Sir Ian McKellan Saddened About a Jackson Free Hobbit.

Sir Ian McKellan is saddened by the announcement that Peter Jackson will not be directing The Hobbit. I am too. But I will get over it.

Yahoo! News

Sir Ian McKellen, who played the wizard Gandalf in the smash hit “Lord of the Rings” movies, said on Wednesday he is sad director Peter Jackson may not make a film based on author J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit.”

“I’m very sad as I should have relished revisiting middle Earth with Peter again as team-leader. It’s hard to imagine any other director matching his achievement in Tolkien country,” McKellen wrote in a posting on his Web site,

Now just like everyone else has said, it would be WONDERFUL to have Jackson do the Hobbit. No arguement there. Even Ian says it.

But one thing to notice is what he DIDNT say. He didnt say he was OUT without Jackson. He sounds like he is still committed to the Hobbit to reprise his role as Gandalf the Gray. He is talking like he is going to do it no matter who is attached to the project, and says something to the tone of “too bad Peter isnt coming with us this time around”

Sir Ian McKellan sang pretty high praises about Singer who directed him as the iconic Magneto in the first two XMen. When Singer was announced to not do X3, Ian didnt have a problem with that either.

If he had put his foot down and said “Fuck it. No Peter? No Ian.” then there might have been an issue with a Jackson Free production. When those close to the project start voicing concerns or staging threats we might have bigger problems, but with this casual comment from McKellan I am inclined to think that its not a big deal.

I personally HOPE that whoever it is that does The Hobbit will do a good job. I dont think it MUST be Jackson, but that would be cool. Im still going to see it anyways.

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7 thoughts on “Sir Ian McKellan Saddened About a Jackson Free Hobbit.

  1. Nord, first off I am not John. I am Rodney.

    Secondly, my observations are my own, and McKellan’s lack of protest over Jackson’s absence only further endorsed that it wasn’t a big deal. Thats all. I’m sure New Line agrees with McKellan’s sentiments despite how things are going to turn out. They did try to negotiate a settlement with Jackson to ensure he would be on board. Obviously they too are saddened that things didn’t work out as they hoped.

    If McKellan had have protested, or even voiced more emotional concerns greater than his “oh well” then I wouldn’t have related him to a no talent one shot pompous prima-donna hack like Tucker. I would have been surprised if McKellan used his clout to attempt a change. He knows his role.

  2. John, you always manage to skew news towards whatever point of view you are pushing on us readers at the time.

    Can you imagine the rant you would go on if Ian said he refused to do the Hobbit without Jackson? It would have been Chris Tucker proportions. The fact that he said anything at all indicates his displeasure with the idea of doing it without him, he goes as far as to imply he finds it hard to believe anyone else can have the success Jackson did with Tolkien. And he says this knowing he will most likely being doing it without him and risks an awkward relationship with whomever does end up doing it.

    What I’m saying is that as far as Hollywood politics goes, that comment says a great deal and should not be viewed as him casually moving on without Jackson. The fact he commented at all should have New Line thinking about what other opinions will be had about this decision if their main star of the movie is making comments like that.


  3. It is a nicely worded piece. He wants to do the role again, he wants to work with Jackson again, he would prefer to The Hobbit with Jackson, if it is not Jackson then McKellan will still be interested in doing the role providing the new players being brought into the mix can prove their mettle to him.

  4. it can read anyway you want it to really though

    you could say that he is saddened because he wanted to play gandalf again but now he won’t be.

    I DON’T BELIEVE THAT IS WHAT HE IS SAYING THOUGH….but i also don’t think it sounds in anyway that he is definitely going to do it regardless.

    it is a very benign statement that doesn’t say much at all other than that he hopes it is jackson…he also said in the same statement that he is an optimist and he hopes that new line, mgm and jackson can sort it all out….

    Again I don’t think he is anyway saying he is out with jackson – I just think way too much is being read into his statement.

    currently there is no director and no script. he isn’t going to slam the door shut on the possibility but he hardly said he is going to do it with whoever they decide upon. it would still have to be an attractive project for him….

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