doug Nagy… why don’t you pay him or something? I bet he’ll come back for money. Darren wouldn’t be a bad co-host, but he doesn’t have the anger like Doug… oh well, keep up the good work!

  7. they have not green lit a sequel….singer was at comic con and when asked about a sequel he said it looks iffy due to the poor box office and that no one has given the go ahead yet…..

  8. I agree with Almost Poop on the fact that some of the answers were lenghthy and I was forced to keep skipping forward to try and get to the next question.

    Brian and Ricky said the quality of the questions might go down as this goes on, but I don’t think any of the questions were that good (excluding the proudest moment one… and yes, I know I didn’t submitt a question, but I definetly plan to send one for the next UI AE you do).

    Oh, and I can’t wait to see who your special guests are and how well they work with you.


  9. John, where did you get the info about box-office and theatre earnings? I really need it, because it’s a subject of my article!!!! Please, send your sources on my e-mail. THANKS!

  10. John,
    Almost Poop may be voicing the opinion of a substantial minority.
    I agree that although John is the heart of the AE, and a superb broadcaster, Dougie as a counterweight and sounding board was simply sublime.
    I would really recomend offering him more of a stake in the MB as an incentive to come back – failing that, Darren is extremely good as well; his clear intelligence, razor observations and cool analysis – mean that he could be the solution.
    I do agree that hosting the AE by yourself will, eventually, degrade the AE.
    In short, I believe there are two solutions:
    1. Get Dougie back
    2. Sign Darren up as a regular show co-host

    I’ll always tune in anyway, but I do worry that attendance will diminish.

  11. I can understant where “Almost Poop” is coming from, but I disagree with him/her. If all I wanted was laughs and giggles, maybe I would have found it boring.

    But that was the most engaging podcast I’ve ever heard! I was glued to my speakers listneing to every word. It was so refreshing.

    Although I do miss you and Doug together. You two had the best on air chemistry I’ve ever heard on podcasts, TV or Radio.

  12. Wow! After 40-something positive posts, I really hate to do this. I’m sorry John, but I thought this episode was boring.

    First off, a podcast with one person talking is just not as entertaining as two or more people talking back and forth.

    Secondly, I think some of your answers droned on forever. If you have to do this type of show every now and then, please put a timer on yourself. Even if the subject is something we don’t care about, we know you’ll be moving on to something else very soon.

    With the Doug around, I didn’t mind when you discussed things I don’t care about because it was always entertaining. As a matter of fact, those segments were often the best. Without Doug, it’s basically just a waste of my time.

    I never thought I’d say this, but I’m afraid the Audio Edition will move into my second-tier of podcasts. If I catch it, I’ll catch, but it will no longer be the first podcast I listen to when its available.

    You have no idea how disappointed this all makes me. I’m a big fan, John. I’m not saying these things to be mean or stir up shit. I just don’t have a whole lot of faith in the future of your podcast without Doug.


  13. I loved the Q&A thing, John. I had my doubts, but it went well. If Doug’s not going to be around, doing this once a week could be a good way to add some variety to the thrice-weekly podcasts.

    It’s possible, as some people have said, the questions would dry up, but maybe that’s a challenge for us international friends to take on. Mind you, I haven’t even come up with ONE yet. Better get working on that…

  14. A great show John,
    You continue to epitomise, for me, the very essense of free-media. I honestly believe that products such as the MB and AE are the most relevant antidotes to corporate owned media in the modern age.
    Ironically, I believe that embracing studio influence would be the quickest route to success, but at the cost of your soul. Remaining true to the grass roots and keeping it raw will be a more difficult route to success, but, I believe, a better one.
    And, as I will continue to say in every post, tell Dougie to get back on board; the Movie Blog is heading for the top and he is needed.

  15. Alfie: Superman has made a healthy profit…just not in box office green. The merchandising has to be taken into account when you think about how profitable a movie has been. And, just so you know, they actually have green lighted the sequel.

    It will happen.

    John, I haven’t listened to the podcast yet. tomorrow no doubt I’ll be back with my report…

    …suddenly I’m hoping my question wasn’t used because I have this strange feeling my question was really a crap out.

  16. Hey, John. I really enjoyed this episode and appreciate your honesty. It’s a cool idea. Maybe you could do this every wednesday until you get a co-host (if you get a co-host, that is). Hell, you’ve got over a million readers, there’s gotta be at least a few good questions. If the questions become about the stories then it’ll be easier, although it might just end up repeating the forum section.

    – Totally agree about the quality of a film being influenced way more by the director than the star. That’s why Die Hard 4, or Live Free And Die Hard as it’s now called (yech!), is gonna suck balls.

