Maggie Grace returns for Taken 2

Maggie Grace is an accomplished actress. She’s accomplished to annoy the hell out of me in the few roles I’ve managed to see her perform. Today we learn that she’s going to be back, alongside Liam Neeson, for Taken 2.

Souce: Deadline

Maggie Grace has wrapped up her deal with Luc Besson’s EuropaCorp to reprise the daughter role alongside Liam Neeson in Taken 2, the film that Transporter 3 helmer Olivier Megaton is poised to direct.

She better not get kidnapped again. IF she does she better get shot. I have mixed feelings about her primarily based on the roles I’ve seen. I haven’t seen enough of her to form a fair opinion but good god she annoyed me to uncontrollable levels in Taken and in Lost. Maybe she’s just that good at playing the annoying princess? I swear to B.o.B. I jumped up and did a little dance when she was killed off of Lost. I rewound and looped that for at least a good 10 minutes. Whatever her role is in this movie I’m praying that it doesn’t ever elicit that type of reaction out of me as it’s rare for me to just be annoyed by somebody’s on screen presence.

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