Search Results for : 8 mile

Superman – Saving Families Since 1938

We currently live in a fragile time for new and small businesses. With the recession affecting multiple families, I’ve gotten used to seeing depressing closure signs on store windows thanking customers and the community for the support given despite having to close anyways. So when you hear about an inspiring … [Read More]

15 Songs made popular by films

  The film industry and music industry tend to mesh at times being in the entertainment business. While they are both independent entities, their collaboration is sometimes needed in order to increase marketing exposure and appeal to a certain demographic. Working together, film and music have both done their parts … [Read More]

Trailer: Magic Mike

Okay ladies…start salivating! The new trailer for the movie Magic Mike starring Channing Tatum has finally surfaced and despite being filled with more shirtless men than an Abercrombie catalog, it actually looks like an interesting film. Unfortunately Apple Trailers does not provide embed code or a universal format so we’ve … [Read More]