    – Personal top 5 of the year, just for fun.

    UNITED 93 – Hands down the most emotional experience I’ve had in the cinema.
    DISTRICT B13 – Trashy, fast-paced nonsense but damn good fun.
    HOSTEL – Again with the trashy shit. Also fun.
    WALK THE LINE – Cool as all hell even if it’s totally cliched.
    SUPERMAN RETURNS – Again with the not-great-but-fun.

    I’m reaching on some of them. Thinking about it I’d say United 93 was the only really great movie I’ve seen in the cinema this year. I didn’t realise how disappointing this year had been until I tried listing this stuff. Those are the only good movies I’ve seen in cinemas. That is depressing.

    – Cheers for the twitchfilm ad. I’d never heard of it before. Cool site.

  17. You may have something with the theme idea. If you asked for questions regarding specific themes you could do it every week and still have quality questions. I’m sure the AE listeners would even have some good ideas for show themes.

  18. I liked it. Do it every wednesday.

    The questions will get worse, so what I would suggest doing is having themes. Decide on a theme you’d like people to send you questions for on each wednesday, that way the quality and novelty would be easier to maintain.

    I enjoy this far more than just a news rundown for sure.

  19. Well John, it looks like the international friends don’t have much confidence in themselves as far as keeping their questions interesting goes. I think the format is fun and entertaining. It’s up to us now as listeners/readers to take advantage of the opritunity to be an acttive part of this great thing you’ve created. I’ll come up with a good one or two…pro’ly.


    (Doug Nagy is my personal savior)

  20. i have held in my hate for v for vendetta for too long and I juts felt it was time i raged about it…..

    i don;t know if i want to have “an evening with john campea” style show every week…once a month maybe but i prefer to hear you talk about the movie news posted on the site….

    awesome news about the trip to l.a. to go to the set of transformers….you were already in love with this film so ti aint like they are buying you anyway…you were already pumped….

    oh one more thing superman has to make a hell of a lot more than 350 million to start making a profit….and unfortuantely for us there will be no sequel….superman returned and left all at the same time.

  21. Ok, only 1/3 of the way through and had to bitch. Not about the format; the format is fine. Your top 5 films of 2006 though? Are you insane!? I know film is all subjective, but that’s exactly why I have to involve myself. Not that I think the films you mentioned are bad (haven’t seen Descent yet; tonight and am VERY excited), but c’mon…

    United 93 – hands down the best piece of film making of the year. Holy shit!

    Cars? – Um, where was Cars in your top 5? Easily one of the best of 06 and in my opinion one of Pixar’s best; and I know you loved it.

    Thank You for Smoking – Original, witty, extremely great dialogue, wonderful cast. Other than the marketing, nearly perfect.

    Three Burials of Malquiades Estrada – Tommy Lee Jones’ directorial debut was nothing short of fantastic. Barry Pepper’s performance was gold (as was TLJ’s less is more approach) and TLJ’s familiarity with the region makes the scenery shots spectactular. Not to mention originalityy in storytelling, plus the amazing redemption towards the end… I can’t believe you didn’t include this. For a first time film maker: stellar.

    Monster House – speaking of first time film makers, how cool was this? The barriers in animation camera movement and style? Holy crap. I can’t wait to see what Gil Kenan brings us with some live-action stuff.

    So, if you haven’t seen a couple of these, fine. You listed YOUR top 5 that you’ve SEEN. Cool. So if you haven’t seen these, get on it. But if you HAVE seen them, for you to include “V for Vendetta” and “Slither” (both of which I liked and gave thumbs up to) over any of these is ridiculous.

    Again, I agree that every film you mentioned is good. Just not the best of the year.

    I’m just giving you shit man. Film is subjective, that’s what’s awesome about it. It’s just too bad for you that I’m always right.

    ramble on…

    ~ Drewbacca

  22. Ouch!

    Sorry about that, John. I thought I was under two. When I start thinking about stuff, it’s sometimes tough for me to…oh you know what I mean. You see my comments from time to time. I’m a freakin’ novelist. If I write like that…I talk like that. Next time, 60 seconds. In and out. Clean and not messy. Hit and run. Something like that.

    Actually, the truth of the matter is I sounded like shit and I thank you for not airing my dirty laundry.

    But while you singled me out to be sent to the time out corner, I want you to know I really, really tried. On the good side though, I think of the comments and questions done by the int’l friends, were really good ones (so good it beats my lame question whether or not you’ve seen the DTV Swayze-less ‘Roadhouse 2’ yet) and I would have to add, the most FAQ currently regarding the site and/or yourself.

