Indiana Jones Wave 4 Action Figures

I have always been a fan of movie collectibles. They give you momentary reliving of the moment each time you see them on your shelf.

My wife just thinks they are toys so she wont let me buy many. Problem is my KIDS think they are toys. How do you explain to a four year old that THOSE action figures are not toys. Yes, son. I bought it at Toys R Us, but its not a toy.

I know its only vaguely movie related because these particular figures are from Temple of Doom. But shut up, its Johns Blog!

Anyways, ToyNews International has a gallery of some of the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Wave 4 figures, and now you too can have an action figure of Short Round and even Willie Scott

My favourite of the pile however has to be Mola Ram the Temple Cult Leader. Among his accessories is a torn out heart.

Yes. A recently removed heart accessory complete with dangling fleshy parts. You know in your mind you can totally see that scene again!

How awesome is that?

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