Look at Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln

Steve Spielberg is hard at work on getting this Lincoln movie together and wants it to be a fairly special movie by pulling out the biggest guns I’ve seen assembled in quite a while to portray the cast and characters of the film. Today we get a look at Day-Lewis as President Lincoln.

He’s not in costume, but Variety’s Jeff Sneider hears that Day-Lewis hasn’t broken his Lincoln accent since March and his real name doesn’t even appear on the call sheet, so it’s pretty safe to assume that he’s already “in character.”

Via: Collider

Daniel Day-Lewis is known as a method actor and goes incredibly hardcore for a role to really nail it, which is why he’s consistently nominated for the Best Actor role in just about every one of his movies. Hasn’t dropped the Lincoln accent since March? Man, we may have to change our top actor list here on TMB and knock Russell Crowe out of his spot…

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