Little Miss Sunshine has picked up the top honors from the PGA, that’s right folks the best film award, and this award won by the PGA often tells us who will win the same award for the Oscars. The good folks over at gives us the good news
:Low-budget movie Little Miss Sunshine has beaten Babel, Dreamgirls, The Queen, and The Departed to be named Best Film at the Producers Guild Of America (PGA) awards Saturday night. The film, which stars Toni Collette and Greg Kinnear, is now a favorite to win the Academy Award for Best Picture next month – 11 movies voted for by the PGA in the last 17 years have gone on to win the Oscar
I’m so glad that this movie is getting recognition, I honestly didn’t think many people would notice it. Now that it has won best film at the PGA there is actually a good chance winning best picture at the Oscars. Here’s hoping it does.