Edgar Wright is back to Writing Ant-Man

While its not a greenlight announcement or anything overly official, but Edgar Wright has finally found some time to himself and he has said he will fill that time getting back to the Ant-Man script bringing the film one step closer to a possibility.

JoBlo says:

Edgar Wright film as the director confirmed to the LA Times that he’s finally returned to working on the film’s script. Wright says he hasn’t done any work on his original draft (with his ADVENTURES OF TINTIN co-writer Joe Cornish) since he started developing SCOTT PILGRIM back in 2007 but now that his promotional obligations are complete, this week he’s begun writing the script.

This of course means that Ant-Man is not likely to make even a cameo appearance in The Avengers, as that would taint the storyline that Wright intends to work with.

I kind of like that he is developing it as its own stand alone film that could one day integrate into the existing Avengers crowd. The one thing that I didn’t like so much about Iron Man 2 was that it seemed like a prequel to The Avengers instead of a sequel to Iron Man.

But in the grand tradition of superhero comics, eventually everything crosses over. Just nice to see at least the first film stand on its own.

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