    I think this a great thing myself; there are other podcasts out there who do have “reader/listener responses/questions” from time to time. Also, having “other voices” other than your own makes things run more smoother than you think–although when I listened on ITUNES there seemed to be a strange edit, just before Chris Tucker.

    (And yes, you should say it to his face. It’s no big matter: he’s getting his 25 million- not you or me…)

    It’s odd though, that you “don’t picture Ryan Phillipe” but yet you ‘trust Nolan’. Hmmm…well, Ryan hasn’t signed yet, has he?

    As for an above comment regarding V For Vendetta.
    I hated that movie.
    I hated that movie.
    I have zero idea, none, of what is so freaking amazing about that movie.
    When you and Doug went ou about how good Weaving was, I thought you guys were smoking some doobage…

    I know.
    I know.
    I liked Silent Hill.

    We are even.

    – Not Jeff Craig’s Sixty Second Preview,

  23. I really enjoyed getting your perspective of other people’s questions but I too am worried about the quality of questions – a special feature of the Audio Edition but not a weekly event.

    You’re going to the Transformers set?! That is awesome. Congratulations.

  24. Hey John, listened to the A.E. Tonight. I have to say, it was different. But I liked it! It was a thoroughly entertaining listen and though we all miss doug, I think it was very workable. It was almost like a sense of “community podcasting” sort of like a pre-recorded roundtable of movieblog listeners.

    Perhaps you could also let people submit 30 second movie reviews for you to comment upon also? Lest the show become the movie blog
    equivalent of “strong bad emails” Not that becoming that would be terrible, since that is one of my other favorite websites.

    Or perhaps, after a couple weeks of this format, and getting to know regulars who will submit questions, you could possibly set up skype calls with some of the regular submitters, that could be recorded onto the audio edition, that way the submitter and yourself could get into a bit of the witty banter we all love. If not that, perhaps setting up skype calls to directors, actors, etc, similar to how TWIT operates with tech/gadget celebs. That way you can get a roundtable of interesting people along with you each week, (who you could perhaps forward reader questions to in person) without having them have to come to the movie blog studios.

    Just some thoughts! This was way cool though. Im looking forward to another installment on Wed.

  25. I thought the show was fun! I like the idea of you accepting questions and answering them. I think this wednesday audio blog format is a keeper, although I’m a bit worried about how the quality of the questions will get a few weeks down the line.

    And you? … going to the Transformers set? Woot! That’s great news!

    Keep up the great work John!

  26. I thought it was a great show and much more interesting than I thought it would be. I also share the concern with some posters above that if you do it every week the quality of questions will decline. I think it might work best as a show every two weeks (you could try it every week but just be wary of mediocre questions).

  27. the thing about V For Vendetta is as a film i think it was pretty awesome and even though there was some plotholes you could drive a truck through and some characthers and characterizations that weren’t really fleshed out i still say it was a great film. I think Hugo Weaving did a great job at bringing a character like V to life and i overall just really enjoyed it (except for that dumb matrix like shot towards the end lol). but….. as an adaptation of the graphic novel V For Vendetta i think it failed on many levels. They took one of the most complex well written stories in comic book history and just over-simplified it way too much. While i don’t have problems with adaptations that change things here and there just as long as they keep the spirit of the source material, i just think they missed the point of the novel completley.

    And why do people keep referring to Batman Begins as Batman Returns ? that’s like the 4th time this week i heard someone do that.

  28. i can;t take it anymore… mention v for vendetta time and time again and praise….

    v for vendetta is one of the absolute worst movies ever made bar none…..on every single level it fails..

    the voice was so disembodied from the mask that it was so obvious it was not hugo weaving in a lot of those scenes….

    the big bad government is supposed to be so scary and evil yet when one of the leaders underlings screws up all he is threathened with is having to resign??? the evil bastards…..

    the entire plot twist when she is “kidnapped” is so fucking stupid it defies makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.SPOILER WARNING….he tortures her and harms her more than the government ever did YET THIS MAKES HER SEE THE LIGHT????what in the fuck???

    dear god….it is so awful

    the stupid domino v thing towards the end had no point or purpose and was purely there to look cool ….lame lame lame…..

    why on earth that t.v. entertainer guy would do what he did on his show while he is harbouring one of the most wanted people in the country…….it is just terrible terrible storytelling…

    the film is a complete failure on every single level…

    oh and slow motion fighting is used when what you are trying to stage is completely impossible at real speed so you slow it down to make up for the fact that it cannot actually be done…

    and the repetitive flashbacks over and over and over again showing the same shit…..

    the film is fucking awful.

