I’ve always been a sucker for “epic” kind of movies. I’m also known for having a soft spot for fantasy films of almost any kind. It’s a rare occasion when you get the two together, so when I heard about ...
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One thing you’ve got to say about the Japnese (and the Koreans, for that matter): They love their films and they’re not afraid to drop top dollar for ridiculously extravagent box sets loaded up with very, very cool extras. Enter ...
I just don’t get why Miramax honchos aren’t singing the praises of Zhang Yimou‘s Hero from the roof tops, but once again rather than actually releasing the film they’ve delayed it. This time they’re saying summer 2004, which most people ...
Like Rodney, I loved ‘The Whole 9 Yards’. Unlike Rodney, I’m very pleased that they’ve made another one. It was originally supposed to be released last October and I haven’t really heard why it was delayed for so long, but ...
Ok, many people know that I am one of the few individuals who really enjoyed DareDevil. Now the Spin off “Elektra” is set to begin filming in Vancouver on May third. I’m shocked. I haven’t heard much about the movie ...
Ok, we’ve got the basics put together. It’ll be another couple of days until the site looks right, but at least for now the content and comments are back up and running! Keep coming back to check our progress. Oh, ...
Some sad news for TV. Some good news for films: “Angel,” staring DAVID BOREANAZ as a vigilante vampire, has been axed. This season, the show’s fifth, will be the last for the WB series. “Angel” got its start in 1999 ...
A while ago John posted an article about Julia Ormond and how she disappeared off the radar. This very talented and attractive actress seemed destined for superstardom and she just vanished. Well the new film Iron Jawed Angels stars Julia ...
Batman may become British with a more “suave” fare rather than the flashy, kiddy flare we’ve been getting. At first glance I thought this might be silly, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. and ...
Nothing is definite yet, but it’s being widely reported that Martin Scorsese is lobbying to direct the North American remake of Hong Kong blockbuster Infernal Affairs. The original was a masterpiece of crime film starring Tony Leung as a deep ...
I’m looking forward to seeing this one. The other Blade movies were just good old fashioned “guy” brainless action flicks. This one should be no different. It will be interesting to see how Triple H does as and “actor”. The ...
I used to be a big Adam Sandler fan… but after a while all his films (exactly the same) started getting tired. Then along came Punch Drunk Love, a brilliant piece that I was sure would propel Sandler to a ...