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Dragon Con - Charlie Cox

Dragon Con: Charlie Cox Talks Training For Daredevil And More ( Videos )

Dragon Con 2016 is now well under wraps, and some of the best parts for the convention goers, was when they got to see their favorite movie and television stars up close.

Not only did they get a chance to see some of their favorite Hollywood stars, but they also got to ask them any questions their fandom desired.

Daredevil is one of Marvel’s top television series and Charlie Cox ( the star of Daredevil himself )  got to speak first hand, with fans, discussing everything from training for a superhero, to the challenges of accents.

Daredevil is a character who is not only a martial artist, but also a blind man who is able to kick your ass, yet kind of see and be a lawyer at the same time.

As complicated as that sounds, it is, especially for an actor who needs to intertwine these traits and abilities while filming one of Netflix’s most watched shows.

With all that in mind, fans couldn’t wait to see what Charlie Cox went through for his Daredevil training as , acting as such a unique character with odd types of super-powers , isn’t your typical acting job.

Watch Charlie Cox Talk Training For Daredevil and More at Dragon Con 2016:

While Daredevil is most well known for his superhero traits ( mentioned above ) Charlie Cox also got to discuss the challenge of accents and changing the way you speak to people when taking on specific roles.

The British actor plays an American as Matt Murdock, so he discusses how accents are more than just the way you talk, but also how you speak to people.

The Daredevil star laughed as he said, his girlfriend doesn’t like living with Matt Murdock, due to his characters blunt persona .

Charlie Cox also discusses how Matt Murdock changing into Daredevil is like someone with alcoholic tendencies.

See exactly what he means by that , from watching the video below:

Who knew all of that went into the maintaining of accents and character? Dragon Con 2016 was full of fun, fan exclusive content, that I loved to be a part of and hope you get to enjoy next year.

For more movie fun stuff, visit me at CrazyForFilm.com ,
and check out my Youtube Channel for even more Dragon Con content .
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