Green Lantern Girl Commericial

I love a geeky girl just as much as the next geek, and this video (which is actually a commercial for a jeweller that makes engagement rings) is just a lot of fun.

I don’t know what is more clever. The attractive girl geeking out over a comic book property (while the counter guys are stunned into silence and awe) or the name of the website it promotes – “Gottalockthatdown”. Their other videos are not nearly as clever as this one, but that might be a little bias from the geek in me.

Still, every geek has had one of these rare moments when a hot girl proves to be genuinely a closet geek and you get weak in the knees for a moment. (And yes, I did score one of those geeky girls who denies being geeky – she curses in Huttese and says Frack and Frell, knows why there can only be one, but still flubbs on C-3PO’s name – and I locked that down)


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8 thoughts on “Green Lantern Girl Commericial

  1. I am a huge geek (LIKE HUGE) but I prefer not to have geeky counterparts, I need my escape time to be solo. I’ve tried being with geeky girls similar to me and if I get out geeked i get offended. Either way Great Fn Commercial.

    1. Cool post Rod.

      As for me I locked down a Colombiana and made her sprout out a Lil’ future comic geek.(like me) :) it’s all good.

      (she has no Idea how deep her husband’s sick twisted geekdom goes)

  2. Good for you for finding your geek girl man. As for me and many others……..the search continues. Not until I find the one worthy of my last name will I rest. Nothing beats a hot gamer chick or fangirl.

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