Taken 2 found a director

Taken was a really fun movie starring Liam Neeson dropping all types of quotables and ass-whoopings that it’s really no surprise that a sequel is being made. The movie made big bucks all around the world with the team that they already assembled, and with the least positive thing about the movie confirmed for a return I thought it would be a no-brainer to bring back director Pierre Morel. Today I found out I was wrong.

Source: AICN

The Luc Besson-produced thriller did huge bank here in the States, and according to Variety we’ll be seeing more adventures with Bryan Mills, with Twentieth Century Fox handling domestic distribution. Besson also announced the director of the project, Olivier Megaton (TRANSPORTER 3, COLUMBIANA). No word on plot, but I’d imagine Neeson will glower and punch someone in it.

I wonder why the reigns were handled elsewhere. He does have a bit of controversy surrounding him due to his suspected Islamophobia but heck if Hollywood can still work with Roman Polanski then I think that it’s unfair to not work with Pierre Morel. I have no way to confirm or dispel any reasoning why he isn’t returning, but I do enjoy some healthy speculation. I have no problem with Olivier taking on the sequel it’s just a little surprising. They better not cut out Famke or I will have a problem.

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