  29. I quite enjoyed it John. Sorry I did not get a question in. If the quality of the questions engage you, continue with it. It is great to be able to put some of the International Friends in context.

    BTW Doug, I hope you enjoyed your night off! You Slacker!! ;)

  30. Enjoyed the Q and A session myself. Anyways, I actually have come to think that Ledger may be able to play a sweet Joker. We already know how Nolan will have the character be. I agree on the whole hit and miss thing with Ledger but this isnt Casanova. Nobody cared if Casanova was good or not. Ledger will hit the Joker just right or he wont be the Joker for long.

  31. I really liked the Q+A, like some people are saying you don’t want the quality of questions to run out. I love the idea and it worked. I think once every two weeks or once a month do a 60min show with the Q+A. I think this is a great time to add things to the AD. Like Mondays you+Darren, then I’m thinking add 3 features to the AD. Like first Wed you do something example the Q+A, then next Wed something like movie reviews or something, then fridays have a guest.

  32. Loved it. You really should do this more often. Maybe not weekly, but hey, if the questions keep on coming then what the hell, make it weekly. Doug Nagy is truly missed, but you are doing a great job keeping the audio edition (that I love so much) fresh and as interesting as before. Keep up.

  33. That was great !

    1. No nagy; more real
    2. I like details (told by a real person) of the whole Hollywood experience, it rocks!
    3. Not related to the AE, but please don’t change the UI of TMB, it is w/o a doubt, the best looking, easiest to navigate site. Of any genre. I really dig it.

  34. It’s funny you say that you got really noticed after the Paramount thing because that’s the only reason I found out who you were. I was looking for the Transformer pics and I couldn’t find them anywhere. But then I stumbled apon it on your site. I couldn’t click on it to enlarge it, but I copied it on to my computer and then I read your letter that you wrote to Paramount and scrolled down your page because I thought your writing was interesting and then I found your video reviews and was like “Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking” everytime I watched one of your reviews. I ended up watching all of them and then I read some of the news, figured out how your site works and listened to some podcasts and now I come here every day to find new news.

    Keep it up, dog. You gotta be good to keep a brotha comin back to read your stuff. hehe

  35. Wow John, you REALLY kept it real. Not that it fuckin matters, but I have gained repect for you not only as a critic but as a man. That Oliver Stone shit was deep, bro.

    I have a vivid wish that you and Kevin Smith are doing an AE together, I don’t know why.

    I’ll be a fan of your insight for a long time.

    PS Your top 10 list was dead on!

  36. Agree with Brian here, the quality of the questions could go down if the Q&A edition goes on every week. It’s certainly worth a try for a while though..just to see how it goes. Keep you the great work.

  37. The fact that you said that there is a risk that you could lose your integrity on your reviews shows that you do have GREAT integrity. To say that it is a possibility shows you are honest.

    By the way, if you are just as honest and have just as much integrity on your reviews, you will probably gain more listeners and Movie Blog goers and then you will have such a big “fan base” that the studios will have no choice, but to continue inviting you to screenings and interviews and what not.

  38. Just listened the podcast, and i LOVED IT! I didn’t miss doug that much, i think you did great answering the questions, please do it every week!

    question for john; do you think paramount would let you take some pictures from the transformers set?

  39. Great job John, i thought it turned out great. You should make this a regular fixture for the Wednesday AE. I’d look forward to it.


  40. Was this a good idea? Yes.
    Was the podcast entertaining? Yes.
    Should this format be a regular wednesday podcast? No.

    Even though I don’t know exactly how many questions you received for this AE, I believe the amount of quality questions could drop too fast for this to be a weekly event. The interrest might even drop after a while so that you only sit around answering lame questions. But I don’t, however, think this format should be dropped.
    Have a Q&A podcast every two weeks, or even once every month, and make it a bit longer (60 minutes). That way, the quality questions wont run out as fast, the interrest will be kept since it’s a much infrequent event, and the entertainment value will go up.
    Don’t think I’m your average sourpuss from the negative start of this comment, because I love listening to the podcast and reading the website. Heck, I only found the site three or four months ago and are already checking it several times a day for updates :D

  41. Dam John i really love your creates charm. People dont read/listen to your review of the film because they want to what the film is like. They want to know what ‘you’ think it is like. Its like you don’t sell the site, you sell yourself. Considure the deal done!

  42. I think it turned out all right John. I think you may have a keeper for Wednesday’s. I say keep it up, gives the fans of TMB a chance to offer up some engaging banter.

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