
International Trailer: “G.I. Joe: Retaliation”

Man alive, I almost forgot about this movie. Since this was the summer that Bruce Willis appeared in just about every movie I almost didn’t notice the lack of additional Bruce Willis in G.I. Joe: Retaliation when the film got delayed from June 2012 to 2013 for 3-D conversion purposes. Well I guess this film is still happening and we’ll see the Rock and C-Tates take on the forces of C.O.B.R.A. soon enough. Check out this new international trailer that premiered to help remind us all that this film still exists:



That certainly had a tone of action that I didn’t foresee, and was actually ripe with new footage. I liked what I saw and I did notice an additional helping of C-Tates in this trailer that may not be all that horrible. I liked the tone and I like that they actually provided us with more insight on the actual story that they’re planning to tell. I kinda knew what the story was about before but know I have a much clearer picture with a lot less ambiguity. I’m really liking what I’m seeing!
Now what’s that release date again?
Via: io9

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