Pixar is just packed full of goodness, and is part of your complete breakfast. With every delicious release Pixar lets float down from the heavens, we also get an animated short. Just for fun.
Pixar’s next animated short will be called Day and Night, and we get our first look at the characters and synopsis here:

When Day, a sunny fellow, encounters Night, a stranger of distinctly darker moods, sparks fly! Day and Night are frightened and suspicious of each other at first, and quickly get off on the wrong foot. But as they discover each other’s unique qualities–and come to realize that each of them offers a different window onto the same world–the friendship helps both to gain a new perspective.
It looks like this could actually have a classical 2D feel to it, but I suspect it will be in full glorious computer generated imaging that Pixar is known for.
I wonder if the shorts will start to be in 3D as well?