Synopsis: A modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, set against the backdrop of gang violence in Chicago. (Imdb) [springboard type=”video” id=”1587963″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Spike Lee is taking on the Chicago violence, ...
Synopsis: Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier. [springboard type=”video” id=”873245″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Ryan’s Take ...
I love everything I’ve seen thus far from The Winter Soldier. It’s odd to say that because I haven’t seen very much from the film at all, but I’m so excited that the character is making his debut in ...
As is the case with Super Bowl time the movie studios have released a torrent of promotional clips to promote films that are going to be hitting theaters throughout the remainder of the year. One trailer that has quickly caught ...
The Fighting Avenger returns to action in Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” April 4, and now you can get your first look at Cap, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Black Widow and more from the film with the new ...
This teaser couldn’t come a moment too soon. I’m still recovering celebrating my 30th birthday and a good way to get through hump day is to see some footage from that Winter Soldier film I’ve been rooting for. ...
So, Spike Lee’s Oldboy is a film we have been anticipating for a while – and it is due for release this November! A remake of Chan-wook Park’s 2003 Korean film, it looks like it will be pretty damn good ...
I’m marking this as a rumor because it seems that there’s a lot of drawn conclusions without any concrete declarations, but there’s some sort of interview with The Wall Street Journal featuring Samuel L. Jackson in which he comments ...
Remember that picture above? When many saw that photo they immediately thought the Robocop reboot was doomed. After seeing the trailer below, we get a chance to see this new Robocop’s origin and how the suit is created. Take a ...
I may not even call this a Captain America movie anymore but that’s neither here nor there. Some footage has been floating around for the past week or so from the film and its super brief. I’m pretty sure ...
This trailer is intense. It’s an invitation into what looks like is going to be a pretty great movie from Spike Lee. I’m excited already. Josh Brolin looks fierce in this remake of the 2003 South Korean thriller ...
Gonna make this one quick. The San Diego Comic Con is almost upon us and in the next week I fully expect for the internet to explode with media and materials for anything even loosely recognizing a comic book ...