Miss Congeniality 2 Sucks

Did you read the title to this post? Yeah… well theres not much more I have to offer here. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous was the worst film I’ve seen in 2005 so far. The real disappointing thing is that I actually really liked the first Miss Congeniality… and … [Read More]

Sin City Primer

Ok, so you know that Sin City is opening on Friday and it’s got more big names in it than a Will and Grace episode. You know the trailer looks kick ass and you know that a lot of it looks like it’s in black and white. But after that … [Read More]

Dallas screenplay written

I still find it hard to understand why this movie is being made and how it got any backing, financially or credibility wise. Still, it is being made, and you could put the first down to money, and the second down to…well…money. Dallas the screenplay is well on its way … [Read More]