John Ratzenberger has never auditioned for a Pixar role

John Ratzenberger is a familiar face and familiar voice to many of us here around TMB. He’s a consistent participant in ever Pixar film that’s been released, including the upcoming Brave in which he portrays a castle guard, but did you know that he’s never had to audition for a single role? A recent interview was released in which he revealed this little known fact. Tell me about your role in Pixar’s new animated film, Brave. John Ratzenberger: Well, I play one of the castle guards in the movie. TCC: Since you have been in every Pixar film, has it come to a point where you don’t even have to audition, but rather you’re just given a character role? JR: I’ve never been asked to audition. TCC: Really? Never? JR: Correct. TCC: Ok then, well, almost all the Pixar movies you’ve been in have done exceptionally well in the box office, what do you think about some calling you ‘Pixar’s Good Luck Charm’? JR: The reason why the films have done so well in the box office is because Pixar takes a lot of time and care in writing and crafting the story. It’s nice to be considered a ‘good luck charm’, but the real luck comes from Pixar’s hard work. TCC: Any favorite Pixar film you enjoyed working on? JR: Yeah, it would have to be Toy Story. But working on all the Pixar films have been fun.

I can certainly understand that Toy Story was his favorite being that it was Pixar’s first full length theatrical releases but even with that I thought he would have had to submit to an audition. What’s further interesting is the fact that it implies that Pixar sought him out rather than the other way around. He may not think that he should be considered him their ‘good luck charm’ but the lack of auditioning and consistent use of him in their films may dictate otherwise.

Source: The Celebrity Cafe

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