Kilowog’s voice actor

Something that probably should have gotten more attention from me is the gumption to find out who would be voicing my 3rd favorite Green Lantern, Kilowog, and thankfully today we learn that I may not have had anything to be concerned about at all as Michael Clarke Duncan is rumored to be in discussions to voice the #1 trainer for the #1 corps.

Source: Latino Review

I’ve been on the hunt for this story for a hot minute and I got from it two sources tonight, that although at press time not a done deal but that…

Michael Clarke Duncan is in talks to voice KILOWOG, a towering member of the Green Lantern Corps who is the primary trainer of the Corps’ newest recruits.

I like this news a lot. MCD’s deep intimidating voice alone is enough to get most grown men to drop a tinkle in their pants and enlisting him to be the chief trainer for new recruits in the corps sounds absolutely perfect in my book so I hope this one works out.

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