Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, and Sam Worthington join “Thunder Run”

That’s a lot of big name talent to start off casting news for Simon West’s, (Con-Air), upcoming 3D movie, and get some “radar” notice from fans. It’ll be 3D and use motion capture technology to record the performances of the stars and… well, how about I let you get it from the source.

Source: The Film Stage

…David Zucchino‘s non-fiction book Thunder Run – The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad. It will indeed star those three men, be directed by West, be in 3D, and be produced using motion-capture technology…
…Freedom Films and Graphic Film Company are producing; the latter is also doing effects work that takes an influence from films that include the Worthington-starring Avatar. Brian Presley, he of Freedom, said that the five-years-in-development project is the “first ever conventional war film made to utilize this revolutionary facial and motion capture technology and state of the art CG and 3D.”…
…plot-wise, this will “recreate the three-day capture of Baghdad by American forces that jump-started the Iraq War in 2003.” (Robert Port and Black Hawk Down scribe Ken Nolan have written the screenplay.)…
Thunder Run is the untold story of the dangerous and bloody capture of Baghdad by American Forces at the onset of the Iraq War. In April 2003, three battalions and fewer than a thousand men launched a violent thrust of tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles into the heart of a city of five million, igniting a three-day blitzkrieg, which military professionals often refer to as a lightning strike, or “thunder run.” In telling the story of the surprise assault on Baghdad- one of the most decisive battles in recent American combat history—this movie paints the harrowing picture of the soldiers on the front lines and the realities of modern warfare.

I have trouble just digesting all of that. It’s a highly interesting premise and approach to a movie that probably seems better suited for a person like Jim Cameron but Simon West is all for giving it a shot and managed to get ahold of Sam Worthington to help along the way. It’s a very ambitious project to announce and I’m curious as to what all this will even cost to make so I can get a clearer idea of what they plan to invest in the effects. I’m definitely eager to find out more news about this project, and will keep a keen eye for names of all those involved moving forward. Am I the only one who thinks this movie just sounds insane!?.

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