Tom Cruise talks Top Gun 2

Tom Cruise is doing his press rounds to promote Mission Impossible as the film opened in most locations yesterday, but somehow not in any IMAX in the NYC area, and while speaking with MTV he was asked about Top Gun 2 and was surprisingly forthright on the subject.

Source: Comingsoon

“I don’t think Chris [McQuarrie] is going to write it. Chris is directing ‘One Shot’ right now, which I’m acting in. We’ve got to go back in January and finish it,” he said.

About reuniting with director Tony Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer for the possible sequel, Cruise said that “Tony and I and Jerry, we never thought that we would do it again. Then they started to come to us with these ideas of where it is now. I thought, ‘Wow, that would be … what we could do now.'”

Cruise added: “If we can find a story that we all want to do, we all want to make a film that is in the same kind of tone as the other one and shoot it in the same way as we shot ‘Top Gun.'”

It sounds like they’re somewhat pacing themselves and I’m grateful for that. Getting everyone involved and in agreement with the project is a great way to even consider making a sequel to a very old film and then determining whether it’s worth the effort. I’m not sure it is, but if they can come up with a meaningful and appreciable way to have us revisit these characters than I’m interested. I’m a bit disappointed that Chris McQuarrie may not have time to write the movie but if they can find a suitable replacement to churn out a good enough script then that’s fine too. Maybe McQuarrie can still be involved in someway.

It seems that they’ll continue to work on this and I’ll be sure to update you guys either way.

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