At this point, it looks like EVERYTHING is going right for the new Batman film. The cast is already fantastic: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Katie Holmes, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson (one of my favorite actors in the world) ...
Engage in lively discussions about the latest movie releases, upcoming films, and Hollywood news.
blade snipes
Right now, the ranks of The Movie Blog consist of 4 or 5 guys (depending on the day). What I’d really like to have is AT LEAST one woman join us to give a female perspective on the latest movies ...
Ok, this is a total shock. At the Screen Actors Guild awards last night, Johnny Depp beat out Sean Penn to take the Best Actor award. I’m not saying this is undeserved, but I’m stunned. I can’t believe the Guild ...
You've Got Mail
Wow, I was looking up some information on the new movie Alexander that opens in November. I knew that Colin Farrel was in it, but I has NO IDEA the rest of the cast was so strong. Look at this ...
At first I was really excited to hear that a DC comic character was coming to the big screen again. I got more excited when I found out Halle Berry was playing Catwoman. But the more I hear about this ...
I’ve always been a sucker for “epic” kind of movies. I’m also known for having a soft spot for fantasy films of almost any kind. It’s a rare occasion when you get the two together, so when I heard about ...
One thing you’ve got to say about the Japnese (and the Koreans, for that matter): They love their films and they’re not afraid to drop top dollar for ridiculously extravagent box sets loaded up with very, very cool extras. Enter ...
I just don’t get why Miramax honchos aren’t singing the praises of Zhang Yimou‘s Hero from the roof tops, but once again rather than actually releasing the film they’ve delayed it. This time they’re saying summer 2004, which most people ...