Sorry kids, Halloween is cancelled this year

All is not well at the Michael Myers camp for slashing and disemboweling. Last year there was an announcement that a Halloween film would be released on October 26th, 2012 and judging by the lack of any production whatsoever it appears that there is a change of plans in the pipes.

Source: Empire News

Proof, if proof were needed, that all is not well at the Halloween camp has now come through, with that release date being officially pulled. Halloween is cancelled this year, kids.

The slasher franchise is currently in a state of some disarray, following the two Rob Zombie films that, shall we say, divided audiences.*

There was a Halloween 3D underway to some extent in 2009, with a screenplay by the My Bloody Valentine / Drive Angry team of Patrick Lussier and Todd Farmer, but that no longer seems to be the film that’s in the works. Shock report that Dimension are “still fielding pitches” for the stabby further adventures of Michael Myers.

This is somewhat disappointing as most of us look forward to seeing unbelievably good looking and well proportioned teenagers chased around by hulking behemoths with dangerously rusty and sharp blades. It’s the stuff dreams are made of. I guess people really really didn’t like Rob Zombie’s interpretation of the character and at this point they’re fielding suggestions for the next direction for Mr. Myers… Somewhat disappointing but also exciting to find out who will be the next to steer the direction of the franchise.

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